How to make your home sustainable

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 2 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
How to build a Sustainable House - 21 Sustainable Home Ideas with Architect Jorge Fontan
Video: How to build a Sustainable House - 21 Sustainable Home Ideas with Architect Jorge Fontan


There are many ways to turn a regular home into an eco-friendly home. You can start with the most efficient and cost effective way and later, saving money, you can invest in larger projects, which will lead to even greater results.


  1. 1 Search the internet.
  2. 2 Energy calculator. It is needed in order to calculate the current energy consumption. Find a calculator that meets the standards for your country. Calculators can calculate the energy efficiency of your home. Some calculators produce calculations or graphs that show what the energy potential of your home might be after making a series of changes.
  3. 3 Insulate your home. It is possible to save on electricity, especially in countries with cold climates, if walls and windows are well insulated. Over time, the insulation cakes and loses its properties, which leads to heat leakage. To insulate your home right now, check doors and windows for drafts and cracks. If available, hang heavy curtains over the windows. If you want daylight to enter the room throughout the day, then get a special plastic kit for insulating windows. It is inexpensive, covers windows and is completely invisible. You can fight drafts from under the door by placing a rolled towel under it.
  4. 4 Install low wattage bulbs. This is a great way to save on energy costs. They can be connected to any luminaire and use less energy. Some are even brighter than standard bulbs, but use much less power.
  5. 5 In the house or in the yard, you can install light bulbs with a motion sensor. You will no longer have to worry about leaving your house or room without turning off the light. These bulbs are also ideal for setting up in the yard, you no longer have to spend a lot of money on yard lighting. Such bulbs will turn on themselves only when you need it. In addition, they are good for scaring off thieves, turning on suddenly, they will confuse the robber.
  6. 6 Upgrade your home appliances. Refrigerators that are more than 5 or 10 years old are responsible for colossal energy consumption. Updating the refrigerator is a must. Buy a smaller refrigerator, as, most often, we store absolutely unnecessary food in the refrigerator.
  7. 7 Choose plumbing with reduced water consumption. This way, you will save water and water costs.
  8. 8 Install skylights. These windows will help daylight enter the rooms, and for free. Sunlight is more powerful than any lamp, so the whole house, including dark rooms, will be illuminated thanks to such skylights.
  9. 9 Install solar panels. The sun can provide your home with energy and even heat your water. Solar energy is environmentally friendly. Excess energy is stored in batteries and can be used when needed. However, depending on the size of the battery, your electricity bill will increase significantly. By installing solar water heaters, you can heat the water.


  • Installing light bulbs with a motion sensor and connect a timer to them if you want them to be on for a while.
  • Before leaving the house, turn off all electrical appliances (lights, air conditioning, etc.).