How to make black nail polish

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 15 February 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024


1 Take black eyeshadow and colorless nail polish. To make black nail polish, all you need is a set of black eyeshadow and some colorless nail polish. Choose the shade of black that you would like to see on your nails.
  • For a matte finish, use matte black nail polish. If you want something a little more shiny, go for glossy black nail polish.
  • Make the top layer transparent or matte. If you use a transparent layer, then the black varnish will shine slightly. If you choose a matte layer, the final nail polish will also be matte.
  • You will also need a small container to mix the ingredients and a stick to stir. Use an ice cream stick or cuticle stick.
  • 2 Scrape some eyeshadow into a container. When you're ready to start, scrape the eyeshadow into the prepared container. You will need about one to two teaspoons of eyeshadow. Use an ice cream stick to scrape off the top layer of the eyeshadow.
    • To make black nail polish, you might want to buy separate black eyeshadows, or at least use ones that you won't mind breaking apart.
  • 3 Add cornmeal for a matte finish. If you want to make the polish matte without using matte nail polish, then add a couple of teaspoons of cornmeal. Cornmeal will give the varnish a matte finish.
    • If you want to add cornmeal, add it to the bowl now.
    • Cornmeal may lighten the black a little. If you want a real black nail polish, you should avoid using cornmeal.
  • 4 Add colorless nail polish. Pour in clear nail polish and mix with eyeshadow. Continue stirring the mixture until all the lumps are gone and the color is even. This may take several minutes.
  • 5 Pour your nail polish into an empty bottle. Once your nail polish and eyeshadow are one piece, your new nail polish is ready to use! Pour it into an empty nail polish bottle and test it. Pour black nail polish into an empty clear nail polish bottle.
    • Use a small funnel for this, or just pour slowly.
    • Leave some free space in the bottle so you can shake the varnish later.
    • You may not be able to fit all the nail polish into the container. If some of the varnish doesn't fit, use it now or just throw it away.
  • Method 2 of 3: Create organic black nail polish

    1. 1 Heat three tablespoons of olive oil. The olive oil will be the base for your organic nail polish. Heat three tablespoons over low heat in a small bowl.
      • The oil should not be hot, but only slightly warm. Remove it from heat when it gets hot.
    2. 2 Add ½ teaspoon charcoal powder or eyeshadow. Use charcoal to provide color to organic black nail polish, or get some organic black eyeshadow if you have one. Stir charcoal or eyeshadow in olive oil until smooth.
      • If you want to make organic red nail polish, use ½ teaspoon of alkanet powder.
      • If the charcoal or eyeshadow won't dissolve completely in the olive oil, pass the mixture through cheesecloth to avoid the rough texture. If the powder dissolves completely, you can skip this step.
    3. 3 Add ¼ teaspoon beeswax. Beeswax will make sure the nail polish stays on your nails. Add 1/4 teaspoon of beeswax to the olive oil mixture and heat it for a few minutes until the wax melts.
    4. 4 Add a few drops of liquid vitamin E. Finally, add a few drops of liquid vitamin E from the vitamin E capsule. This will give the nail polish extra moisturizing properties. Pierce the vitamin E capsule with a needle, then add a few drops to the other ingredients.
      • Mix vitamin E with other ingredients until smooth.
    5. 5 Wait for the polish to cool down to apply it to your nails. Let the organic black polish cool for a few minutes before applying it to your nails. Of course, it won't be as black as regular nail polish, but it won't be as harmful.
      • Wipe off any organic polish immediately if it gets on your skin. Otherwise, it will leave a stain on the skin.

    Method 3 of 3: Create Custom Color Tones

    1. 1 Decide what shade of black varnish you want. If you like, create your own shade of black polish by mixing black polish with a different color. Some interesting color combinations:
      • Black + a few drops of white = silver black
      • Black + red = burgundy black
      • Black + blue = dark blue
      • Black + Silver = Black Metallic
    2. 2 Mix colors in a small bowl. Once you've decided on a color, mix black nail polish with the second color of your choice. Try adding just a couple of drops of the second color first, and then add more and more until you get the shade you want.
      • Use an ice cream stick or cuticle stick to stir the colors.
    3. 3 Pour the nail polish into an empty bottle. When you get the shade of black you want, pour the new nail polish into an empty bottle. It is now ready to use!
      • Make sure the bottle is clean, otherwise polish residues may affect the final color.

    What do you need

    Method 1

    • Black eyeshadow
    • Colorless nail polish
    • Corn flour (for matte layer)
    • Mixing bowl
    • Mixing stick
    • Empty bottle for nail polish

    Method 2

    • Olive oil
    • Charcoal (from capsules) or natural black eyeshadow
    • Beeswax
    • Liquid Vitamin E (from capsules)
    • A small bowl in which you can combine the ingredients and heat them
    • Stirring stick
    • Empty bottle for nail polish

    Method 3

    • Black nail polish
    • Different color nail polish
    • Mixing bowl
    • Stirring stick
    • Empty bottle for nail polish