How to make your husband happy

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 20 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 Simple Tips to Make Your Husband HAPPY!!
Video: 5 Simple Tips to Make Your Husband HAPPY!!


Keeping a marriage relationship fresh and interesting can be challenging in the stress of everyday life. Fortunately, there are small nuances that you can do to make your husband happy and that will let him know that you love him more and more every day. Share responsibilities between the two of you and try different ways to make your life happy, spontaneous, and enjoyable for you and your spouse, both emotionally and sexually. Try some of the ideas below to get your husband happy and make your marriage flourish.


Method 1 of 2: Maintain a Fire in the Relationship

  1. 1 Be romantic. Romance can easily cease to be a priority after years of marriage. Try to make time for romantic things like candlelight dinners, sunset walks on the beach, and a hug while watching a movie.
  2. 2 Add some spice to your sex life. One of the main aspects of marriage, where the intensity of impressions can quickly fade, is the sexual aspect. You both have to work hard to keep your sex life interesting, but luckily there are a few things you can do.
    • Don't get bogged down in a boring routine. If you and your husband are used to having sex without foreplay or prior courtship, sex may just be another activity you do when you go to bed. Try to bring spontaneity into your sex life so that intimacy is not planned. Planned sex is not sexy.
    • Listen to your husband's wants and needs. Know what he prefers and what he wants to try in the bedroom. His desires can change over time. Just ask him what he loves and wants - this question in itself can turn him on and you!
    • Try the forty-ball method. This method was developed by a wife who realized the need to change her relationship with her husband. The method is based on the fact that each of the spouses has a bowl, into which each of them drops a ball when he wants an intimate relationship, and the other spouse has a certain amount of time to satisfy this request.
  3. 3 Set aside time for a date. Given that both you and your husband are likely to have a busy schedule, it can be very difficult for you to find time for each other. Make a commitment to date each other at least once a week or cook a meal together at home.Here are some dating ideas:
    • Go to a restaurant for dinner and then go to the movies. This classic never gets old as you can go to a different restaurant every week and see a new movie.
    • Make dinner together. Try making a dish that takes more effort than the one you make on a normal weekday. For fun, make a pizza from scratch.
    • Have a picnic in spring and summer. A romantic meadow or beach picnic is a great way to spend some time outdoors in private.
    • Go ice skating in winter. Join hands with your husband and slide on the ice.
    • Do something extravagant, like some extreme sport. You could do rock climbing, snowboarding, surfing, etc.
  4. 4 Send playful text messages throughout the day. Sometimes there is nothing better than receiving a spontaneous SMS or voice message from a loved one. Call your husband just to say "I love you" or send him a playful message containing something that will make him look forward to seeing you.
    • Send your husband sexy messages with pictures to remind him of what to expect after work. Make sure he is aware that the message contains a sexy photo so that he does not open it in front of friends or worse, his colleagues.
    • Post a video or website link specific to your relationship on his Facebook page. For example, it could be a love song music video or a video clip of your favorite comedy show.
  5. 5 Buy some sexy new outfits. If you are constantly wandering around the house in sweatpants, it is time to take a trip to the mall to buy new clothes. There is nothing wrong with wanting to wear comfortable clothes at home, but you may end up being self-conscious about yourself as a result.
    • Decorate a simple outfit with a sexy blouse or dress.
    • Wear stiletto heels to lengthen your legs. Everyone loves long, sexy legs. Heeled shoes are a quick and easy way to make any outfit look sexy.
    • Buy yourself new underwear. Lingerie can help spice up your sex life and make your husband see you in a new light.
  6. 6 Your attitude towards life should attract people. Sexuality is not only about physical attractiveness, compassion is also very important. Be sure to be kind to your husband and take his feelings into consideration.
    • Exude happiness. We are all human and we have good days and bad days. While you shouldn't try to disguise your feelings if you're sad or depressed, you should try to be a pleasant person whenever possible.
    • Smile. Visual cues are just as important as words. Don't walk around gloomy all day, but try to smile as much as possible.
  7. 7 Go in for sports. Exercise is often used as bait for those who want a sexy body, but exercise will give you much more than a thin waist and trained muscles. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins, neurotransmitters that reduce stress and promote feelings of happiness.
    • It has also been shown that regular exercise increases sexual desire as a result of the positive effects that exercise has on your body and mind.
    • Try stress-relieving exercises like yoga or energy-generating exercises like running.
    • Remember that when you feel sexy it has a positive effect on your intimate life. When you feel desired, your confidence and sexuality is visible to everyone.

