How to deep cleanse your body

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 12 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
A cleanse won’t detox your body -- but here’s what will | Body Stuff with Dr. Jen Gunter
Video: A cleanse won’t detox your body -- but here’s what will | Body Stuff with Dr. Jen Gunter


Who taught you to be truly clean? Many books tell you how to cleanse any part of the body, but for some reason they rarely talk about how to cleanse the body itself. You can learn how to wash properly and choose the right hygiene products to get rid of the dirt and prevent it from reappearing. Keep your body clean inside and out.


Part 1 of 2: Wash Properly

  1. 1 Check out the basics. To provide a quality cleansing, you first need to understand what you are dealing with. There are many varieties of solutions, soaps, cleaners, scrubs and the like for just about any substance that might get on your body, but aside from the minor differences, a few basic elements remain. There are three main things to get rid of when washing. Each of these three ingredients requires a different cleaning method.
    • First, it is dirtthat appears from nowhere and sticks to the skin. Even if you are in a clean room, your skin becomes dirty over time.
    • Secondly, it is dead skin cellsthat constantly peel off the skin.
    • Thirdly, it is sebum, which is located under the skin, and not just on its surface.
  2. 2 Understand why we get dirty so that we can better deal with the causes of this. Different types of dirt stick to our skin for two reasons. Firstly, dirt can stick on its own, and secondly, it can mix with sebum, which is constantly released to protect it from the environment. This is why even dust that gets on your skin will look like greasy dirt.
    • We have two types of secretions: fat and water (sweat). It is best to remove them and the dirt that mixes with them with a composition that dissolves grease and easily rinses it off. Soap can do it.
    • Regardless of the additives for flavor, texture, color, and so on, the goal is to dissolve the grease and wash it off the skin. This opinion is held by most people. But they are wrong. Continue reading!
  3. 3 Wash less often, but better. Indeed, how often should you take a bath or shower? No more than 3-4 times a week. While recent studies show that nearly 60 percent of people shower every day, there is evidence that washing less frequently helps the body improve its natural self-cleaning mechanisms. The more efficiently your body detoxifies itself, the healthier and cleaner you will be, both inside and out.
    • The more often you shampoo your hair, the more you wash off natural fats from your skin and hair, and the more intensively your body has to restore them. If you shower less often, you may notice that your skin has become less greasy and oily, and the unpleasant smell has decreased.
    • Some people need to shower more often than others. For example, if you sweat a lot or your skin is too oily, you may need to shower twice a day and use a suitable moisturizer. Everyone has their own needs.
  4. 4 Choose a good soap. Which one exactly? There are three main things to consider when choosing a soap. A good soap should remove dirt, work through grease, and rinse off properly without forming a film. Many types of soaps are suitable for this purpose, from the common brands Dove and Ivory to organic handmade soaps.
    • Some soaps leave a residue on the skin. A simple test is to take a clean glass plate, glass, goblet, plate or other glass object (it must be clean) and apply a small amount of cold fat to it (you can use lard, fat, vegetable oil, etc.), and then rinse in cold water.Then wipe the glass with solid or liquid soap to remove grease, and rinse (but do not rub) with clean water and air dry. Then look through the glass and compare how it looked before and after soiling and washing. Bad soap will leave a cloudy surface, while good soap will leave a clean surface. The same will remain on your skin after washing.
    • For people with dry or flaky skin, medicated shampoos and soaps are sometimes recommended, while others are best suited with natural or organic ingredients.
  5. 5 Get rid of dead skin cells. Dead skin is the cause of most odors. Regardless of advertisements for various antibacterial odor-eliminating agents, this is one rare occasion where good hygiene does not work wonders. Think of your school gym. Remember the characteristic smell when you go there? This is due to fermentation, breakdown of the skin and grease on the clothes that are in the lockers. A moist environment and dead matter (skin cells) are breeding grounds for bacteria to thrive and rot.
