How to lose weight (for women)

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 9 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
6 NATURAL WEIGHT LOSS TIPS | healthy + sustainable
Video: 6 NATURAL WEIGHT LOSS TIPS | healthy + sustainable


Are you unhappy with your body all the time? If you want to lose weight quickly, forget about constant diets.Better to make real changes in your life that you would not only maintain for a long time, but also lose weight, improving your health. Read on to find out how to achieve this.


Method 1 of 3: Part One: Losing Weight

  1. 1 Eat fewer calories. The less you eat, the faster you will lose weight. This rule is fundamental. But you must eat enough calories to maintain your lifestyle. You should never eat less than 1000 calories a day.
    • Start noting the calorie content of all the foods you eat and size your portions accordingly. Look for calorie counts on food labels, or use online calorie calculators like Calorie King or My Fitness Pal for information on the number of calories in a given food.
    • Nutrition experts claim that virtually everyone will lose weight on no more than 1200 calories a day.
  2. 2 Do more exercise. Exercise is a tricky topic when it comes to weight loss. Exercise alone (no matter how much you exercise) will keep you from losing weight. But when combined with diet, exercise can speed up the weight loss process by burning extra calories and speeding up your metabolism.
    • Spend 20 minutes of your time, 5 days a week, on intense aerobic exercise. Whether it's running, brisk walking, cycling, swimming, kickboxing, dancing - just about any activity that makes your heart beat faster will make you sweat.
  3. 3 Eat a balanced diet. It is important not only how much, but what kind of food you eat. When reducing calorie intake, it is very important to make a choice in the direction of certain foods that will provide your body with all the necessary elements. Protein and vegetables should be the mainstay of your diet. Fruits, dairy products, and whole grains should be eaten in moderation, while sugar and empty carbs should be kept to a minimum.
  4. 4 Drink plenty of water. Not only is water good for your body to function properly, it can also help you lose weight and keep you full between meals. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.
    • If you are afraid of overeating, drink 2 glasses of water before each meal to fill your stomach.
    • People often confuse hunger with thirst. If you're just starving and not physically hungry, you are most likely dehydrated as usual.
  5. 5 Prepare food at home instead of eating in restaurants or cafes. Cooking for yourself will make it easier for you to control your portions and calorie intake. If you have to go out to eat, order your salad with some types of proteins (such as salmon, chicken, or tofu) without any sauces.
    • Prepare lunch in the morning and take it with you to school or work. This way you will also save money.
  6. 6 Don't keep junk food at home. The more junk food you have in your home, the more tempting you will be to snack on them when you're bored or just out of habit. If you still want to treat yourself to something harmful, buy it in small quantities to avoid overeating.
    • Replace common sweets like cookies, ice cream, and cakes with low-calorie counterparts like fruits, different flavored yoghurts, or dark chocolate.
    • If you are not living alone, then you should inform the "roommates" that you are on a diet so that they will be more prudent about the food they buy.

Method 2 of 3: Part Two: Curbing Hunger and Boosting Your Metabolism

  1. 1 Drink black coffee or green tea. Both of these drinks contain 0 calories, and caffeine can suppress your appetite.
    • Be careful with coffee drinks like mocha and latte, some of which can contain as much as 400 calories.
  2. 2 Instead of eating one large meal, eat several small meals several times. This way, you keep your metabolism working all day, which will help you burn calories faster.
  3. 3 Do not eat before bed. Studies have shown that people who eat after 8 p.m. have a higher body mass index (BMI) than those who do not eat, even though the calorie count was the same in both groups. This is due to the fact that during sleep, our metabolism slows down very much. Therefore, do not eat anything 1-2 hours before bedtime.
  4. 4 Exercise right before you eat anything. A short exercise will speed up your metabolism by 2 hours. During this period, your body burns more calories than normal, even while you are resting.
    • The amount of calories burned depends on the intensity of the exercise.
  5. 5 Rock. Most women don't like lifting weights because they are afraid to put on weight. But the trick is that building muscle can help you lose weight, as muscle burns more calories than fat.
    • To keep your body in good shape without pumping up excess mass, do many approaches with less stress. To build up mass, do a small number of sets with a greater load.

Method 3 of 3: Part Three: Stay Motivated

  1. 1 Remember why you started. Yes, changing your habits is hard, but being unhappy with your body all the time is undeniably even harder. When you feel downturn and decide to quit, first of all, remember why you started this journey to lose weight.
    • It is also helpful to have a visual reminder, such as an old photo of you or an article of clothing that you can look at and regain confidence when you start to lose faith in yourself.
  2. 2 Find a diet friend. Dieting can make you feel lonely, especially if those around you lead unhealthy lifestyles. A friend with whom you can lose weight and work out together will help you stay motivated, and who knows, this diet may even seem fun to you.
  3. 3 Use clothing as motivation. Some women buy clothes a couple of sizes smaller, hoping that someday they will be able to fit into it.


  • Don't go on extreme and unrealistic low-calorie diets. By returning to your normal lifestyle, you are more likely to gain weight again.
  • The best way to lose and maintain proper weight is a healthy, consistent diet that you can maintain for a long time.


  • Be sure to eat enough calories to keep your body in good health. Never consume less than 1000 calories per day.
  • Be careful when exercising on machines.