How to do zombie makeup

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 18 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Do Advanced Zombie Makeup
Video: How to Do Advanced Zombie Makeup


1 Prepare your face. You will need to start with a clean canvas, so to speak, so use a gentle cleanser to remove old makeup and wash away grease. Rinse your face with warm water and then pat dry (don't rub!) With a dry towel. Do not use moisturizer or sunscreen on your face. Because of them, make-up, which will be on a latex basis, will not adhere well to your face.
  • Comb your hair back. If you have long hair or bangs, keep them away from your face while you work. Tie your hair into a ponytail and secure the bangs with hairpins or a hoop.
  • If you're a guy, your best bet is to shave. Latex and gelatin can get stuck in your hair and can be very painful to remove.
  • 2 Use latex or gelatin for lacerations and cuts. Liquid latex and gelatin will help you create really cool effects: open wounds, scary cuts, bite marks, and broken noses. And do not be afraid, there is nothing difficult in their application. Instructions on how to apply latex and gelatin to your face can be found in parts three and four.
    • If you decide to use liquid latex or gelatin, apply them to your face before you paint your face with paints.
    • But if you decide that you do not have time for this, then proceed to the next step. You can do scary makeup without them.
  • 3 Use white face paint or stage makeup. Apply them to a sponge and dab your face with it. Then take a brush and with small, light strokes, cover your face with a thin layer of makeup. Let it dry completely.
    • To create the effect of decomposition spots, apply a thin layer of paint on top of a different color. Gray paint will give your face an ash-dead look, red or purple paint will cover you with bruises, and green and yellow paint will create a gangrene effect.
    • Facial paints should be of the best quality. Cheap, substandard paints will look bad and can be harmful to your skin. You can buy good face paints online without any problem.
  • 4 Make dark circles around the eyes. With dark, sunken eyes, you will look like the dead, badly injured, sleep-deprived, or both.
    • Line your eyelids with dark eyeliner, then smudge it. Make dark circles under and around your eyes using black or brown eyeshadow or face paint.
    • Add purple and red paint or shadow around the edges to create the illusion of fresh bruises, or green and yellow paint for old bruises.
  • 5 Make sunken cheeks. Zombies often have a rather emaciated appearance, because, as you know, delicious brains are rarely lying on the road. You can achieve this effect by drawing in the cheeks and lightly painting over the dimples with black eyeshadow or paint. This will also highlight the cheekbones.
  • 6 Make your lips black. Apply black lipstick or paint to your lips to give them a dry, dead look. Draw black folds around the mouth.
  • 7 Draw out veins and bloody scratches. Take a thin brush and paint thin, zigzag veins on the face with blue and purple paints. Take a dry sponge, dip it in red face paint, and lightly rub it over the skin to create bloody scratches.
  • 8 End with fake blood. You can buy fake blood online or make your own by simply mixing some red food coloring with corn syrup. You will need one cup of corn syrup and one or two tablespoons of red food coloring. To make the blood darker and more realistic, add one or two drops of blue food coloring to the mixture.
    • Apply some blood along your hairline and let it trickle down your face. Pour some blood into a saucer and dip your mouth into it to look like you just had a meal with your neighbor.
    • Spray blood on your face. Dip a toothbrush in the fake blood, point the brush at your face, and slide your finger over the bristles.
    • Moisten a sponge with blood and squeeze it over your face. It will look like blood was flowing from you in a stream.
  • Method 2 of 4: Finishing Touches for a Zombie Portrait

    1. 1 Put on creepy contact lenses. Give people more fear by wearing pale blue or white contact lenses. You can find such lenses on the Internet.
    2. 2 Don't wash your hair. Undead are not particularly worried about personal hygiene, so washing your hair is not the main task of the day for you either. If you want your curls to look flaccid and lifeless, then apply more conditioner to them. You can do this before or after applying makeup.
      • To make your hair look messy and messy (as human hair usually looks when it comes out of a coffin), then do it with a small comb and secure with hairspray.
      • Sprinkle some baby powder over the roots of your hair to make them look gray or ash.
    3. 3 Color your teeth. As eyewitnesses told us, the teeth of the zombies are in very bad condition. Of course, you can buy fake teeth, but you may feel uncomfortable wearing them in your mouth, and they will interfere with your speaking and eating. Therefore, you'd better solve this problem by painting (temporarily) your teeth with a mixture of water and a little brown food coloring.
      • Swish this mixture between your teeth and then spit it out. To make your teeth look even scarier, use red food coloring.
      • When the holiday is over, brush your teeth with baking soda to remove stains and restore their original color.
    4. 4 Make a suit. Makeup for a zombie must be complemented by an appropriate costume. Old clothes that can be bought in second hand stores are suitable for him. Tear it well and stain it. Walk over it with scissors, dump it in the mud, let your dog chew on it. The shabbier it is, the better.
      • Make bullet holes in your clothes by drawing circles on them with black marker and sprinkling them with fake blood around the edges.
      • The great thing about your makeup is that you can wear any costume in it. Use your imagination! Design a zombie costume that no one else has worn, such as a ballerina costume. A zombie pirate costume will work too.