    • Consider using a scrub or loofah. Peels typically contain walnut shells, sugar, or other grainy ingredients to help remove dead skin cells from the surface of your skin. These products come in the form of a body wash or bar soap. Loofah is sold in the form of loofahs, with which dead skin cells are removed. These washcloths collect bacteria and must be washed thoroughly and changed regularly.
    • You can also make your own exfoliation or sugar scrub. There are many different recipes. One of the simplest is to mix two tablespoons (40 grams) of sugar with enough olive oil and honey to create the consistency of a toothpaste.
  6. 6 Consider the temperature of the water. For deep cleansing, it is preferable to take a really hot shower or bath, since the cool water will not affect the subcutaneous fat. It is necessary to open the pores of the skin and remove their contents so that they are cleansed. Bacteria can grow in the pores of the skin. Accumulation of fat can lead to anything from acne to death due to skin diseases. The most effective way to open pores is high temperature. Exercise can also help, as it opens up both the sweat glands and the fat pores, but high temperatures are effective on their own. You can take a hot bath or a quick hot shower. In this case, it is necessary to sweat properly in order to open the pores and remove their contents.
    • Don't make water too much hot, especially if you have dry skin. What is the best water temperature for showering? It may be slightly lower than you think. Water that is too hot (over 49 ° C) will dry out your skin and can cause long-term skin problems. Make sure that the water is hot to the touch, but does not burn. Choosing the right water temperature allows the pores of the skin to open. The water should not burn, but at the same time it SHOULD keep you warm so that you start to sweat, which is necessary to cleanse the skin pores.
    • Consider running cool water for 1–2 minutes at the end of your shower. This will help firm up your skin and close your pores again so that they are better protected from dirt after showering.
  7. 7 Wash the various folds and grooves of your body. Rub your skin with a hard sponge or washcloth to get rid of dead and damaged skin cells. Scrub twice everywhere: first when soaping and second when final rinsing. Pay special attention to the armpits, under the jaw and chin, as well as the backs of the knees and the spaces between the toes. Odor-causing bacteria often hide in these areas. This is because sweat accumulates in the folds of the skin. Remember to wash these areas every time you shower or bathe.
    • Among other things, wash your buttocks and groin, and then rinse them thoroughly. Residual soap can irritate the skin.
    • You should also dry completely so that you stop sweating before dressing after a shower. If you wash and cleanse your body properly, the moisture absorbed by the clothing will dry out and give almost no odor. Although dead cells are constantly appearing on your skin, after a thorough wash there will be much less of them, which will prevent unpleasant odors.
  8. 8 Steam your face before showering. Some people like to steam their skin and therefore take very hot showers. This is a great way to open up your skin pores and sweat thoroughly. However, this can be done separately from the shower.
    • Start your shower by steaming your face with a hot towel and adding 1-2 drops of peppermint or tea tree essential oil. This way you can open up your pores and flush out toxins without damaging your skin while showering.
  9. 9 Wash your hair and use hair conditioner 3-4 times a week. Dampen your hair thoroughly and apply some shampoo (a drop the size of a small coin) to the palm of your hand. Lather your hair so that the shampoo lathers and massage into the scalp for 1-2 minutes. Do not forget to lather the hair behind your ears, as a lot of grease accumulates there. Lather the back of your head as well, and don't forget the ends of your hair.
    • Rinse off the shampoo completely so that it does not remain in your hair. If your hair is still slippery, it means there is still shampoo in it and it will become greasy over the next 24 hours. To strengthen hair, do the same with hair conditioner and rinse thoroughly.
  10. 10 Dry completely. After showering, dry yourself thoroughly with a clean, dry towel. Water trapped on the skin can cause irritation and chafing. Try to dry your skin right after you shower. See Tip # 5 below.

