How to become a cunning person

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 24 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
11 Manipulation Tactics - Which ones fit your Personality?
Video: 11 Manipulation Tactics - Which ones fit your Personality?


The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary defines “trickery” as the ability to get what you want in a well-thought-out and often deceptive way. The sly person seeks to use deceit, tricks, and tricks to get others to do what he wants. A sly person is well versed in people and uses this skill for personal purposes. Being cunning means controlling other people and always staying on top. If you want to learn the gimmick, read this article!


Part 1 of 3: Being discerning

  1. 1 Always look for more information. Cunning people notice what others are missing. They see the hidden mechanisms of life - the real motives that drive people to action. The first and most important step to seeing the truth is to gather as much information as possible before making a decision. A simple example: always look around carefully before putting an anonymous letter in the mailbox (who suddenly noticed?). An example is more difficult: spend long hours to find out all the ins and outs of the person with whom you are interviewing. He will be surprised when you ask him the trickiest questions. Before making any important decision, keep your ears open and make sure you have enough information. Although there is never a lot of information.
  2. 2 Identify other people's motives. Sly people are known for their ability to see people behind their masks. Almost all of us tell harmless lies every day. And this is natural. The cunning person sees the true intentions of the person because he can read people and does his “homework” well (read above). Never trust anyone without good reason. On the other hand, you should not constantly suspect everyone of lying. The information available to you will help you correctly guess the true intentions of a person.
    • Try to develop the ability to read people's faces. Many people are good liars, but still not great. With a little practice, you will start to notice that the emotions on the person's face do not match what they are saying.
  3. 3 Pay attention to small details. Sly people will never miss the opportunity to carefully study a person and notice all the small details that may play into their hands in the future. Notice every detail, even for no reason. For example, read every line of the contract instead of trying to go over the main points. If you are well prepared, you can always jump at the opportunity presented.
    • Paying attention to detail isn't just useful for serious and insidious purposes. If your friends like to make fun of you, then, as soon as you enter the room and notice that something has changed in the familiar environment, you will be ready for the trick.
  4. 4 Be on the lookout. A person cannot be cunning if he is tired, distracted or distracted. It is very important for a cunning person to always remain active and keep an eye out. To a large extent, this means always maintaining the biological needs in the norm. For example, it is good to rest after a party, exercise and eat regularly so as not to feel hungry.
    • If you feel exhausted, grab a coffee or energy drink to invigorate. Be warned, though: some people find it difficult to concentrate if their caffeine levels rise. Also, keep an eye on the amount of caffeine you consume.
  5. 5 Always keep a cold mind. Sly people do not allow their emotions and prejudices to interfere with the decision-making process. Instead, they are guided by bare facts. It is very easy to tell yourself to remain objective, but much more difficult to do. Try to keep your emotions in check, at least when faced with a difficult decision.No one has ever come to a good decision in a fit of anger.
  6. 6 Pay attention to the strengths and weaknesses of others. This step is very important. The weapons of cunning people are deception and tricks. It is much easier to fool a person if you know his weaknesses and dignity. It is especially helpful to know the weaknesses. They can prompt the person to make hasty decisions that will benefit you. Likewise, you should avoid the person's strengths whenever possible, otherwise they might fool you.
    • Examples. Let's say you want to get a friend to donate to a charity event you're hosting. You know that your friend is quite stubborn, but at the same time, you know that your friend is also a sweet tooth. Make or buy sweets and, as if by chance, invite a friend over. Let him eat as much as he wants. Then offer to donate money. Most likely, he will agree so as not to sound rude after your hospitality.

