How to develop your own diet plan

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 13 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Create Your Own Diet Plan: Bulking & Cutting (Macros 101)
Video: How To Create Your Own Diet Plan: Bulking & Cutting (Macros 101)


Do you think you've tried thousands of different diets already? And they all failed? Then you should abandon standard diets. Instead, do a little research on your tastes and eating habits, adjust your diet, and follow some simple guidelines. Create your own diet, and then you will be on the right path to either losing weight or maintaining a healthy weight.


Method 1 of 4: Examine Nutritional Needs

  1. 1 Determine the number of calories that is right for you. Your daily calorie intake depends on your age, gender, weight, height, and activity level. Generally, the more active you are, the more calories you need to maintain your current weight.
    • For example, in the United States, adults are advised to consume between 1,600 and 3,200 calories per day. On average, most adults require around 2,000 calories.
    • To lose half a pound a week, cut your diet by 500-750 calories. To lose a kilogram in a week, you will need to reduce the number of calories by 1000-1500.
    • Your activity level has a huge impact on the number of calories you need to consume. Men tend to consume more without gaining weight. For example, if you lead a sedentary lifestyle, then in order not to gain kilograms, you should limit yourself to 2200 calories; if you are very active you will probably need 2,600 calories.
  2. 2 Learn the principles of healthy eating. The correct diet is varied and balanced. When choosing a diet, it is very important to pay attention to how much protein, fruits, vegetables, cereals, dairy products and carbohydrates you need.
    • Eating protein-rich foods such as beans, eggs, fish, legumes, meat, milk, nuts, and soy helps promote growth, self-healing, and development. Try to get 10-35% of your daily calories from protein, that's about 200-700 calories.
    • Fruits contain vitamins and antioxidants, they are fat-free, they reduce the risk of health problems and are essential for a balanced diet. Aim for about 2 cups of fruit a day.
    • Vegetables - fresh, frozen, or canned - are high in vitamins (such as A and C), potassium, and fiber, which are very beneficial to your health. In total, you should eat about 2-3 cups of vegetables per day, as well as fruits.
    • Carbohydrates are needed for energy balance and strengthening the immune system, so 140-230 grams of carbohydrates should be consumed per day. Eat whole grains like oatmeal and brown rice, and avoid processed carbohydrates like white bread and foods with added sugar.
    • Choose low-fat or low-fat dairy products that your body needs. Eat three cups of any calcium-rich food every day, be it milk, cheese, or lactose-free dairy products.
  3. 3 Understand that fats play an important role in your diet. Fats are often associated with actual body fat and are therefore not liked. There are also good fats that are essential for important functions in your body - breaking down vitamins and fighting fatigue. Experts say that fat should be 30% or less of the diet. Understanding which fats to eat is already a step towards success.
    • Include healthy fats in your diet in the form of sesame oil, olive oil, canola oil, soy, and nuts. Also consume omega-3 fatty acids, which are abundant in fish species such as salmon, tuna, and blue fish.
    • Harmful fats, including trans fats and saturated fats, can trigger heart disease and diabetes. These fats are often found in processed butter or hard (at room temperature) fat such as red meat, cooking oil, and butter.
  4. 4 Limit your salt and sugar intake. Too much salt (sodium bicarbonate) leads to fluid retention, which is dangerous for the heart and can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. Likewise, excess sugar leads to obesity and a long list of other health problems.
    • Salt intake should be reduced to 2,300 mg per day or less. For foods high in salt, limit your intake of pizza, soups, taco mixes, and salad dressings.
    • Sugar intake should not exceed 24 grams (6 teaspoons) for women and 36 grams (9 teaspoons) for men. Sugar in its manifestations can be called differently: dextrose, fructose, lactose, maltose, sucrose. Other sources of sugar are maple syrup, raw sugar, corn syrup, powdered sugar, brown sugar, and granulated sugar.
  5. 5 Explore different diets for inspiration. Most of the most famous diets have been tested by nutritionists, doctors, and many other experts. Pay attention to dietary guidelines and restrictions to make sure it actually works. Try these diets in your diet. Among the most popular diets are: vegetarianism, Paleo, Atkins diet, "Zone" diet.

