How to decide whether to do colpoplasty or not

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
Ways to regulate motion after Coloplasty - Dr. Nanda Rajaneesh
Video: Ways to regulate motion after Coloplasty - Dr. Nanda Rajaneesh


Colpoplasty is a surgical procedure that tightens the muscles in the vagina. Colpoplasty can be done together with labioplasty - a plastic surgery aimed at eliminating the cosmetic imperfections of the labia majora and labia minora. Despite the fact that colpoplasty, labiaplasty and the associated "vaginal rejuvenation" have recently become very popular, many gynecologists believe that such operations are completely unnecessary and are performed without considering the future consequences. If you decide to have a colpoplasty, there are several factors to consider.


Method 1 of 3: Step 1: Assess the reasons for needing colpoplasty

  1. 1 Colpoplasty can solve the problem of a prolapsed bladder. The muscles of the vagina play an important role in keeping the pelvic organs in place. If the muscles in the vagina are weakened, they perform their function less efficiently. As a result, a woman may develop a hernia of the bladder, and abdominal organs may sink or fall out of the vagina. As a solution, your doctor may recommend colpoplasty.
    • Hernia of the bladder is divided into several categories according to the severity. In the first degree (moderate degree), only a small part of the bladder descends into the vagina. In this case, surgery takes place only when you are in pain. The second degree of severity (moderate) is characterized by the descent of the bladder to the external opening of the vagina. In the third degree (severe), the bladder begins to protrude from the opening. Finally, the fourth degree (absolute) is characterized by complete prolapse of the bladder from the vagina. For proper treatment, it is very important to determine the severity of the bladder prolapse.
    • If you decide to have colpoplasty to treat your bladder, the least invasive treatment is best, especially if the severity is not very severe. The doctor may recommend a vaginal suppository / pessary (a device that is inserted into the vagina to support the uterus and / or bladder and rectum) or recommend estrogen replacement therapy.
  2. 2 Consider colpoplasty as a treatment for rectal prolapse. Weakened vaginal muscles can also lead to rectal prolapse (rectal prolapse), a condition where the rectum is partially or completely outside the anus. As a solution to the problem, the doctor may advise colpoplasty.
    • Like bladder prolapse, rectal prolapse has several degrees of severity. With partial prolapse, the rectal mucosa is everted and often extends beyond the anus. Complete prolapse is accompanied by the prolapse of all layers of the anus beyond the anus. Internal prolapse is characterized by prolapse of the rectum without the involvement of the anus. It is important to diagnose the severity of the loss for subsequent treatment.
    • If you are planning to have colpoplasty to treat rectal prolapse, understand that less invasive treatments work well in the early stages. Talk to your doctor about constipation, Kegel exercises to strengthen your pelvic muscles, and the ability to push your bowel inward on your own.
  3. 3 Colpoplasty is done with weakened vaginal muscles. Some women who have no problem with prolapse of their bladder or rectum do use colpoplasty to tighten their vaginal muscles. Your doctor may advise colpoplasty if muscle weakening could lead to more serious problems. You can postpone the operation by using more gentle methods, for example:
    • use a pessary to support your pelvic organs.
    • try estrogen replacement therapy
    • Do Kegel exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles.
  4. 4 Talk to your doctor about the role of colpoplasty in increasing sexual satisfaction. If the vaginal muscles become weak, you may have trouble reaching orgasm or orgasm may be less enjoyable. Colpoplasty tightens the muscles in the vagina, which allows them to contract more efficiently. Also, after the operation, the diameter of the vagina decreases, which gives more friction during intercourse. Some women experience stronger and more frequent orgasms after surgery. Even if you think colpoplasty will improve your sex life, talk to your doctor about this particular case.
  5. 5 Be careful with other motives for colpoplasty. Many women worry that their vagina is weakening or stretching as they age or after childbirth. Although, in fact, everything is normal and the vaginal muscles are quite healthy. It is true that over time and after childbirth, the muscles of the vagina weaken and the vagina becomes wider in diameter, but in many cases, this is not associated with a medical problem and should not affect sex life and self-confidence. The demand for cosmetic surgery for "vaginal rejuvenation" has grown, which has subsequently led many women to falsely assume that they need rejuvenation. Although, for most, this is not at all the case.

Method 2 of 3: Step 2: Consider the Risks of Colpoplasty

  1. 1 Think about the risks associated with anesthesia. Colpoplasty can be performed using local anesthesia, which is less risky. Although, in specific cases, you need to use general anesthesia. As a rule, operations performed under general anesthesia carry a significant risk: in rare cases, people experience insanity, suffer from lung infections, strokes, heart attacks, and in the worst case, general anesthesia is fatal.
  2. 2 Do not forget that colpoplasty carries the risk of infection. If you decide to have surgery, your doctor will prescribe antibiotics that will minimize the chances of infection, although in some cases (less than 5%), the infection does develop. Talk to your doctor about this threat.
  3. 3 Become aware of the possibility of long-term pain and discomfort. In some cases, colpoplasty creates more problems than it solves. Some women experience prolonged pain and discomfort during intercourse or constantly.
  4. 4 Remember that colpoplasty can cause permanent changes in sensation. Ideally, colpoplasty improves sensation and sexual function, but sometimes it doesn't. Some women complain of a decrease in sexual sensations, which usually occurs due to scarring that occurs as a result of the operation.

Method 3 of 3: Step 3: Make a Decision

  1. 1 Discuss all your options with your gynecologist. Whatever the reason for the surgery, you should discuss alternatives with your gynecologist.The gynecologist can offer a less invasive treatment (either as a short-term solution to the problem or as a long-term solution) and make definitive recommendations for colpoplasty. The doctor must also make sure that you are aware of the risks and that you are realistic about the results.
  2. 2 Get the opinion of another expert. If your gynecologist suggests colpoplasty, seek the advice of another specialist. Don't worry about offending your gynecologist. A good healthcare provider needs to understand and even support the desire for more advice.
  3. 3 Talk to your partner or spouse. If your desire for surgery is motivated by a sexual problem or fear that your vagina is not tight enough, discuss the problem with your partner. Perhaps he has a different point of view. In addition, it is very important that your loved one supports you. During the recovery period, you will need help and will have to abstain from sex for at least six weeks after surgery.
  4. 4 Consider getting pregnant. If you are planning to have children, it may be worth postponing the operation, except in serious cases such as severe prolapse. The extra labor will stretch the vaginal muscles again.
  5. 5 Discuss your plans with a therapist. If you are having trouble deciding whether or not to have surgery, talk to a therapist, especially if the main reason for the surgery is sex or to increase self-confidence or self-esteem. The therapist will help with solving the problem and will tell you whether it is worth doing the operation or not.
  6. 6 Consider the recovery period. In general, colpoplasty is a minor surgical procedure. However, the woman will need to rest for several days to recover from the operation. In addition, you should not do vigorous exercise for several weeks, use tampons, or have sex for six weeks or more. You may need to use a dilator (dilator) for comfortable penetration.
  7. 7 The choice is yours. Taking into account the advice of your doctor, do not forget that in the absence of serious problems associated with the vaginal muscles, only you have the right to decide whether it is beneficial to have such an operation or not. Make the decision that works best for you and move forward with confidence.


  • If you decide to have colpoplasty, do not overestimate your expectations. Surgery is not a panacea for female sexual dysfunction and, moreover, surgery may not make much difference in your sex life and will not raise your self-esteem.
  • Remember, cosmetic or elective surgeries are not covered by health insurance. If colpoplasty is done to correct the prolapse, insurance will cover all costs. Otherwise, you will have to pay for the operation yourself. Check with your insurance agent for all details.