How to make a rondat in gymnastics

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 25 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to do a  Rondoff / Rondat
Video: How to do a Rondoff / Rondat


Rondat is one of the main elements of acrobatic tracks, which requires enough motivation and energy for its performance. If you do gymnastics and know how to do the wheel, then you have an advantage. If not, you might want to see how to do the wheel first. This element is easy to do at home, but if you want to learn more, you can start doing gymnastics.


  1. 1 Start your run on the leg with which you are comfortable.
  2. 2 Jump as if you were doing a wheel. The jump should be forward, not up.
  3. 3 Stretch out before lowering your arms to the ground. This will improve your roundup and make it more powerful.
  4. 4 Start with your lead foot, then push off with your back foot. The arms should follow one another, and the palms should be in the form of the letter "T". During the handstand, both feet must cross the vertical.
  5. 5 Both feet should land at the same time, feet pointing forward. You must land with your back to the original direction of travel.
  6. 6 Push off with your shoulders to create high-speed momentum.
  7. 7 Bring your legs together as soon as possible, but don't bump your heels together. In addition, points are deducted for hitting each other with heels during competition.
  8. 8 Try to get your feet to land on the ground before your arms come off the ground.
  9. 9 Control the landing. Don't push it too hard, but you must absorb the impact so you don't injure your knees (and don't push your knees out too much). Knees should be slightly bent, arms extended up near the ears, chest raised, buttocks pulled in.
  10. 10 After landing, try not to take unnecessary steps. If you can't stand in place, take a small jump, not a step. And keep exercising.


  • Take a run and start the element as if you were doing a wheel, but during handstand bring your legs together.
  • Believe in yourself! You can do it!
  • In a handstand, push off the ground with your shoulders, not your elbows.
  • During the run, do not slow down when moving to the jump and rondat.
  • Hands should not be on the ground during landing.
  • Both feet must land at the same time.
  • Stretch well before performing the element to reduce the risk of injury.
  • Spring with your arms and rotate your body in flight to land flat.
  • In an upright position, the feet should touch each other.
  • Training is the foundation of mastery.
  • Try to stretch your socks.
  • Believe in yourself! And keep exercising.
  • The takeoff run is very important.
  • You should look like you are in a handstand.
  • Start slowly. Procedure: wheel, fold legs, landing. Count to yourself: "Up, together, down."
  • While jumping in front of the rondat, turn your arms slightly instead of stretching them out in front of you. This will prevent you from standing in a handstand.
  • If your legs are not connected, the likelihood of injury increases.
  • First, learn how to make the wheel and not fall as you land.
  • When your hands touch the ground, you should kind of hit it. Use all your strength.
  • Try not to end up in the hospital.
  • Try not to train in noisy places so as not to lose concentration and fall. Be careful and attentive!


  • Lack of qualified assistance or the wrong training site can lead to serious injuries, including spinal fractures.
  • Bend your knees slightly upon landing to reduce the shock load.
  • Stretch well, but don't overdo it to avoid joint and ligament pain.
  • Hard surfaces increase the risk. If you are a beginner, train on more or less soft surfaces.
  • Don't put too much weight on your wrists to avoid sprains and fractures.