Method 2 of 4: Choose a diet

  1. 1 First, decide how many pounds you want to lose and how quickly. In order to lose half a kilogram per week, it is worth limiting food intake to 500-750 calories. Losing weight at a faster pace is challenging. For example, there are 3500 calories and 500 grams of excess weight. To lose 1 kg per week, you need to remove 7,000 calories from your diet.
  2. 2 Varying the amount of calories you eat will help you lose weight. Try the easiest ways to cut calories.
    • Eat more slowly to cut calories. Your brain only realizes after twenty minutes that the body is full. According to some studies, a leisurely intake of food leads to faster satiety.
    • Eat salads every day. They are low in calories and help you lose weight. Try to make sure that salad is present in your daily diet.
    • Choose almonds as a snack to satisfy your hunger without exceeding the number of calories you need. 15-20 nuts is a snack, and 50 or more is a complete replacement for a meal. One study found that eating almonds as a snack for six months resulted in an 18% loss in body weight.
    • Increase your protein intake. Some studies have shown that people who double their protein intake lose more fat mass. In order to determine the amount of protein you need, you need to weigh, and then multiply the resulting number by 0.36, and then multiply that number by 2. The result is the amount of protein in grams that you should consume. Another benefit of consuming extra protein is that it improves the metabolic process.
    • Salsa sauce is a great substitute for more harmful additives.There are only 4 calories in a tablespoon of this sauce. This is 20 calories less than sour cream and guacamole, and 70 calories less than Ranch sauce, which contains mayonnaise. Plus, it's an extra serving of vegetables to your diet.
  3. 3 Choose the right proteins. To reduce the number of calories consumed, you should give your preference to proteins over fats. Increase protein per calorie. Here are some protein-rich foods.
    • Milk - 149 calories per 8 grams of protein
    • Eggs - 1 egg contains 78 calories and 8 grams of protein
    • Greek Yogurt - 15-20 grams of protein per 100 calories
    • Cottage Cheese - 14 g per 100 calories
    • Green soybeans - 100 calories contain 8 grams of protein
  4. 4 Choose your carbohydrates wisely. Eating high-fat carbohydrates can make you feel hungry, even if you're overweight, and lead to even more fat storage. Choose low-fat carbs like celery, zucchini, avocado, or pumpkin.
    • A low-carb diet not only promotes weight loss, but has been shown to help lower blood pressure, blood sugar, and triglycerides.

Method 3 of 4: Build Your Diet

  1. 1 Make the right breakfast. There are many more options for a healthy breakfast than the traditional one with eggs, oatmeal and sausages.
    • Try mixing peanut butter, oatmeal, and raisins. This will require 1 cup of oatmeal, 1 tablespoon of peanut butter, and 1/4 cup of raisins. You get a quick and easy breakfast. Choose 1 glass of orange juice for a healthy drink.
    • Whisk 2 eggs with two tablespoons of low-fat milk and fry with one teaspoon of vegetable oil. You can add turkey sausages. Wash down breakfast with apple juice, as an addition, you can choose wheat flour toast with a teaspoon of jam.
    • Make one serving of tofu omelet. Add flour, a quarter cup of black beans, and 2 tablespoons of salsa. Choose a cup of low-fat milk for your drink.
  2. 2 Think about what to choose for lunch. It should be light and contain a wide variety of vegetables and other healthy foods. There are many creative ways to make your dinner delicious. Here are some great examples:
    • Make a green salad. You will need 80 grams of tuna, 1 cup chopped lettuce, 1/4 cup grated carrots, and 2 tablespoons of French dressing (a mixture of vinegar and olive oil). Lightly oiled whole grain bread is perfect for this salad. Use 1 cup of reduced fat milk as a drink.
    • Try a banana peanut butter sandwich. This will require 2 tablespoons of peanut butter, a medium banana, and two slices of wholemeal bread. In addition, you can make half a cup of celery chopped with sticks and a glass of reduced-fat milk as a drink.
    • Make a sandwich with a slice of roasted beef, two slices of whole grain bread. Add two slices of tomato, 1 leaf of lettuce, and a tablespoon of mayonnaise. In addition to the sandwich, slice the carrots. Add apples for dessert and brush with 2 tablespoons of peanut butter.
  3. 3 Prepare a delicious meal. Find recipes for a family menu that are both healthy and varied, and will satisfy even the most sophisticated taste. Here are some examples:
    • Try the Red Hot Fusilli Pasta. Sauté 2 cloves of garlic and 1/4 cup of parsley in 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Then add 4 cups of ripe chopped tomatoes along with 1 tablespoon of basil, 1 tablespoon of oregano, 1/4 teaspoon of salt, and ground red pepper. After the mixture thickens, add 4 cups of boiled fusilli pasta. Top with 2 tablespoons of grated Parmesan cheese to taste. As a salad, boil the pea pods with a teaspoon of margarine.Finish the meal with 1 teaspoon of butter roll.
    • Fry the pork chop (150 g), baked potatoes with 2 tablespoons of salsa are suitable as a side dish. Serve the meat with the cabbage salad by chopping 1/2 cup chopped green cabbage and adding the French dressing (vinegar and olive oil).
    • Cook 150 grams of lean beef and serve with mashed potatoes (cooked with 1 tablespoon of milk and 2 teaspoons of margarine). As a vegetable side dish, frozen vegetables fried in one teaspoon of margarine are suitable.
  4. 4 Choose your food responsibly when dining out. Even in cafes, try to choose healthy food options. Many restaurants even indicate the number of calories contained in the dishes on the menu. To make your choice easier, check out the healthy lunch options on the restaurant's website in advance.
  5. 5 Measure portions. To understand how much you eat, food should be weighed, usually in grams. For example, here is a list of how much certain protein foods weigh:
    • A piece of hamburger steak usually weighs 82-113 grams.
    • Chicken breast - 85 grams.
    • One egg - 28 grams.
    • A quarter cup of beans, peas, or tofu - 28 grams.
    • Don't get carried away with peanut butter, one tablespoon contains 28 grams.

