How to make home pore strips

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 28 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
DIY Pore Strips: Get Rid of Blackheads/Whiteheads | EASY
Video: DIY Pore Strips: Get Rid of Blackheads/Whiteheads | EASY


Tired of leaving a ton of money in the store buying expensive pore cleansing strips? As an effective way to combat blackheads, unfortunately, this product is intended for one-time use and is quite expensive to buy with regular use. On the other hand, you can easily make your own pore cleansing strips. And it will come out several times cheaper than store counterparts.


Method 1 of 3: Milk & Gelatin Pore Cleansing Strips

  1. 1 Wash your face with warm water. Always wash your face before applying the strip. This will remove dirt and grease from your skin. In addition, warm water will open up your pores, making the cleansing strips more effective.
    • It's very important that you don't have any makeup on your face when you use the cleansing strips.
  2. 2 Place a spoonful of milk and gelatin in a container. Both milk and gelatin should be used in equal proportions. About 1 tablespoon of each of the ingredients is sufficient, however, you may decide you need less.
    • Any type of milk will work: whole milk, skim milk, almond milk, or soy milk.
    • Gelatin should be free of impurities. Make sure that no excess substances get into the pores.
    • Sometimes it is recommended to add a drop of essential oil with lavender extract to the mixture.
  3. 3 Mix thoroughly. Use a cutlery or brush that comes in handy later to stir the milk and gelatin. As a result, you should get a thick, cloudy mixture with lumps.
  4. 4 Heat the mixture. It should be warm, but not hot. You can heat it both in the microwave and on the stove. Use special utensils for the microwave.
    • It is enough to heat the mixture for 10 seconds in the microwave.
    • If using a stove, pour the mixture into a small ladle. Heat while stirring slowly. This method will allow you to better control the temperature. Stop when the mixture is warm, but not hot.
  5. 5 Cool slightly. If you've used a microwave oven, remove the container. Leave it on for 20 seconds. The mixture should become even more cloudy.
  6. 6 Check the temperature. Use a paintbrush to check the temperature on your hand. The mixture should be warm, but not hot. Apply a small amount to a brush and check how it feels on your hand.
  7. 7 Apply the mixture to your face. Use your fingers or a makeup brush to spread the mixture over your face. Pay special attention to problem areas.
    • If you have a makeup brush, clean it thoroughly before using it again.
  8. 8 Wait for the mixture to harden. As it cools, it will begin to harden and turn into a mask. This can take 10 to 20 minutes. The longer you wait, the deeper the mixture will penetrate into the pores, which means it will be easier for you to draw the dirt out of them. Therefore, it is better to hold the mixture on your face longer.
  9. 9 Peel off the mixture. Starting from the inside, tear the congealed mixture away from your face. Do not hurry. If you try to rip off the entire mask at once, you may hurt yourself.
  10. 10 Wash your face and apply moisturizer. After removing the strip, rinse your face with cold water to rinse any remaining pieces of the mixture off your face. Cold water will close your pores. Then apply a moisturizer to your skin.

Method 2 of 3: Egg White Pore Cleansing Strips

  1. 1 Wash your face with warm water. Always wash your face before applying the cleansing strip. This will remove dirt and grease from your skin. In addition, warm water will open up your pores.
    • It is very important that there is no makeup on your face when you use the cleansing strips.
    • When the pores open after contact with warm water, it will be easier for the cleansing strips to grab the dirt inside the pores and pull it out. It also prevents new blackheads from forming.
  2. 2 Buy egg white. For this type of cleansing strip, you will need an egg white that can be difficult to separate from the yolk. Don't bother yourself - buy an already separated protein.
    • Alternatively, you can use a yolk / protein separator. Crack the egg and let it drain through the separator. The yolk will linger, and the protein will drain down. Do not forget to substitute some container.
    • You can also break the egg into a bowl. Gently remove the yolk with your hands and place in a separate container.
  3. 3 Blot paper in egg white. Place the egg white in a small bowl and dip a large piece of double-layer toilet paper or paper towel into it.It is very important that the paper is completely saturated with protein.
    • Alternatively, use a makeup brush to spread the egg white over your face, then stick paper to it, and then apply another layer of egg white on top of it.
  4. 4 Stick the paper dipped in egg white onto your face. A large piece of paper can be spread over the entire face or over most of it. This way you can get rid of a lot of blackheads at the same time. Pay special attention to problem areas where black dots appear most often.
  5. 5 Leave the paper to stick to your face. The paper should harden and adhere to the skin. This usually takes 10-20 minutes.
    • There is no need to tear the paper into thin strips as in the purchased version. You can use one large paper towel to cover most of your face. This will speed up and facilitate the process.
  6. 6 Tear the paper off your face. After about 10-20 minutes, slowly peel the paper away from your face. Start by hooking the tip. Do not jerk too hard to avoid pain.
  7. 7 Rinse your face with cold water and apply moisturizer. After removing the strip, wash with cold water. If you don't do this, small pieces of paper can get stuck in the pores. At the end of the procedure, apply a moisturizer to your face.
    • After using the cleansing strips, wash with cold water. It will tighten your pores.

Method 3 of 3: Create a Mode

  1. 1 Experiment with different methods. Before you settle on one of the cleansing strip options, try everything to see what works best for you. If you are having difficulty with a particular type of strip, try an alternative use or application.
    • For example, for some people, a paper towel combined with egg white works much more effectively than toilet paper.
    • To see how well the cleaning strip has worked, inspect it after you remove it. Pieces of dirt and dust should remain on it. If there are, then there is an action from the strip.
    • If the strip adheres well to the skin, this is another good sign. If it is difficult to tear it off, then the method works.
  2. 2 Watch for acne breakouts. Egg white can remove blackheads, but it can also cause acne breakouts. Sometimes this is only temporary, but if the problem persists, it is better to try another method.
  3. 3 Repeat regularly. You do not need to use the above methods until the black dots reappear. However, the procedure should be repeated every 1-2 weeks. This will keep your pores clean and prevent blackheads from appearing.