How to end a relationship with an owner guy

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 10 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
3 Things To Never Say To A Guy - Matthew Hussey, Get The Guy
Video: 3 Things To Never Say To A Guy - Matthew Hussey, Get The Guy


If you've tied your life with a jealous person who considers you their own, it's time to reevaluate your relationship. This is a form of psychological abuse. Learn to recognize signs of psychological abuse. Then take the next step and put an end to constant monitoring.


  1. 1 Determine the complexity of the situation. Can your boyfriend get rid of his sense of ownership if you talk to him? If a calm and collected conversation does not help, try to honestly and openly explain to him that you belong to yourself, and if he does not pacify the instinct of ownership and does not treat you like a normal person, you will have no choice but to leave him. ...
    • Think about whether this is really the person with whom you want to spend the rest of your life or you are just a slave in his hands.
    • Realize that possessive behavior is a sign of mental abuse. Learn to recognize these signs.
    • It all starts with the little things and you need to learn to recognize the signs. In most cases, possessive behavior can lead to violence.
    • If he is using or has used physical force, take pictures of the bruises and start legal proceedings against him. If you want it.
  2. 2 Plan your departure. Develop a safe plan of action and choose a place where you can go if necessary. You will need to collect everything you need to be ready to leave at any moment. Gather the information you need and enlist the support of people who can help with the situation.
  3. 3 End the relationship. You can do this in several ways by calling the phone; meeting in a cafe for a cup of coffee; or collecting things and leaving a note. You don't have to explain anything if you live in fear of violence! Break the relationship, get out of his shackles, and stay as far away from him as possible.
    • Stop any contact. Change your phone number and email address if needed. You don't owe this person anything. Get any support.
    • If you have children, take them with you. They deserve a better life without violence. Although, in this case, you should be as careful as possible to ensure their safety. If you think your relatives' home is an unsafe place, contact the women's shelter or call the police. You don't want to risk the safety of your children. Men who are owners usually use children as a means of pressure against women. Don't let kids become a pawn in a one-sided revenge game.
  4. 4 Tell family members that you are afraid of your ex-boyfriend's intentions to harm you. Ask them to avoid all contact and conversation with him and not talk about your whereabouts.
    • Get the support of professionals such as the police, a lawyer, doctor, or church minister, and the support of a responsible and reliable person. If you are afraid for your life, you need to contact the police or other authorities as soon as possible.
  5. 5 Prepare for the future. Allow yourself to dream about how your future life will turn out and make a plan for how you will achieve your goals.
  6. 6 Take some time to heal yourself. Now that you've decided to start a new life, it's time to think about how this situation affected you and heal from the inside. Only when you find happiness and learn to love yourself can you begin a normal, long-term relationship.
    • Redirect your attention in a different direction, take your mind off the past, concentrate on your studies or work.


  • If your ex has cornered you and you can't defend yourself or run away, shout “POLICE” as loud as possible so they can help you. Shouts such as "HELP" or "FORCE" people usually do not react, taking it not seriously. People hear the word "FIRE" and do not smell burning.
  • Open up to people who care about you, such as a friend, family member, doctor, neighbor, or priest. Do not sit idly by, act.
  • If your former companion is persistently seeking to meet with you after you leave, sue him and ask for an injunction.
  • Don't forget about yourself. Life can feel unbearable at times. Remember, the future starts with you.
  • Don't forget to change your passwords anyway! Your ex may start taking revenge.
  • Seek psychological help from a specialist. It will be difficult for you to go all this difficult path alone. Breaking up with the abusive guy and moving forward towards complete liberation, freedom and the release of fears about the past. Can you handle it all? The ghosts of the past will haunt you until you get rid of your fear. If you do not learn to recognize the signs of psychological abuse, subsequent relationships can be disastrous.
  • If your ex is stalking you, go to the nearest store or any other well-lit and crowded place. Ask the employee for a phone number and call the police, or use yours. Stay in a crowded place until the police arrive, and then ask a friend to give you a ride home.
  • Only you can restore happiness, peace and balance in your life. You are a valuable member to your family and society as a whole. Don't be afraid to believe in yourself.


  • Jealousy and possessiveness are signs of violence and control. Violence can be both physical and psychological. If your partner behaves like an owner, over time his behavior will only get worse and your relationship will become unbearable.