Part 2 of 2: Maintain Cleanliness and Health

  1. 1 Keep your towels clean. What kind of towel do you use to dry yourself after taking a shower or bath? How long do you use it before it takes on a stale smell? Over time, dead skin cells and fat accumulate in the towel. This can be combated by using a hard sponge, washcloth or brush while bathing. This way you can remove as much dead cells and fat from the skin as possible. front how to dry yourself with a towel.
    • To keep your body clean, you need to wash your bath towel regularly and store it so it dries properly. If you do not sufficiently cleanse your body while bathing, you will need to wash the towel after using it 2-3 times. See Tip # 3 below.
    • Never leave a wet towel on the bathroom floor, otherwise it will quickly get dirty and start to smell like mildew. Hang a towel so it can dry completely.
  2. 2 Try mineral deodorant instead of your regular deodorant. A naturally occurring mineral salt deodorant kills odor-causing bacteria and helps unclog lymph nodes. In the first 1-2 weeks of using Mineral Deodorant, you may smell strong, but don't give up: this means your body is getting rid of bacteria that have accumulated as a result of using regular deodorant.
    • To reduce odor while toxins are flushed out of your body, use medicated essential oils such as lavender, rose, lemon, or a multi-oil cleansing blend. Apply the oil directly to your underarms to reduce unpleasant odor.
    • Don't use antiperspirants. Although it has become ingrained in modern society that sweat is vulgar and unattractive, it is best not to prevent sweat from separating under the armpits, as this clogs up the lymph. Lymph nodes located throughout our body have many functions: they support the immune system, detoxify, and smell.
  3. 3 Moisturize your skin. After each bath or shower, moisturizer can be applied to your skin to help keep it healthy. Even if you have oily skin, you need to use a moisturizer regularly to prevent dry skin. Typically, standard moisturizers are made up of a combination of lipids and other compounds that your body naturally produces. Use water-based moisturizers.
    • Identify problem areas, such as your heels or elbows, and apply moisturizer every night before bed. This will soften your skin and improve its health.
  4. 4 Try regular facials. Packs or face masks can be applied throughout the week to help cleanse and plump skin. There are many natural remedies and ingredients that can be used to make a good face mask. Try the following:
    • regular honey, lemon, milk, pea (chickpea) flour, green tea, and fresh fruits such as papaya, mango, oranges, or sweet limes;
    • you can buy a face pack or a ready-made mask mixture in a store; while doing this, check the ingredient list so you can prepare the mixture yourself next time.
  5. 5 Try products that contain natural and organic ingredients. Body soap, shampoo, hair conditioner, facial cleanser, deodorant, and even cosmetics and hair spray can help you improve your health. If you apply products to your body that are full of toxins and harmful substances, they negatively affect your health and your body's ability to self-regulate.
    • Avoid shampoos, hair conditioners, and body washes that contain propylene glycol and sodium lauryl sulfate. These substances can cause dryness and hair loss, accumulation of sweat, itching, dry skin, and sometimes an allergic reaction.
    • Consider using home remedies. For some people, deep cleansing of the body means completely eliminating the store-bought products and using milder, more natural home remedies. Shampoo can be replaced with baking soda, apple cider vinegar, and warm water. If you'd like to learn more about home remedies, check out the following articles:
      • How to cleanse your body with natural remedies;
      • How to cleanse your face;
      • How to make a simple homemade facial scrub;
      • How to make a shower gel at home;
      • How to make a homemade body care product;
      • How to make your own soap;
      • How to make your own shampoo.
  6. 6 Keep your body clean not only on the outside, but also on the inside. To do this, you need to eat right and maintain water balance. Diet has a direct impact on skin and hair health, so proper nutrition is an important part of keeping your body clean.
    • Dieting to lose weight can rob your body of any important nutrients, so don't starve or cut out all carbs and fats.
    • Try to consume more antioxidants. Drink green tea and eat tomatoes daily. Try eating basil leaves or soaked fenugreek seeds every morning on an empty stomach, which are used as a natural detoxifier and detoxifier.


  • Exfoliation will also help get rid of dead skin cells and fat. It can be done 1-2 times a week.
  • While hot water is best for cleansing your body, try washing your hair with cool water - it sets the hair cuticles, which gives hair a silky and shiny look.
  • Check if you are acting correctly. After how many days does your towel start to smell like it hung in a locked cabinet along with sweat-soaked clothes? If only after a few days, you need to wash more thoroughly.If in a month, then you are doing everything right. It is generally okay if you bathe / shower 3-4 times a week and the towel smells after 2-3 weeks.
  • Use remedies for skin problems. Not all products are suitable for all skin types. Very sensitive skin may react negatively to natural soaps made from peppermint oil, while those with dry or itchy skin may be better served with an oat-based cleanser that heals and soothes the skin. Talk to your dermatologist about remedies and methods to help you deal with your specific problem.
  • Use a fan or hair dryer on a cold setting to quickly dry and cool your skin after bathing. It's best to do this outside your steamy bathroom!


  • Peeling off the crust from the wounds can make the problem worse. The wound needs to be cleaned. Scabs or scabs on a wound are made up of a combination of coagulated protective fluid and new and yet delicate skin cells. Do not peel off the crust until the damaged skin has healed completely. To remove dead tissue and still leave new cells intact, it is best to gently blot the damaged area with a sponge, rather than rub it. You can consult a doctor if necessary, but it is usually sufficient (and safe) to gently blot the affected area with mild soap.