How to defeat Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 24 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Boss Busters - Sephiroth Guide (Kingdom Hearts Final Mix)
Video: Boss Busters - Sephiroth Guide (Kingdom Hearts Final Mix)


You should remember Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII, but now this one-winged angel is a character in Kingdom Hearts and it is not so easy to defeat him. Fortunately, you can do it! Read on to find out how to defeat this boss without any secret weapons or other tricks.


Method 1 of 2: Level 60+

  1. 1 Prepare in advance for battle.
    • Sora must be at least level 60.
    • Equip a cyblaid with a good balance of magic and power. The cyblades that increase your mana are best suited: Spellbinder, Oathkeeper, Lionheart.
    • Equip decorations that increase mana and health.
    • Equip the MP Rage and MP Haste abilities, as well as the Second Chance for the moment he casts his Descend heartless angel ability.
    • Put Aero and Cure on two hotkeys. The third magic doesn't matter, so you only need these two spells.
    • Take as many elixirs and ethers as possible. In this battle, ordinary potions will not help you.
  2. 2 At the start of the battle, immediately cast the Aero spell. It will protect you from most of the damage.
  3. 3 Target Sephiroth. Keep your crosshair on him throughout the battle.
  4. 4 In the beginning, the Sephiroth follows a certain pattern of behavior. He will walk slowly across the battlefield, and when you are near, he will jump on you and hit you.
    • Do not stray far from him (except when you want to heal or apply Aero on yourself). Just dodge his sword and walk alongside him. If he makes a series of misses, or if you don't hit him with a full combo, he will say something and then trigger a big explosion around him. If you get into the area of ​​the explosion, you will be damaged twice. If you don't get Aero imposed on you or you don't heal yourself quickly, there is a good chance you will die.
    • When you are within hitting range, hit him as much as you can (one combo is enough - more hits, and he will respond to you with a counterattack).
  5. 5 After you hit him with a full combo, Sephiroth will disappear into a flurry of black feathers. Moments later, he will appear and hit you without any warning. So after you hit him, immediately jump to the side.
  6. 6 When Sephitor's health reaches the pink bar, his attack pattern will completely change. He will start to move much faster and much more chaotic. He will begin to run in an arc and jump into the air. At this stage, it will be much more difficult for you to hit him. It is very important that at this stage of the battle he remains in your sight.
  7. 7 From time to time, Sephiroth will say "Descend Heartless Angel". When he says so, quickly aim at Sephiroth and use Superglide to hit him at least once and stop this attack. This is a very dangerous attack that will reduce your health and mana to 0 (if you equip Second Chance, your health will only drop to 1), wherever you are.
    • If you don't get to him or you know you won't have time to hit him, quickly apply the elixir immediately after you are hit by his attack.
  8. 8 When you hear Sephiroth shout “Power!", He will fall into madness and start swinging his sword. Immediately cast Aero on yourself and heal constantly. Try to dodge his attacks if you can. At the end of the attack, he will lower his sword and release the shockwave.
  9. 9 After a while, he will start using another attack. He will instantly become invulnerable, after which he will summon a bunch of flying stones. They will spin and do little damage to you. Most importantly, do not forget to impose Aero on yourself. He will end this attack by summoning a meteor.Although this attack is not that dangerous, it is still not worth weakening the defense.

Method 2 of 2: Character Level 80+

  1. 1 Sora must be at least level 80. Thus, even without the Ultima Weapon, you will still have significant magical and physical attack.
  2. 2 Put on items that increase your armor and health. Also, don't forget to equip the Second Chance and Once More abilities. Equip all slots for items with ethers.
  3. 3 If you haven't received the Ultima Weapon yet, do so. This will greatly increase the power of your attacks and double your mana. Either way, this is an incredibly valuable weapon.
  4. 4 Take part in the tournament. Follow the steps outlined in Method 1. However, pay even more attention to when the Sephiroth starts to run in a circle. If you are not at a high enough level, it will be quite difficult for you to finish this battle quickly, so be absolutely prepared before engaging in the battle with Sephiroth.


  • Keep attacking even if you see that his health is not going down. You do damage, it's just that Sephiroth's health goes beyond the pink bar. After a while, you will see how it starts to decline.
  • When he summons explosions from the ground, notice that the explosions are raised in columns. If you squeeze between them, you can avoid the explosion.
  • Before you start fighting Sephiroth, get the Ultima Weapon. This weapon will be very useful!
  • Do not forget to heal if your health drops below 50%. Cast the Aero spell every time it ends. Use Ether to restore mana.


  • Aero does not reduce the damage dealt by Descend Heartless Angel.
  • Don't use offensive spells like Blizzard or Thunder or special moves like Sonic Blade. Save mana for defensive magic.

What do you need

  • Cyblade that increases strength and mana
  • Ornaments that increase health and mana
  • Elixirs and Ethers
  • Cura or stronger heal (Cure won't be enough)
  • Aero, Aerora or Aeroga
  • Superglide
  • Second Chance ability
  • MP Rage ability
  • MP Haste ability
  • Combo Plus ability (optional, but helps a lot)
  • Good reflexes
  • Patience