Part 2 of 3: Self-development

  1. 1 Practice, practice, practice. If you are born cunning and ruthless, chances are you are a psychopath. Like any other quality, cunning is something people work on. Some are naturally more cunning, while others are more gullible. It doesn't matter who you initially belong to, cunning qualities can always be improved with practice.
    • Try to find a few minor situations in which you can hone your skills before moving on to something serious. Joking is a good way to develop cunning without putting yourself at great risk. For example, most pranks require action, lying, suppressing emotions, and anticipating the real motives of others.
  2. 2 Never take anything at face value. Sly people are skeptics to the core. Never rely on first impressions and always think carefully about information. Never underestimate people. Look for reasons why people may be hiding the truth or intentionally telling lies for their own benefit.
    • Investigative journalists are constantly making their way through mountains of lies and pretense. If you want to hone your skills, of course, you don't have to study to be a journalist, but you should take a closer look at the work, follow the progress of investigations, pay attention to how they get the truth and knock out the facts.
  3. 3 Calculate all possible results. British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, among other things, stood out for his cunning. He had a reputation as an intelligent and resourceful person, famous for his sarcastic statements and the ability to unexpectedly joke. In fact, before giving this or that speech or speaking in public, he carefully thought over the possible course of events and tried to predict, in advance, what he should expect. Take Churchill as an example. In each situation, try to anticipate every possible path and develop tactics in accordance with each of them.
    • The worst-case scenario is if things don't go as you expect. However, if this happens, you will already have an escape plan. It's better than being completely unprepared.
  4. 4 Learn from your mistakes. Even the greatest swindlers have sometimes come across. If you are learning, you cannot avoid mistakes. Intrigues can be revealed, you will be ashamed and you have to apologize. Use these failures as a contribution to your future experiences. Pay attention to exactly when and how your plan went wrong. Try not to repeat these mistakes henceforth.
  5. 5 Study yourself. French theologian Pierre Sharon once said: “The easiest way to deceive someone is to believe that you are more cunning than everyone else.” A cunning person must certainly be able to figure out strengths, weaknesses and those around him, but he must also know his own vulnerabilities , as well as their dignity. Rate yourself as honestly as possible.Where are you strong? What is not? What makes you nervous? What makes you self-confident? Be honest with yourself about your abilities. This is the only way you will find out what you can play on and what to work on.

Part 3 of 3: Cheating, Misleading

  1. 1 Learn to make an impenetrable face. The sly person not only needs to be able to read the faces of others, but they also need to be able to hide their emotions. It's natural to feel nervous or aroused after you cheated on someone. Therefore, it is very important that you do not give out on your facial expression. Obviously, you shouldn't be grinning or giggling. Together, just relax. Take a deep breath. Imagine a soothing picture in your mind.
    • Playing poker is a great way to learn to be non-discerning. In this game, when you have a winning combination in your hands, you need to stay completely calm on the outside. Likewise, you need to radiate calm if the cards are bad.
  2. 2 Be convincing and confident. People trust more confident people. If you are a cunning person, you must develop confidence. Your movements should be calm and precise. Try to convince yourself that this deception is just a trifle, or that it is so easy that you don't even have to make an effort (even if it is not). If you believe that you can do something, you can deceive others.
    • How to develop self-confidence (the basics):
      • Pay attention to your appearance: dress well and be neat.
      • Learn friendly sign language by standing up straight, smiling, and looking people in the eye.
      • Look for interests - find a hobby and improve on it.
      • Be nice: Exude friendliness and be polite, never agree with someone just to please.
  3. 3 Learn to lie. Lying is a cunning man's best friend. A good lie inspires confidence, or at least is difficult to dispute. To learn to lie well, you must develop intelligence and be able to control your emotions. Lies are conveyed not only by words, but also by body language and voice. You should stick with this version. Practice and design tricky circuits.
    • A cunning person can lie not only to others, but also to himself. If a person himself believes in his lie, it is more difficult to catch him on it, and he himself gains confidence and behaves as if it really is. At the same time, outwardly, he remains calm and relaxed.
  4. 4 Set traps. Someone once said that the trick is "finding a path that the enemy has chosen and digging holes along that path." These words are worth remembering, but also don't forget. That intrigues other people is extremely bad. By studying your opponent's strengths and weaknesses and their motives, you can determine which position he is taking and take advantage of it. Press on vulnerable spots. Try to create a situation in which the enemy gets confused and makes gross mistakes.
    • For example, suppose you and a colleague are both applying for a promotion. If you know the person is bad at making presentations, ask them to speak too to overshadow them with their presentation.
  5. 5 Don't draw attention to yourself. A cunning person never draws attention to himself if it is not necessary. Communicate with people as usual, without weirdness. If you see that someone has taken your bait - do not push the person too hard, otherwise he will understand that he is being “bred”.
    • Of course, it's hard to resist the urge to gloat when you've successfully tricked someone, but still, you shouldn't. You will only show a sense of your superiority and in the future you will make an enemy for yourself.
  6. 6 You should always have an emergency exit. Sly people calculate all possible courses of development of events, even undesirable ones. There is always the possibility that your cunning will play against you. Think in advance what you will need to do to correct the situation.Come up with a credible story to deny anything that goes wrong.
    • For example, you secretly sneaked backstage at a concert without a pass. You have been caught and asked what you are doing here. To avoid problems, come up with an "excuse" in advance. Pretend that you are lost and are looking for a toilet, or that your friend said that this place will have a better view of the show. Imagine being surprised when they tell you that you broke the rules. Most likely, you will avoid serious problems.


  • Play a huge number of educational games.


  • Don't overdo it or you will get in trouble.