Close a letter to a friend

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 24 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Letter to a Friend - Motivational Video
Video: Letter to a Friend - Motivational Video


Letters are a great way to let a friend know you're thinking about them, and ending a letter is pretty easy! Round off what you want to say with a closing paragraph. Choose a general closure or a targeted closure that reflects what your feelings are towards the other. Finally, add your name and signature, if you wish.

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Method 1 of 4: Add a concluding paragraph

  1. Indicate in the last paragraph that you are closing the letter. In the last paragraph you complete the letter. In an informal letter, this mainly means that you write something about your hope that the other person will write back or want to visit him or her.
    • Add something like: "Thanks for writing. I hope to see you soon'.
  2. List everything you want your girlfriend to remember. The last paragraph is a good place to reiterate important information. That way, the verse will be in their memory when they finish reading your letter.
    • For example, you could write, "Don't forget, we'll be there promptly at 8:00 am Saturday. Get dressed! "
  3. Try to close positively. People like to hear something good at the end. It leaves them feeling good about reading your letter! Of course, if you brought them bad news in the letter, it may not be appropriate to end it on a happy note, so handle this with care.
    • For example, you could say something like, "I plan to visit soon. I can't wait to see you! "

Method 2 of 4: Choosing a global close

  1. Choose a simple "Love" for a good friend. This closure is a classic, and it usually won't stand out. It just lets the other person know that you think of them with love.
    • You can also use "Lots of Love" or "Kisses" as variations.
  2. Try "Affectionate" or "Loving" for a good friend. If you are uncomfortable using "Love" to a friend, these closings can also convey affection. They tell the other person that you are happy to be their friend.
    • You can also use something like "Hug" or "You […]".
  3. Choose "As Always" or "Kind Regards" for an introduction. If you are on good terms with the person, but not as a good friend, you may not want to use "Love" or even "Your affectionate". "As Always" and "Kind Regards" are friendly without being too informal.
    • Other options are "Greetings" or "Best regards". "Until next time" may also be appropriate.
  4. If you see each other in person soon, try "Goodbye". This ending is simple and direct, helping to end on a positive note. You show that you are looking forward to the visit.
    • You could also say "See you soon" or "See you on Sunday!"
  5. When thanking your girlfriend for something, choose "Thank you." Sometimes you also thank the person on your letter. In that case, it may be appropriate to end with "Thank you."
    • You could also write something like, "Dear greetings" or "Best regards."
  6. Choose "Later alligator" for something crazy. Going crazy can be fun sometimes! If you know the other person will appreciate it, then there is no reason not to close a letter with something a little weird.
    • You could also use "Later Hangover", "Only You Can Prevent Wildfires", "Death to the Enemies", "Yours Go Flying to Pigs", "Stay in touch", or "See you later, alligator".

Method 3 of 4: Close with an advice

  1. Let your friend know you're thinking about him or her with something like "Take care of yourself." If you are concerned about your friend, this closing lets them know that you want them to take good care of themselves.
    • You can also use "Take it easy" or "Think about yourself." "Stay positive" would work here too.
  2. Wish the other the best with "Have a nice day". By ending with this closing, you are encouraging your friend to enjoy his or her day. That's never a wrong way to end a letter!
    • You could also use "Have a great weekend"!
  3. Write "Enjoy it" if you have a recipe or gift. You may have included a bookmark, gift card, or other small gift. "Enjoy it" tells the other person that you hope they will like and enjoy the gift.
  4. Use "Stay as you are" to show that you love the person as they are. This closing is a sweet way to say how much you love your girlfriend. The other is great and doesn't need to change!
    • While not direct advice, you can also state "You are great" or "You are great".
  5. Choose "Think about yourself" if you are concerned about the person. Maybe your girlfriend is traveling or often alone. This closure lets the other person know that you are concerned about their safety and want the other to be safe.
    • You could also use "Take care of yourself" or "Take care of yourself". "

Method 4 of 4: Insert a signature and postscript (postscript)

  1. Place a comma after your closing. You will usually put a comma immediately after each closing. If it's something emphatic, you can use an exclamation mark instead.
    • For example, you could write your closing like this:
      • Love,
      • Take care of yourself,
      • Affectionate,
      • Stay as you are!
  2. Sign after skipping a line. Leave an empty line between the closing and your signature. Since you are sending it to a friend, only your first name is usually fine as a signature.
    • You can also use a nickname if the other usually uses it for you.
  3. Add a postscript if you have forgotten something in your letter. A postscript or postscript, marked with a "PS" or "NB" after your signature, was originally a way to include something in a handwritten letter that you had forgotten. You can't just go back and add something because there is no space. However, they are also used in modern typewritten letters and emails, as a way to add a fun fact or guideline.
    • For example, you could write, "PS Don't forget to write back, you bastard!" If the friend in question isn't very good at responding to post.
    • You can also try something like, "PS I hope this letter arrives before me!"