How to make non-popping bubbles

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 28 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to make DIY Bubbles that don’t pop! Easy Science Experiments for kids!
Video: How to make DIY Bubbles that don’t pop! Easy Science Experiments for kids!


1 Measure out the required amount of liquids. Take a measuring cup and measure out the corn syrup, water, and dish soap. Pour liquids into small bowls and set aside.
  • Use distilled water or tap water.
  • Buy dish soap from the grocery store or supermarket if you don't have one. You can also buy corn syrup here.
  • 2 Add the ingredients in the correct order. The order in which the ingredients are added does matter. Add water first. Then add dish soap. Make sure the corn syrup comes last.
  • 3 Stir the ingredients slowly. When mixing ingredients, bubbles should not form on the surface. Do not stir too quickly or bubbles will form prematurely. Stir the ingredients slowly until the mixture is uniform in color and texture.
    • Stir the ingredients with a spoon.
  • Part 2 of 3: Make bubbles

    1. 1 Take one rubber dropper. You can buy an eyedropper at your local craft store or department store. Use scissors to cut the wide edge of the pipette (closed side).
      • Cut the pipette just around the edge of the wide end. Do not cut off the entire wide part of the pipette as it will then need to be submerged in the mixture. The eyedropper will replace the bubble wand.
      • If you don't have a pipette, use a straw.
    2. 2 Dip the stick into the mixture. In one quick motion, dip the wide end of the stick into the mixture to spread through the pipette.
      • The bubble layer should cover the edge of the stick like glass on a window pane. If the end of the stick was not completely covered, dip the stick in the mixture again.
    3. 3 Blow out the bubbles. Place the opposite end of the stick to your lips. Blow gently into the stick. A bubble should form at the cut end of the stick.
      • Don't blow too hard. This can cause the bubble to burst before it is completely formed.
    4. 4 Enjoy the bubbles. Start playing with bubbles after you've inflated enough bubbles.Toss bubbles up and down with your hands, or scatter them around the room. Unlike regular bubbles, these will last much longer.
      • Keep in mind that eventually all bubbles will burst sooner or later. Over time, the bubbles will still burst, but they will last much longer than normal bubbles.

    Part 3 of 3: Pitfalls in Bubble Making

    1. 1 Distill the water. Some people believe that the minerals in tap water can affect the quality of the bubbles. If you don't want to risk it, buy distilled water for your project. If the store does not have distilled water, distil it yourself. Pour water into a large saucepan with a glass lid. Do not fill the pot more than a third.
      • Place a small glass bowl in the center of the pot. Cover the pot with the lid upside down (so the handle is in the water).
      • Ask an adult to boil your water, and when it boils, reduce the heat to low. Cover the lid with ice cubes. Water will begin to form on the lid and drain into the bowl.
      • Add more ice cubes as the previous ones melt. Remove the bowl when it is full of water. Use water in a bowl to create bubbles.
    2. 2 Experiment with different types of dishwashing detergents. Not all soap solutions have the same effect. When making non-popping bubbles, feel free to experiment with different brands of detergent. If the bubbles come out unsuccessful, use a different dishwashing detergent.
    3. 3 Let the mixture sit to strengthen the bubbles. Set aside the mixture for two days before using. The more time the mixture is infused, the longer it will last. If the bubbles are bursting too quickly, mix the mixture again and let it sit a little before blowing out the bubbles.
    4. 4 Bubble on warmer days. Warm and humid days are generally better for making bubbles. Although the solution will work in any weather, the bubbles will last much longer in the warmer months.
      • If it's windy outside, play with the bubble solution indoors. The wind can burst all your bubbles.

    What do you need

    • Pipette / tube
    • Bowls
    • Beaker
    • A spoon
    • Ice cubes