How to prepare a seminar

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 14 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
HOW I PREPARE FOR SEMINARS // Oxford PostGrad In History
Video: HOW I PREPARE FOR SEMINARS // Oxford PostGrad In History


A seminar is an informative or practical activity aimed at acquiring specific skills or deepening knowledge in a specific topic.These workshops are usually moderated by educators, subject matter experts, executives, or other leaders with specific knowledge or skills. Depending on the topic, workshops can last from an hour to two or last for several weeks. Presenters can increase the effectiveness of their presentation by carefully planning, organizing, and honing presentation techniques. Here are instructions for preparing for the workshop.


Part 1 of 3: Plan a workshop

  1. 1 Define the purpose of the workshop. Your goal may be to teach your audience certain skills, such as how to create and save documents in word processing applications. Or, your goal may be to provide general information on a specific topic, such as painting or writing. Regardless of the general focus of the workshop, you first need to define its purpose.
  2. 2 Find out the needs of the participants. When, for example, you are training a certain skill, understanding the desires of the participants regarding the final level of comprehension of the material and the speed of learning will help you to choose the right components of the session. The better the workshop is tailored to your audience, the more successful the learning process will be.
  3. 3 Develop a structure for your presentation.
    • Introduction. You will need to make a short overview of the topic of the workshop, introduce yourself and other participants.
    • Write a list of the skills and / or topics that will be discussed in your presentation. Include subtopics in this list as needed.
    • Decide in which order you will present the selected topics. The most important skills and information are best presented at the beginning of the workshop. Depending on the subject of discussion, significant results can be achieved by using the principle from "simple to complex", starting with easy and obvious questions, gradually moving to more complex and complex problems.
    • Establish basic rules of conduct. The rules or guidelines should be announced at the very beginning of the workshop. For example, only one person can speak at a time, you need to raise your hand to speak, cell phones and other distracting devices must be turned off.
    • Decide how you will summarize the workshop. The ending can be a quick overview of what has been learned, you can announce the next level in a series of workshops, and / or ask participants to fill out a feedback form.
  4. 4 Define a time frame for each item in the plan. For particularly difficult topics, allow sufficient time in case participants have additional questions or difficulty understanding this part of the workshop. It is also important to keep in mind small breaks when scheduling so that participants can go to the bathroom or just stretch their legs.
  5. 5 Once you've made a plan, practice your presentation. Rehearsals are an important part of the preparation process. Present the report to colleagues, friends or family in advance and ask them for their opinion on the clarity and effectiveness of the data presented.

Part 2 of 3: Develop Supporting Materials

  1. 1 Prepare handouts for participants. Submit your presentation in the form of a lesson plan and / or print out important information or graphs.
  2. 2 Use visual aids. Visual tools, films, images, and other elements can be very helpful in expressing certain concepts or skills. Choose visual tools that complement your presentation and don't detract from your main message or purpose.
  3. 3 Use web resources if applicable in your situation. Freely available tutorials such as Moodle and Blackboard facilitate online and non-workshop discussions. Also, web-based tools like these are a great way to complete online assignments and submit homework.You can find more detailed information about services for corporate training here:

Part 3 of 3: Encourage your audience to participate actively

  1. 1 Set up a space for discussion. Arrange the chairs in a semicircle or horseshoe shape to facilitate interaction; Place the ground rules on a board or wall so that everyone can see them. Be sure to attach a blank piece of paper or writing board to the board or wall so that you can jot down ideas and comments from the participants during the brainstorming session.
  2. 2 Introduce interactive activities into your practice. Certain activities and games increase the involvement in the process. Various activities can be used in both small and large groups.
  3. 3 Set aside time for questions and answers. Depending on the established rules, provide participants with the opportunity to ask questions during the workshop or at a designated time.


  • Arrive early to get ready, this is especially important if you are using electronic equipment or other equipment that requires setup and testing. At this stage, you can also make sure that everything is completely ready for an exciting and productive activity.
  • Develop a contingency plan. Consider all circumstances that may arise. For example, low turnout of participants, malfunctioning equipment or inaccurate calculations of the time required to complete certain tasks. Be prepared for such unforeseen situations, for example, grab another laptop or prepare additional tasks for active participants.