How to ease summer boredom

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 24 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


The first week of summer is always delicious. In the second week, you almost want to get back to school as soon as possible. Get this thought out of your head! There are so many exciting activities around - a whole summer may not be enough to try them all, so seize the moment and choose a business for today!


Method 1 of 6: New Skills and Interests

  1. 1 Find a new hobby. Have you wanted to learn something for a long time, but did not think that you would succeed? Summer with lots of free time is the best time to take and try. Here are some ideas:
    • Learn to play a musical instrument.
    • Sing or dance.
    • Find a new type of creativity or handicraft - for example, try photography or knitting.
  2. 2 Go in for sports. Generally, summer is a great time of year for outdoor sports if you are not intimidated by the heat. If you don't have a favorite sport yet, let it appear this summer!
    • Gather friends or join a section to play football, basketball or volleyball.
    • Find an activity for two - badminton, tennis, mini golf or surfing (if you live by the sea).
  3. 3 Film. Get your friends together and brainstorm to come up with a movie idea. It could be anything: a fantasy story, a culinary competition, a music video. If you get serious about the project, it will be followed by exciting weeks of screenwriting, casting, costumes, filming and editing.
    • You can shoot a series of short videos and launch your YouTube channel.
  4. 4 Come up with a radio show. Find a computer recording program or even a cassette recorder and record your own show. Make a list of everything you would like to include: music, jokes, interviews, announcements, real or fictional news, and the like.
  5. 5 Do something with your own hands. Arts and Crafts projects require patience and time, which you lack during the school year, but they can be done in the summer. Here are some ideas:
    • Make a heart out of paper. You can simply cut out scrapbook hearts for those you love, or get yourself some square origami paper and try to make a more sophisticated version. If you are into origami, you will find many other schemes.
    • Make rainbow wax crayons, or try crayon painting on hot rocks.
    • Make a slime or plasticine. With these weird-to-touch materials, you can just play or come up with some naughty trick.
    • Make a balloon. Such a balloon is easy to make, fill with hot air and send on a long journey - it can fly hundreds of kilometers a day.
  6. 6 Achieve mastery in a difficult game. In life, you will have time to learn a variety of games, but summer gives you an excellent opportunity to choose one and become an unsurpassed strategist in it. There are games that even host international tournaments with large prizes for the winners - both traditional bridge or chess, and modern Magic: The Gathering or Starcraft II.
  7. 7 Learn to cook. If you don’t know how to cook, and indeed you don’t know much about food, you can learn how to cook several dishes. There are thousands of recipes in cookbooks and websites. Find the simplest ones, preferably with a step-by-step description, or use our ideas to get started:
    • Make cold refreshing smoothies; experiment with different ingredients and surprise your friends. You can also make a milkshake.
    • Make a fantastic ice cream dessert by adding fresh fruit or berries, drizzling with sweet syrup or sauce, and garnish with canned cream.
    • Melt the chocolate and dip the fruit pieces or cookies into it. If you are ready for more difficult tasks, bake bread or charlotte.

Method 2 of 6: Personal Development

  1. 1 Find a job for the summer. You will be busy, meet new people and make money. Shops, tourist attractions and attractions, festivals - all these places often require temporary workers for the summer.
  2. 2 Become a volunteer. Helping the community can be rewarding and rewarding, and your work is truly beneficial. Look for organizations in your city that clean up trash, care for injured or abandoned animals, and help the elderly.
    • In the future, the line “volunteer work” will brighten up your resume, but don't think about it now: do it if you sincerely want to be useful.
  3. 3 Type a stack of books in the library. Books can take you to another world or allow you to see your usual life with different eyes. Try to learn as much as you can about a topic that interests you, such as Norse mythology, Japanese history, or space travel.
    • If you want to learn even more, sign up for an online course. Some of the world's top universities even post lectures on the Internet, which are often much more interesting than classes in middle or high school.
  4. 4 Start keeping a diary. Many people keep diaries to describe the events of the day, to get through difficult times more easily, or to simply make plans for tomorrow. Perhaps in a few years you will reread these notes and smile at your summer memories.
  5. 5 Write a novel. This is an ambitious project that, with inspiration, will take an entire summer and more. If you're unsure of where to start, try writing a story to emulate your favorite author, or invite a friend to collaborate on ideas.
  6. 6 Learn a foreign language. Knowledge of a foreign language will be useful to you for further education in the future, but not only - the person who speaks it has many different possibilities open. Find beginner courses nearby, or ask a friend or family member to practice with you in a language they know. Search the internet for free lessons, sites to help language learners, or foreign partners for speaking practice.

