How to make a lotus flower pond

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 13 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Digging new LOTUS POND!
Video: Digging new LOTUS POND!


Lotus is a great pond plant that thrives in temperate, warm climates and does not require over-grooming. It should be understood that a large enough pond is needed for a lotus, as it grows to a considerable size. The flower can be planted directly in the bottom of the pond or in a special container.


Method 1 of 3: Dig a pond

  1. 1 You will need a large pond in the sunny part of the garden. Lotus grows best in a large open pond in a sunny area of ​​your garden.
    • The flowers grow quite large and wide: the leaves reach 60 cm, unless you have a dwarf lotus. Although they are also quite high.
    • If you are growing a common variety, then the pond should be at least 1.2 meters wide and 45 cm deep so that the flower has enough room to grow.
    • To make digging easy, wait until winter ends.
  2. 2 Select the bottom cover material. Use rigid polyethylene liner or flexible material that can be cut to size. Dig a reservoir under the pond and cover the bottom.
    • When using a lining fabric, 30 cm of material should extend over the edges of the tank.
    • The protruding parts of the material along the edges of the pond should be covered with earth, stones, gravel or flagstone. This will not only hide the fabric, but also press down on it.
  3. 3 Add a mixture of compost and fertilizer to the bottom of the pond. Now place a layer of compost / topsoil and rotted fertilizer on the bottom to a depth of 22 cm. Top it up with 3-5 cm of sand and / or gravel.
    • It will also be beautiful to lay out the edges of the pond with large river stones. Just be careful not to rip or stretch the fabric.
  4. 4 Fill the pond with rainwater. If you only have tap water, let it sit for a few days to reduce the chemical content (this is especially important if you have fish in your pond).
    • Do not pressurize the pond to avoid disturbing the layers of sand, gravel, and soil, or contaminating the water.
    • Before planting the lotus at the bottom of the pond, you must wait until the water temperature rises above +20 degrees Celsius.
  5. 5 Plant the lotus rhizome when the water is at the correct temperature. When ready to plant, place the lotus root on the bottom layer of sand and press down with a little gravel.
    • Also, in a larger pond, you can plant the root in a large tub so that the flower does not grow outside the pot.
  6. 6 Take care of the flower. Lotus loves to fertilize abundantly during the summer months. You can buy special tablets for fertilizing pond water.
    • Start fertilizing half a serving in June, then use the entire serving for the rest of the summer. In mid-autumn, around October, the flower enters a dormant state. When the leaves turn brown and wither or fall off, you can clean the pond.
    • Lotus is a fairly frost-resistant plant, but if you live in a cold area, then the flower planted in a tub should be placed in deeper water, the probability of which is less likely to freeze.
  7. 7 The water in the pond must not stagnate. Mosquitoes breed in stagnant water. Chemicals can be used or a fountain can be installed to keep the hearth constantly moving and not suitable for insects.

Method 2 of 3: Planting a lotus in a container

  1. 1 Plant the flower in a container so it doesn't grow too much. It is not necessary to plant the root of the flower at the bottom of the pond; it can also be planted in a tub that is placed in the pond.
    • If you have fish in your pond, it is better to plant the lotus in a container.
    • A half of a barrel or a large tub is also suitable for this.
  2. 2 Choose a suitable container. It is important that it is round so that the corners are not clogged as the flower grows. Do not use containers with drainage holes; water must flow through the top, not the bottom.
    • Also, do not use mesh basket pots, which are usually planted with aquatic plants. The fragile lotus growth points can become stuck in the cells or corners and become damaged.
    • The black color absorbs heat well, so for the lotus it is best to use a round black plastic tub with a diameter of 75 cm and a depth of 15 cm (no drainage holes).
  3. 3 There should be at least 5-8 cm of water above the surface of the container. Plant lotus roots in this container and place it in the pond so that the soil in the container starts at a depth of 5-8 cm under water.

Method 3 of 3: Planting a lotus in a fish pond

  1. 1 Make sure the depth is shallow enough for the lotus. A lotus needs a shallow pond, so if you have a deep pond with fish, then for a flower you need to make a shallow edge of the pond or plant it in a container and raise it under water on blocks.
  2. 2 Protect the lotus roots to prevent them from being eaten by fish. Large fish (for example, ornamental carp) will eat the lotus. Make sure the planting bed is crushed by sand and gravel to prevent fish from reaching the tubers.
  3. 3 The lotus should not clog the fish pond. Fish need clean, fresh and oxygenated water, as well as food (usually on the surface), hiding places, and enough space to grow and swim.
    • Unfortunately, lotus can quickly clog the pond, so if you have fish, you will need to install a filter or fountain to keep the water fresh. Ask your nearest aquarium store for advice.
    • The lotus does not like moving water, so grow it in a separate part of the pond.
  4. 4 There should be enough space for the fish. Fish should fit in the pond without any problems - don't believe the tales that fish grow as far as the pond allows. This is wrong!
    • Pisces will clearly be uncomfortable living in a small space with a fountain spouting over their heads and a lotus cluttering the pond.
    • It is necessary to place the lotus in one part of the pond, and take the remaining space for the fish.


  • Every year in the United States, about 5 children drown in garden ponds. Always keep an eye on children near the water: do not forget that you can drown in a teaspoon. Fences can be installed around the pond, and you can also make sure that you can get out of the pond without any problems if you fall into it. Water bodies with steep slopes are especially dangerous.