Method 4 of 4: Celebrate your accomplishments

  1. 1 Track your progress. The only way to know that you are achieving success is through quantitative measurement. Choosing your desired weight, weighing and clothing size will help determine how long you will have to diet.
    • Weigh yourself before starting the diet and choose a specific day of the week when you will mark your weight. Be consistent to see gradual changes. Track your weight graphically or with a mobile app to see your progress.
    • Don't believe the tape measure. Measurements with a measuring tape will not be able to give a true picture, since muscles have a slightly different composition than fat. Such measurements may not indicate that fat is actually being removed quickly from the waist and hips. Take measurements or, if you like, you can ask someone to measure you. As with the weight, record all measurements from time to time.
    • Track the days of your diet. Knowing the number of days that you managed to hold out on the diet will help you tune in to further work on yourself. It's easy to be confident when you know the exact result. Try to challenge yourself and mark on the timeline when you want to reach a certain weight, when you can do the maximum amount of bench press, or when you are about to complete your diet.
  2. 2 Review your diet. Make changes and try new things! Determine what works for you and what doesn't, and make small changes to your diet that won't harm your stomach. Try different options to find out what you like.
  3. 3 Reward yourself for successful results. Some experts recommend rewarding yourself for hard work, not with food, but with something else that makes you happy. This could be a massage, buying a book, or watching your favorite movie. Some diets may even include sweets or gourmet foods. Most importantly, do not get carried away as a reward by eating too high-calorie foods.
  4. 4 Share your diet with others. Be proud of your creation! Your success can become contagious, and when others ask you about how you achieved your goal, sharing your accomplishment will reinforce the result.
    • Share your diet with family and friends. They may be interested in repeating your path.
    • Share your online successes. Share your diet details on social media.
    • Share your successes in the gym, there are probably many who are unlucky with diets.
  5. 5 Cut back on your diet. Find out which foods you can eliminate to support your results. Even the smallest changes can have a significant impact.
    • Carbohydrates have recently been recommended to be limited, but they are the key to a healthy diet. They not only prevent disease, but also provide energy and help control weight. It is recommended that sweets (such as candy and cakes) be eliminated and replaced with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes.
    • Avoid sodas and fruit juices as they contain too much sugar. Try not to drink high-calorie drinks. A 350 ml glass of cola contains 131 calories. To work out this number of calories, you have to jog for 15 minutes.
    • Be careful with restrictions. Some researchers theorize that eating restriction causes negative feelings and contributes to poor eating habits, which can lead to even more weight gain.
  6. 6 Prepare food in advance. When meals are prepared well in advance, dieting is much easier. Another added benefit is significant money savings.
  7. 7 Record nutritional information about the food you eat. There are many ways to motivate yourself to lose weight. For example, hang a food calorie table on the refrigerator so that it is always in front of your eyes. Many restaurant menus indicate the number of calories in a dish, it is worth paying attention to this. This information makes it easier to choose truly healthy meals.


  • Do not indulge yourself, stick to the plan!
  • Congratulate yourself on your success.


  • Don't starve.
  • Check with your dietitian if you're making a drastic dietary change.