Method 2 of 2: Be Spontaneous

  1. 1 Go to concerts together. Buy tickets to see one of his favorite bands perform. Concerts leave an unforgettable experience that fosters warm feelings every time.
  2. 2 Take a spontaneous journey. While your husband is not at home, put everything you need in the car and go where you both have long wanted to go. Create a playlist of songs in your player that relate to your romantic memories and listen to them on the go.
  3. 3 Stay up all night and watch movies. What's your husband's favorite producer? Collect all of your husband's favorite movies, make some popcorn and watch them all night long. While you can of course fall asleep while watching, a marathon like this is a fun idea that also gives you the opportunity to cuddle on the couch.
  4. 4 Go hiking. A country picnic can be extremely romantic - especially when it's a night out under the stars together. Grab your essentials and take yourself an inexpensive mini-vacation by heading into the woods to spend some time alone.
  5. 5 Place love notes around the house. Scatter love notes where your husband sees them. But do not stop there, put the same touching notes in the pockets of his clothes or stick the note "I love you" on the steering wheel of his car. Small gestures like this will make him smile throughout the day and can have a positive effect on your relationship.
  6. 6 Tell him something new. Have you recently read an amazing book or discovered a new group? Share your findings with your husband. This will give you new topics of conversation.

Make unexpected gifts

  1. Frame your shared photo. A photo is really worth a thousand words, and frameing your shared photo is a great way to show your husband how important he is to you. In addition, you can make a collage of photos of your last vacation together or just photos, capturing moments from past years, to remind him of all the good things that have happened during the entire time that you are together.

  2. Make him a gift with your own hands. Fake coupon albums are a great (and inexpensive!) Way to show your husband that you love him. Get creative and present your husband with romantic date coupons that he can “stock up” at any time. Here are some ideas:

    • Massages
    • Intimate things
    • His favorite homemade food
    • Choosing what to watch on TV
    • A trip to his favorite restaurant
    • Permission not to help with the housework
  3. Make his favorite dinner or dessert. Food can really nourish the soul and the fact that you put a lot of effort into making homemade food can really show him how much you love him. Take the time to make your husband's favorite meal or dessert every now and then. Do it as a surprise to add an extra element of romance.

  4. List songs for the CD. Take the time to make a list of your husband's favorite songs, or find new songs that you think he will love. You can also make a list of the love songs you've listened to at one point or another in your relationship.

    • Give it to your husband in cute wrapping paper with a note explaining the meaning of these songs to you.
    • You can also insert this CD into your car player and set it up so that it starts playing when your husband turns on the player. This will make your husband smile and give him pleasant emotions while driving.
  5. Present him with something collected from nature. Collect something from natural materials. It could be a heart-shaped rock, seashells from the beach, or even a tree branch found on your favorite hike. Let your husband know that these things remind you of him.

Turn your home into a home

  1. Keep your home clean. This does not mean that you have to clean the house all the time, but you should share the responsibility of creating a comfortable home between you. Try not to litter your rooms by scattering clothes and makeup.

  2. Greet your husband warmly. If you are at home when your man returns home, greet him with a hug and a smile.This immediately sets a positive tone for your subsequent communication and creates the feeling of a happy and comfortable home.

  3. Cook together. Divide the responsibility of preparing dinner between the two of you, and then enjoy the meal cooked together. Dinner is a time to share your day and get closer to your husband. Avoid frozen, prepackaged dinners that only need to be reheated. Instead, prepare a dish that you can enjoy together.

  4. Do something together to improve your home. Take a weekend to work together to improve your home. Building something for the home or painting together can be a rewarding experience that pays off. When you create something together, the results are incredibly satisfying.

  5. Invite his family to dinner. Once you've turned your home into a comfortable place to live and speak volumes about your relationship, invite your husband's family for a brunch or dinner. Your husband will appreciate your efforts to bond with your family and what you are trying to do to make them feel comfortable, know that they are always welcome and loved by you.

  6. Try not to become just roommates. Achieving the level of comfort where you just feel like roommates in your own home is easy. Make sure you continue to show affection for your husband, hug him, touch him, and kiss him throughout the day. Don't let these impulses fade away after you start living with each other. You should also remember to control your bodily functions and not act as if you are alone at home.

Maintain your personality

  1. Take time for yourself. The old adage "Happy wife, happy life" is actually true about marriage.

    • In order for your husband to be happy with you, you must first be good and comfortable with yourself. For every person, happiness comes from different factors and is expressed in different ways, just make sure you spend time not only caring for your husband, but also caring for yourself.
  2. Take time to chat with friends in private. It is important that both you and your husband do not lose relationships with other people in your life. Friends are an important part of life and spending time only with friends is important to create the right balance in life.

    • Set aside one evening a week to hang out with friends without a spouse. Setting aside the same day to do this will help you avoid one of you feeling left out while the other hangs out with friends.
    • Don't talk to your friends all the time about your spouse. Allow yourself a kind of break from your busy family life this time and renew old friendships and things that were in your life before marriage.
  3. Don't lose your interests. It's great that you and your spouse have the same interests, but try to keep your own hobbies as well. If you love reading and he loves to play golf, let each other do these things. You don't have to spend all the time with each other, and by giving each other space, you can really strengthen your relationship.

  4. Be honest with each other. Communication is the foundation of any relationship. Remember to tell each other how you are feeling, even if it is not easy for you to do so. If you feel that you are making a serious effort to make your husband happy, and he does not reciprocate with you, tell him about it! Often all you need to do to change the situation is just talk.