Drink green coffee

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 5 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
How to make COFFEE with GREEN COFFEE BEAN ||  how to purchase, weigh, grind, boil + caffeine levels
Video: How to make COFFEE with GREEN COFFEE BEAN || how to purchase, weigh, grind, boil + caffeine levels


You probably know that green tea is full of antioxidants, but did you know that green coffee also contains them? Unroasted coffee beans that are still green contain antioxidants and chlorogenic acid that is linked to weight loss. To see for yourself whether these benefits are real, you can prepare your own green coffee extract or take a dietary supplement with powdered green coffee. Do not forget to consult your doctor before adding green coffee to your diet, especially if you are also taking any medication.

To step

Method 1 of 2: Prepare your own green coffee extract

  1. Buy green coffee beans. Look for the best beans that are processed wet. This means that they have not been dried with the fruits still attached, which can lead to mold formation. If possible, buy beans that have been mechanically hulled.
    • You can buy green coffee beans online or ask a local roaster to keep some unroasted beans aside for purchase.
  2. Rinse 170 grams of green coffee beans and put them in a jar. Place 170 grams of green coffee beans in a metal sieve and place under the tap. Rinse the beans briefly and then move them to a pot on the stove.
    • Try not to rub the beans together too hard or they will lose the papery husks that contain antioxidants.
  3. Add 750 ml of water and bring to the boil. Pour filtered or spring water into the jar and put the lid on. Turn up the heat and let the beans heat up until the water starts to boil.
  4. Simmer the beans for 12 minutes or over medium heat. Remove the lid from the pot and turn the heat to medium-low so that the water bubbles up evenly. Simmer the beans for 12 minutes, stirring occasionally.
    • Stir gently so that the husks in the corners of the beans do not come off.
  5. Turn off the heat and strain the extract into a storage container. Place a fine metal strainer over a bowl or storage container such as a pitcher. Slowly pour the extract through the strainer into the container.
    • The sieve should catch the beans and large chunks.
    • Consider saving the beans so you can brew them again. When cool, put them in a resealable bag and keep them in the refrigerator. Let them infuse again after 1 week and then throw them away.
  6. Drink the green coffee extract. Unlike commercial products that require mixing, your green coffee extract is ready to drink immediately. If you don't like the strong flavor, dilute it a little with water or another drink.
    • Cover and store in the refrigerator for 3 to 4 days.

Method 2 of 2: Drink green coffee for the health benefits

  1. Try to drink green coffee for weight loss. Small-scale studies show that drinking green coffee could promote weight loss. This is because green coffee contains chlorogenic acid, which prevents the body from absorbing the carbohydrates you eat.
    • While more research is needed, green coffee can lower blood pressure and improve blood sugar.
  2. Keep track of your dosage throughout the week. If you bought green coffee and mix it with boiling water, follow the dosing instructions on the package. Unfortunately, you will have to keep track of how much green coffee extract you drink every day, because there are no dosage recommendations regarding the amount of chlorogenic acid you can add to your diet. If you experience side effects, reduce your daily dose.
    • Some studies recommend 120 to 300 mg of chlorogenic acid (from 240 to 3000 mg of green coffee extract), but it is impossible to determine exactly how much your homemade green coffee extract contains.
  3. Pay attention to side effects such as headaches, diarrhea and anxiety attacks. Since green coffee contains more caffeine than regular roasted coffee, you are more likely to experience the side effects of caffeine. You may feel anxious or nervous and have a fast heart rate. If you experience side effects, cut back on green coffee and see your doctor.
    • Possible side effects include diarrhea, headache and urinary tract inflammation.
  4. Drink green coffee 30 minutes before your meals. Regardless of whether you are drinking homemade green coffee extract or powdered green coffee, try to drink it on an empty stomach. Wait 30 minutes before eating a meal or snack.
    • Follow the manufacturer's instructions for how many times a day you can drink green coffee. For example, some recommend a maximum of 2 doses per day.


  • Always consult your doctor before taking any supplement, especially if you are also taking any medication.


  • Avoid drinking green tea if you are pregnant or breastfeeding as green coffee contains even more caffeine than regular roasted coffee. Never try to give caffeine to children.


  • Measuring cups
  • Jar with a lid
  • Fine metal strainer
  • Storage container
  • Spoon