    Method 3 of 4: How to use liquid latex for makeup

    1. 1 Buy liquid latex. Liquid latex is perfect for creating scary makeup: wounds, rotten skin, and other imperfections on the face.
      • You can buy it online.
      • Choose a color that makes your face look deadly pallor and decay.
    2. 2 Stretch your skin slightly. When you apply latex to your skin, tighten it so that you don't accidentally end up with unpainted areas. In addition, when the latex dries, you will additionally get wrinkles and wrinkles on your face.
      • Use your finger to gently stretch the area of ​​the skin that you will cover with the latex. It is best to apply latex to the face in parts: first on the forehead, then on the cheeks, on the chin, etc.
      • Using a clean sponge or makeup brush, apply a thin layer of liquid latex to your skin. Apply it with light, short strokes.
    3. 3 Cover your face with dire blemishes. Use the tips below to cover your face with scars and scabs.
      • Apply a second coat of latex on top. It is better to apply several thin layers on the face than one thick one. This way, the latex will be applied to the face evenly and without lumps.
      • Mix some dry oatmeal flakes with latex and then apply the mixture anywhere on your face to create a decaying scab effect.
      • Place a piece of single-ply paper between the latex layers. You can use toilet paper. Tear off the edges of the paper and reshape it as you need it. Apply it to your skin and apply a layer of latex on top. Your once smooth, delicate skin will now look like it is covered with a festering scab. Fabulous!
    4. 4 Make scars or scabs. To make them appear on your face, you will need to cut the latex applied to your skin.
      • Use scissors. You must carefully cut the latex until you have the scar you want. Be careful not to cut yourself!
      • Use a toothpick. Simply scrape the latex with it to create the effect of a gaping wound.
    5. 5 Paint the wounds with blood. Dip a brush or sponge in fake blood and gently apply it to your wounds and oatmeal scabs.

    Method 4 of 4: How to use gelatin for makeup

    1. 1 Prepare gelatin a couple of hours before applying makeup. To get the consistency you want, stir the pack of gelatin in about 1/3 cup (80 ml) of water.
      • Decide what color the gelatin will have.A few drops of food coloring will make it look unnatural. Or you can create a color with a dye that matches your skin tone.
      • Cut the gelatin into cubes. Place it in a plastic bowl.
    2. 2 Heat the gelatin. You cannot heat it to a boil, otherwise you will destroy its structure. Place the bowl of gelatin in the microwave and heat in 10-second intervals, until the cubes soften and become a little stringy.
    3. 3 Apply gelatin to your face to create scars. Take a wooden spatula and use it to apply the gelatin to your skin. When it begins to dry and harden, then make small scratches around the scars with the same spatula to create a better effect.
    4. 4 Let the gelatin dry. Do not touch it with a makeup brush or sponge.


    • Remember to smear fake blood around your mouth to look like you just ate someone.
    • Make sure you are not allergic to liquid latex or face paint. To do this, apply some latex or paint to sensitive areas of your skin, such as your wrist, and wait fifteen to twenty minutes. If the skin turns red or rashes appear, then do not use them.
    • To remove liquid latex from your face, apply a hot, damp cloth to it. The latex will soften and come off easily.
    • With a suit, you can create many different types of zombies. You can be a zombie nurse, zombie firefighter, etc.
    • You will look amazing with gangrene on your face. To do this, mix the oatmeal with liquid latex, apply the mixture to your face, and when it's dry, paint it with green makeup paint. Add red or black colors.

    What do you need

    • Face paint or makeup
    • Liquid latex
    • Oatmeal
    • Gelatin
    • Makeup brush or sponge
    • Eyeshadow (black, green, red)
    • Red blush
    • Toothpick or scissors
    • Black eyeliner
    • Hair conditioner
    • Fake blood