How to lead

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 1 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Lead - Top 3 Qualities of a Great Leader and other Leadership Skills
Video: How to Lead - Top 3 Qualities of a Great Leader and other Leadership Skills


Leaders exclusively ask questions in order to have an idea of ​​everything, to set direction, to put the right people in the right positions, to provide resources to achieve the highest goals, and to engage with people all the time, without going beyond, so that it is convenient to achieve maximum results. And they do it for ethical reasons! This all sounds rather complicated, but you probably know that you are currently the leader. Time to channel your energy in the right direction.


Method 1 of 3: Part One: How to Climb to the Top

  1. 1 Be a visionary. You are part of a group that needs some guidance. To become a leader, you need to have a vision. Be a visionary. Know how to foresee what should happen in the future. You need to see that spark to appreciate your team's creativity. See how people work.
    • A good leader should always see the “next big goal”. When the computer was invented, Steve Jobs saw the iPhone. Once you see the next step, you should also see what might happen next. How should your team, in particular, increase their potential? Who is the best fit for what job? What potential problems could arise?
  2. 2 Be patient. You cannot become a leader overnight. You must become a leader gradually.In other words, these things take time. You must be patient. You must work your way up the career ladder. There will be very few places where you can walk in and say "This is my place!" and accidentally take responsibility. And if you can, then seriously ask why?
    • No leader is good enough if he hasn’t led before. You must be a follower before you can become a good leader or understand anything about your team. You don't elect a president who is not a citizen, right? The same determines the levels of leadership. If you do not know the situation from the inside, you cannot solve it and become part of the team. So be patient, wait for your time, and it will definitely come.
  3. 3 Show strength. If there is only one thing a leader should have other than looking ahead, it is definitely strength. No leader has ascended to the top without a spine, without a drive, without a head held high, without faith in himself. Show your team that you can solve the world's problems and leadership will come undoubtedly.
    • Remember the difference between strength and arrogance. There is a difference between a leader who knows that he is suitable for the role of leader and who thinks that he is the only one who is suitable for this role. You have to be strong, you have to be confident in your decisions, but that doesn’t mean that you don’t recognize the abilities of your team (and your own self in this).
  4. 4 Suppose you have no power. Sounds pretty funny, but it's true. A leader who is basking in his power by clinging to it will not have it all the time. Assume that you have no adherents, and you will be more convincing (because you have to be), you will be able to relate to your team better (since you are on the same level with her), and you will not shine with mental power (you have there is no reason for this). And remember, you only have power because your team allows it. Your team can take it away at any time. So who really has power?
    • Be a good leader and this is not about power. And not about control, and certainly not about power. It's about improving your team. If you need to take a step back to be happy, dance and reach your potential, then so be it. A good leader is such only when his authority is understood by others.
  5. 5 Define a goal for your team. To be a leader, you must have a team that works towards a goal. If the team does nothing, it means that it is just a group of people in one place, which is just enjoying each other's company. The goal should be clearly defined and everyone should be a part of it. You just have to define what the goal is.
    • Make sure everyone is clear about which direction they are working in. If the team does not understand what they will get on the way to achieving the goal, explain to them again. Each person needs responsibilities that maximize their value and make them an integral part of the overall pie.
  6. 6 Look in the mirror. Here's a fun little exercise you can try: write a list of all the things you wanted to do in the past year. Then go through the list and note what you actually did, what you achieved. Give this list to your friends and ask if they would hire you for these things. Or will they look at you as a rogue for whom someone did this job? What's the verdict?
    • We often look pretty lousy when we see who we really are. Take a look at the list. Does this mean that the list shows how you see yourself? What weaknesses does this show? What are the strengths? Ask the same friend, what does your list prove?
  7. 7 Identify a leader if necessary. If you are part of a team that is working smoothly, and suddenly you grab the reins and try to pull the blanket over yourself, it will not do anything good. In order to become a leader, you need to have a team that needs leaders. Otherwise, you will be just a dictator who seeks power in vain. So wherever you are - in the classroom, on the basketball team, or in the office, you need to understand the situation. Really nobody fits? What's the situation? And is a leader really needed?
    • No team works effectively if there are too many chefs in the kitchen, too many bosses, and not enough executives. Do your ideas make sense? Luckily, when the team chases after you like chickens with their heads chopped off, it's pretty hard to ignore. You will be aware of the absence of a leader when you see him. And then you can fill the void!

