How to do makeup for school

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 18 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
back to school makeup routine (natural and easy)
Video: back to school makeup routine (natural and easy)


1 Don't wash your face in the morning. Many dermatologists agree that you don't need to wash in the morning if you wash in the evening. If you need to wash your face, use a soap-free cleanser. Soap contains aggressive substances that dry out the skin.
  • 2 Apply a moisturizer, BB cream, or light foundation. You can use a moisturizer or BB cream (BB stands for "beauty balm", that is, a beauty balm) or a light foundation. BB creams are suitable for daily use as they moisturize the skin without weighing it down and even out the tone. Squeeze out a pea-sized amount of the product. Using your fingers, gently spread the product over the skin in an upward motion. Apply it to the jawline, temples and neck. Blend thoroughly.
    • Choose a shade of BB cream or foundation that matches your skin tone. Take a friend with you to the store or ask a consultant to help you choose a shade that is as close to your skin tone as possible.
  • 3 Use sunscreen. Even if your BB cream or foundation includes an SPF filter, there is probably too little of it. Squeeze a small (coin-sized) amount of at least 30 SPF sunscreen onto your hand and apply to your skin. Then do your makeup.
  • 4 Apply concealer. A concealer is a thick foundation that can be used to mask under eye circles and skin imperfections. The concealer also evens out skin tone. Apply concealer over BB cream or foundation or it won't stick. If you want to cover up acne marks, first apply a green concealer to your skin and then your regular one. Green will hide redness.
    • Use the minimum amount of the product. If you don't have enough concealer, add more.
    • Blend the concealer thoroughly. If you apply concealer with your fingers, work the product into your skin, do not smudge it. It is healthier for the skin and the concealer spreads more evenly.
    • If you have dark circles under your eyes, apply a peach-colored concealer to those areas, followed by a concealer to match your skin tone. Blend thoroughly. To brighten the under-eye area, apply concealer in a triangle with the end down towards your cheeks.
    • Apply some concealer to your upper eyelid. This layer will be the base for the eyeshadow and liner. Thanks to the base, eyeshadow and eyeliner will not drip or smudge during the day.
  • Method 2 of 3: How to emphasize facial features

    1. 1 Apply eyeshadow. For study, it is best to choose neutral colors. You may like burgundy, blue, green and black shades, but they are best left for parties. If you want to make the color more saturated, apply the shadow in several layers.
      • Don't overdo it with shadows. It is enough just to emphasize the eyes a little.
    2. 2 Apply eyeliner. Choose a dark shade, but not too dark for your hair and skin color. If you have dark hair and eyes, black or dark brown eyeliner will work. If you have fair skin, blonde hair, and / or blue eyes, look for light brown shades. While applying eyeliner, slightly lift your chin and look down to see the entire eyelid.
      • There are three types of eyeliner, each with its own advantages. Pencils are comfortable to use and hold better. Gel liners are applied with a brush - they allow you to better control the thickness of the line. Even a very thin line can be drawn with liquid eyeliners, but they are more difficult to use. If you haven't painted before, it's best to start with a pencil. When you find it easier to do your makeup, try using a gel or liquid eyeliner.
      • Do not pull too hard on your eyelids, as this may result in an uneven line.
      • To make your makeup look calm and modest, draw a thin line along the upper eyelid as close to the lash line as possible.
      • To emphasize the eyes more, draw a line along the lower eyelid from the outer edge to the middle of the eyelid. Do not circle your eyes completely - this will make them appear smaller.
      • Arrows and other bright makeup are best left for parties.
    3. 3 Curl your eyelashes. Take an eyelash curler, squeeze the curler at the hairline, pinch and hold for a few seconds. Move the tong to the middle of the lashes and repeat. This will make the lashes look more expressive.
    4. 4 Apply mascara. As with eyeliner, mascara color depends on hair color and skin tone. For dark hair and skin tones, use black or dark brown mascara. If hair and skin are light, it is better to use light brown shades.
      • Start painting over the lashes from the base. Brush gently back and forth, drawing a line from the base to the tips. If this is more comfortable for you, try bending the brush so that the brush is perpendicular to the handle. Bend the handle as you take it out of the tube.
      • Apply mascara in one or two coats. Decide how much you want to accentuate your lashes. But be aware that the more mascara you apply, the more likely it is to clump on your lashes.
      • To remove clumps, brush your eyelashes with a double-ended brow brush. Use the comb side to brush over your lashes, not with a round brush.
    5. 5 Comb your eyelashes. If your lashes stick out in different directions, style them with the round part of the brow brush. You can apply a little hairspray to your finger and straighten your eyelashes or fix them with clear gel.
      • Don't use too much hairspray! A very small amount is enough.
    6. 6 Apply a light layer of blush to the most prominent parts of your cheeks. Choose a shade that matches your skin tone and doesn't make you a clown. Usually pink and peach shades are suitable for light skin, and more saturated ones - dark and dark. Use your fingers to blend the blush towards your temples. This will accentuate the cheekbones. If you can, go to a cosmetics store. Consultants will help you choose the shade.
      • Apply the blush in a thin layer. This cosmetic will give your cheeks a glow, but it's important not to overdo it. Look at yourself in the mirror in daylight to check if there is too much blush on your cheeks.
    7. 7 Apply lipstick or lip gloss. If you are choosing between lipstick and gloss, know that lipstick lasts longer, but gloss dries your lips less. Gloss is usually easier to apply.
      • For study, it is better not to paint with bright colors (for example, scarlet).It is better to choose more soothing shades (for example, peach).
      • If you have chosen a gloss, put one or more dots of gloss on the lips and spread with your finger or lips. If you apply too much gloss, your lips will feel sticky.
    8. 8 Go to school feeling confident.

