How to focus with 21 cards

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 4 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
21-card trick - Numberphile
Video: 21-card trick - Numberphile


1 Draw any 21 cards from the deck.
  • 2 Lay out the cards, three rows of seven cards each. The main thing is to do it right. You must lay out cards horizontally, not vertically.
  • 3 Ask a volunteer to silently think of one of the cards and tell you which row it is in. (There are three in total.)
  • 4 Collect 3 rows of cards so that the row with the hidden card is in the middle of the deck.
  • 5 Suppose a volunteer asked for the king of hearts and told you that his card is in the middle row. You must collect the cards and make sure that the row with the card of his choice is in the middle of the deck
  • 6 Lay out the cards again in the above described way: three rows of seven cards each (lay the cards horizontally).
  • 7 Ask the volunteer which row the card is now in.
  • 8Collect the cards again (a second time), remember to make sure that the row chosen by the volunteer is in the middle of the deck
  • 9 Lay out the cards again in the same way.
  • 10 Ask the volunteer which row the card is now in (for the third time).
  • 11 Collect the cards again, be sure to make sure that the row chosen by the volunteer is in the middle of the deck.
  • 12 If the trick was performed correctly, the guessed card will always be eleventh (if the cards are face down).
  • Method 1 of 1: Alternative method

    1. 1 Follow steps 1-12.
    2. 2 Instead of just showing the eleventh card to the volunteer, have him pull it out. This will make a bigger impression on the audience.
    3. 3 Start dealing cards, pick any four (including the eleventh) and place them face down.
    4. 4 Remember where you put the 11th card.
    5. 5 Ask the volunteer to choose two cards.
    6. 6 If one of the chosen cards is eleventh, then the other two cards are removed from the table. If none of the selected cards is eleventh, they should be removed from the table.
    7. 7 Only the hidden card and one random card should remain on the table.
    8. 8 Ask a volunteer to choose one of the cards.
    9. 9 If he chose the eleventh card, remove the second card from the table. If he chose the second card, then remove it (in both cases it has the same effect).
    10. 10 Ask him to turn the card over and enjoy the look on his face when he sees it.


    • Before you show someone a trick, make sure you can do it.
    • Emphasize to the audience that lying about the location of the map will ruin the whole focus. Gently ask them to be honest, for example, "Be honest, or the trick won't work!"
    • It's okay if you get a little confused. In time, you will succeed. For the first time, it's best to show the focus to your family or close friends.
    • Another "chip": after the volunteer shows for the last time that his card is in the middle row, put the cards face down and turn them over, alternately laying them on the table. Do not forget to count out the eleventh card to yourself.After you put a few more cards on top of the eleventh one, invite the volunteer to bet that the next card you pulled out will be the one that he intended. After making a small wager, take the deck and draw the eleventh card from it, placing it face up in front of it. It looks better if you leave more than eleven cards on the table, then the volunteer will be sure that you have already missed his card.
      • Always after you skip the eleventh card and put three or four cards on top of it, slow down. Hold the next card in your hand without showing it to the volunteer, as if thinking about another card before making a bet.
    • If you do the trick correctly, you don't have to worry about two or three cards from the same row as the eleventh.
    • Another option: remember where the eleventh card is. Ask a volunteer to draw a line across the middle of the cards and discard the half that does not include the eleventh card. Keep asking him to draw lines and discard the part of the cards that does not have the eleventh. After a few times, only a few cards remain, and when the volunteer draws a line that includes only the eleventh card, you mysteriously turn over his hidden card.

    What do you need

    • 21 cards
    • Table
    • Volunteer