Method 2 of 3: Part Two: Leading Your Team to Success

  1. 1 People (your team) have distinct strengths (and weaknesses). And it is your job as a leader to place them where they should be, where they will be most useful. It's your job to acknowledge that each person has a price. It is your job to ignite the flames between people and their efforts.
    • Show that you are a savvy leader. Allow everyone to maximize their potential and they will be happier and you will be happier with them.
  2. 2 Manage expectations. If you are running for the presidency of the United States, then have the slogan "Everything will be fine by 2016!" - not a very good idea. It just won't happen. You cannot lead a team with the expectation that everything will go smoothly and that everything will always be amazing and wonderful. No. You must be realistic. You have to be confident, but you have to be real. Let your team know what you are looking forward to in the future. After all, you are a seer.
    • It is important to meet expectations at the macro and micro level. You must check the level of the team and each of its members. Does everyone know what their own commitments are? How does this fit into the big picture?
  3. 3 Look carefully at your position. On any team, there are always people who disagree with you and people who agree with you. There will be those who think they should be leaders, there will be those who just don't like your way of working, and there will be those who just think that your team should stick to other goals. This is fine. Your job is to take them all on board.
    • In most cases, this will be a minority (if it is the majority, then most likely you will be kicked out). The other two groups will be the ones behind you and the ones who could actually follow you one way or another. You have to take those behind you and light the way for them, and it cannot be passed on to others. If you do it right, then others will wonder why they are wasting so much time overtaking you.
  4. 4 Think big. Walking with the leader is something that should be happening all the time. Your team vision should turn into that of the team itself as you make progress, but sometimes what seems right may one day turn out to be wrong. Therefore, as the clock is ticking, as you move on and on, you will have to think in three dimensions. What could have been done that you are not doing, and what can you do better?
    • Of great importance are your subordinates, who have a lot of good ideas, but do not say anything or say partially, because they do not feel that they are doing their own thing. Make sure to hear everyone, regardless of their status. Maybe you will hear from them an idea that will light a light bulb in your head, who knows?
  5. 5 Remain ethical and fair. A good leader is someone who is respected, and you will not be respected if you are immoral and unjust.It may seem to you that your team is not watching you, but if you hesitate in your morals, they will definitely see it. If you play favorites, they will pay attention. If you cut corners, they will notice and follow your lead. Therefore, if you want your team to play well, you must also play well.
  6. 6 Give your team a sense of purpose. When you're a worker in Factory 142, it's easy to lose sight of your importance. You may have a group of people who feel like they really don't matter whether they say it or not. When this happens, productivity (and success) tends to be minimal. You can avoid this by giving them a purpose. Let them know what they are doing and why it is important and how it will affect people. Pay attention to them. Let them know that you paid attention to them. If you take care of them, then they will most likely do the same for you.
    • Remember that you are the leader, not the boss. You don't just command them. Any monkey could do it. You are here because you have to convince most of them, no matter the circumstances. So be real with them. If they like you, they will want to do their job. If they don't, they will lose the very first chance they get.

Method 3 of 3: Part Three: Be an Effective Leader

  1. 1 Be a role model. To be an effective, good leader, you cannot live with the phrase "Do as I say, not do as I do." You must articulate the direction your team should take. If you don't, why should they cooperate with you? What would they do well? If your team goes their own way, you are no longer the leader. So be a role model and show them the way.
    • Even if you don't think you are a role model, you are. You are in a natural position to be an example. Some leaders are more like friends, some are more like bosses (and yet some of them are more like dictators), but they are all role models. Your team is looking at you. Use your powers for the common good!
  2. 2 Be soft and adaptable. Nobody can predict the future. Computers are becoming pretty good predictors, but they can still be very, very wrong. For this reason, it is of the utmost importance that you remain adaptable and capable of change. Imagine if Apple stopped after its first computer! Or if Ford stopped after one model! Or Britney Spears left the stage after "Baby One More Time!" Society is constantly changing, and you (and your team) must change as well.
    • Even school project leaders need to be receptive to change! If anyone has a better idea than the one you are currently using, you should use it. Even small obstacles present opportunities to show that change will not take you off course.
  3. 3 Be a good mentor. In general, people crave leadership. They choose not to make their own decisions (the way they don't take responsibility) and use other people to light the way. Because of this, you are in a natural position to be a mentor. Use your powers to your advantage! When someone comes to you for advice, help them out. After all, a good leader makes better leaders!
  4. 4 Do not admit your mistake before the opposition. Mike Tyson said, "Everyone has a plan until they get pounded in the face." These are the most powerful words Mike has ever spoken. The one who is hit in the face (meaning the one who rocks the boat goes against the leader), what will he do? Will it float or drown?
    • The correct answer, by the way, is the first one. All good leaders face opposition. Everything.Think Nelson Mandela was easy? Or Mother Teresa? It has nothing to do with how good you are with your position. There will always be haters. Always. It simply means that you are doing something that matters. This is part of the tutorial.
  5. 5 Prepare your team and prepare yourself. A simple example is a conversation for a large group of people. Not only do you have to be able to get your speech down to the bottom, know what tools are needed for this, who are all those people who are going to be there - your team also needs to know (in this case, perhaps your audience). What will you say? How can they do some research in their free time. What can they equip themselves with in order to be useful? When everything is ready, everything will go more or less smoothly!
    • Of course, there may be obstacles that you will not be prepared for. It's unavoidable. But you can prepare yourself for the thorny path - and all with anticipation control. If everyone knows it won't be easy (but hope it will be worth it), you can avoid heavy sighing, crushing head shakes.
  6. 6 Get out of the situational conflict. It's just common sense. If two are fighting over the last staple, just stay away from it. They are probably actually fighting for something else, and this is not your area. You shouldn't get involved in the privacy of your team. If she has nothing to do with work, just be neutral. It is in everyone's interest.
  7. 7 Show your appreciation. When your team does a great job, let your team know about it. When all the screws are spinning, bask in their warmth. Let your team get warm too. Show that you see the hard work around you. Because you know what? Are you sure you couldn't do it all on your own? As a good leader, you will understand that this is a team effort and the questions concern each side. Everyone is commendable.
    • Best of all, if it's a sincere appreciation. A fake leader who wears an artificial smile on his face won't be listened to for long. Find something in everyone's work that you can thank them for. Then appreciate his work. If you can't open your eyes, then they shouldn't be part of your team!


  • It is best if you are an expert in what you are doing. If you don’t know the answer to a question, honestly tell the other person that you don’t know, and then go and find out!


  • Don't let yourself be a leader walking over your heads. If that happens, it won't last long.