    Method 3 of 3: How to fix and fix makeup

    1. 1 Carry several products with you. You do not need to take your entire cosmetic bag with you, but it is still worth putting the essentials in your bag.
      • Keep lip gloss in your pocket or purse. The shine will wear off when you eat or drink something.
    2. 2 Carry wipes with you. Keep wipes handy in case the makeup smudges. In hot weather, the eyeliner may leak. Wipe off the marks with a napkin.
    3. 3 Buy a quality fixing spray. A light coat of spray will help your makeup last longer, especially in hot weather.
      • Fixing sprays are different. Some are designed for oily skin, others moisturize dry skin. Find the right product for your skin type.
      • To save money, buy a large bottle and pour into a travel-sized bottle. This will not only be cheaper, but also save space in your bag.
    4. 4 Rinse off makeup. In the evening before going to bed, wash off your makeup with a special makeup remover or tissue. Wash your face with a mild cleanser. This will help your skin stay healthy and radiant.
      • If you decide to use makeup remover wipes, cut them in half to last for more days. Remember to wash your face after removing your makeup. Wipes only wash off makeup, but don't cleanse the skin.
      • Use a small amount of cleanser and rinse thoroughly.
    5. 5 Apply a greasy layer of moisturizer to your skin. Moisturizing is essential for the skin and helps prevent the appearance of wrinkles. Taking proper care of your skin will help your skin stay beautiful longer.


    • Drink plenty of fluids. Water and proper nutrition will help your skin look its best.
    • Try not to do makeup every day, or use less makeup on individual days. For example, if you don't feel like coloring your lips, just apply lip balm.
    • Remember, you don't need to wear makeup. Only do makeup if it makes you feel better. Don't use makeup just because you feel like you're not beautiful without it.
    • If you decide to draw a pencil line along the inner surface of the lower eyelid, sharpen the pencil after that to avoid infection.
    • Do not push the mascara brush into the tube and back. This will allow air to enter the tube and dry out faster. If the mascara is dry, drip some lens fluid into the tube and stir with the mascara brush. Mascara will be like new!
    • Try using your fingers first. When you start to get it right, try using different brushes.
    • If you have breakouts or redness on your skin, use a foundation, but try to let your skin breathe most of the time.
    • Instead of lipstick and lip gloss, you can use a tinted lip balm. You can also use transparent mascara.
    • Replace mascara every three months. Mascara can build up bacteria and dry out, making your eyelashes look sticky.


    • Look at yourself in the mirror in daylight. This will help to avoid make-up mistakes (such as uneven distribution of the foundation or overly accentuated eyebrows).
    • It is important to know if you are allergic to anything. If any cosmetics cause skin irritation, eye redness and tears, wash it off as soon as possible and do not use in the future.
    • Handle your skin gently. The skin of the face is very delicate and sensitive. Apply makeup with a light touch.
    • Avoid getting cosmetics in your eyes.
    • Try not to touch your face. Oil on your fingers can make your face oily.Always wash your hands before touching your face.

    What do you need

    • Moisturizing cream
    • BB cream or light foundation
    • Sunscreen (SPF 30 or more)
    • Blush
    • Neutral eyeshadow
    • Any eyeliner
    • Mascara
    • Lip gloss or lipstick
    • Makeup brushes (optional)
    • Eyelash curler