Method 3 of 6: Attending and Organizing Events

  1. 1 Attend local events. Fairs, festivals, carnivals and other events are held in many places in the summer. Find their calendar on the Internet or ask your friends what interesting things are planned in the city in the near future. Follow the posters of local theaters, concert halls, stadiums.
  2. 2 Be a tourist in your city. Check the travel site or brochures for your city to find out what attracts travelers to it. This can be anything from museums to parks, in the city itself or in the surrounding area.
  3. 3 Live in a tent. Spend a few days with family or friends at a campground, or camp in the garden if you live in a private home or summer cottage. Gather around a fire, grill barbecue or bake potatoes, sing songs or tell scary stories.
  4. 4 Get involved in geocaching. Geocaching is a game of finding hidden caches by their geographic coordinates. Find a website dedicated to it and find out if it is held in your city. With the help of a GPS receiver, you can search for caches or, on the contrary, arrange them yourself and transmit the coordinates to other participants.
  5. 5 Take a home vacation. If the weather, transport or lack of cultural events prevent you from being a tourist in the city, arrange a mini-vacation without leaving your home. Invite your friends to spend the night with you and decorate the room to turn it into a palace, jungle, hotel or other interesting place. Buy unusual food and small “souvenirs” for guests. On a rainy day, you can put on your swimwear and sunglasses and relax in the room, playing like you're on a sunny beach.
  6. 6 Meet old friends. If your current buddies are busy or are away on vacation, find old phone books or flip through your email contacts and connect with those you have spoken to before. Any activity will be more fun in a friendly company, although you can just spend the day together, sharing new events in life and indulging in common memories.
  7. 7 Try to build something. Build anything - a house from cardboard boxes, a hut, even just assemble a 3D puzzle. Not only will this entertain you, but it will also be an excellent training in logical thinking and applied skills.

Method 4 of 6: Fun in Hot Weather

  1. 1 Go swimming. If the summer in your area is hot, it will both entertain you and help you cool off. Take your family or friends to the local beach or pool. Swim for a race, play games, jump into the water, dive for shells, or get together and try water polo.
  2. 2 Refresh yourself with other water activities. Even if you have nowhere to go for a swim, this does not negate other fun water games. Put on a swimsuit or lightweight clothing that won't get wet and invite your friends to join you.
    • Turn on your garden sprayers and play catch-up, hide-and-seek or Ali Baba among the water spray.
    • Arrange a water battle. Make sprinklers, buy cheap water guns, or use a garden hose. It can be a one-time game or just the first battle of a great water war.
  3. 3 Prepare cold drinks and desserts. A cold drink or a serving of ice cream is so wonderful in the heat. Making them yourself is an even better way to relieve boredom.
    • Try making homemade ice cream - either quick with salt and ice, or real creamy, just as good as store-bought, using the freezer or ice cream maker.
    • Make a sorbet, popsicle or popsicle with banana halves.
    • Boil compote, fresh juices, ginger ale, or lemonade.
    • Stock up on ice for drinks. Make shaped ice in tins. You can also freeze the juice in portions by sticking ice cream sticks into it.
  4. 4 Relax in the house. Choose which of the rooms is cooler and more shade, draw curtains, you can even build a house with sheets to provide shelter from the sun. Turn on the fan, grab an interesting book, and wait until the hottest part of the day is over.
    • You can also sew, play solitaire, play cards, watch movies, or listen to music.
  5. 5 Play outside in the evening. When twilight begins to descend and the temperature drops, gather in a company in the yard or park and play hide and seek, bouncers, catch-up or Cossack robbers. If the evening is too hot to run, set up a table in the garden and play cards or board games.
    • Choose a board game that won't get blown away. Easiest to find classic chess, checkers or any road magnetic game
    • If you want to play cards, and it is windy outside, you can press them down with a stone.

Method 5 of 6: Decor

  1. 1 Tidy up or change décor in your room. Some people love this activity, some not very much, but even if you are not a passionate decorator, it is better than sitting around. You can just sort out old things and find old toys and books that evoke memories. A more serious project (requiring approval and probably parental help) is to repaint the walls in the room or hang posters and paintings on them.
  2. 2 Collect flowers. See how many types of wild flowers you can find in your yard or a nearby forest park. Make a bouquet or dry plants for a herbarium or just for decorative purposes. In addition to flowers, you can dry the leaves of shrubs and trees.
    • Do not pick flowers in other people's yards and flower beds without permission.

Method 6 of 6: Personal Care

  1. 1 Make homemade self-care products.... There are hundreds of recipes that use yogurt, avocado, cucumber, and other natural ingredients.Open your kitchen cabinets, find what you need and have a beauty day at home - much cheaper than a spa!
  2. 2 Tidy up your wardrobe. Disassemble your clothes and put aside things that you no longer like or have become small. Invite your friends, invite them to also bring clothes and accessories that they are not wearing. Swap items or arrange a sale to make money for spending.


  • Pick your favorite ideas from this article, add your own, and make a list of ideas for the summer. Try to complete all points before the start of the school year.
  • Drink plenty of water in hot weather and apply sunscreen before leaving the house.
  • If you have siblings, find out what they are going to do, or invite them to join you.
  • Walk your dog every day.
  • Build a blanket house in your room and invite your friends to your home "camp".
  • Have a sleepover with friends.
  • Go on vacation!
  • Camp in the garden with friends.
  • Get out your old toys - Barbie dolls, RC cars, construction sets.
  • If you have a dog, bathe it. If you want to make some money, go wash cars with your friends. After that, you can arrange a water battle!
  • Play with your pet and teach him new tricks.
  • Play on your backyard lawn.
  • Have a disco with your friends.
  • Take a walk with your friends.
  • Apply makeup in new ways and experiment with new looks.
  • Go shopping.
  • Do different hairstyles.
  • Paint your nails and take care of yourself.
  • Make cute school supplies or get ready for school.


  • Make sure your parents don't mind what you're doing. In summer, it is especially offensive if you are guilty and you are not allowed to walk!
  • Swim only in designated areas under the supervision of lifeguards or experienced adult swimmers.