How to deal with conflicting signs

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 22 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Almost everyone has hobbies at some point in their lives, and some even find out that their feelings are mutual! However, it can sometimes be difficult to tell if your crush likes you, especially if you notice conflicting signs. Plus, your hobby may like someone else - it doesn't matter! This article will help you find out if your feelings are mutual.


  1. 1 Keep your ears open at all times. You never know what you can learn if you constantly closely monitor the person you are interested in. Take short notes about the behavior of this person around you and in the company of that other person. Does your passion gaze more at you or that person? Seems more nervous / nervous around you? Does he / she have more trouble finding words when talking to you or that other person? Also, watch the eyes of your passion. Human eyes tend to give out all the information you need! Is her / his eyes wide when looking at you? Do you always have a spark of interest in them?
    • Eye contact is one of the most important things when it comes to relationships. Check to see if your infatuation is trying to catch your eye. If he / she succeeds, does he / she immediately look away or meet your gaze for a moment? Don't be alarmed if they look away too quickly - your sympathy might just be a humble person.
    • Pay attention to the hands or feet of someone you like - pointing at you, they betray an interest in your person. This behavior usually hints that he / she wants to be closer to you or to touch you.
    • Conversations are another way to illuminate the secret paths of the heart. Be on the lookout for any signs of nervous behavior when they cannot find words, stuttering, etc. More often than not, an ordinary person will start a conversation on a completely arbitrary topic, just to strike up a conversation with something they like.
  2. 2 Flirt! If you are flirting with your crush, he / she may change his mind about another challenger in his / her heart and pay attention to you. However, keep your flirting to a minimum. If you overstep boundaries and flirt mercilessly, that person's nervousness may only increase and you will simply provoke fear, or you will be mentally labeled "strange."Flirty looks and touching hands and feet will do. Flirt verbally, but keep the flirting innocent and sweet. Also, make tiny hints about how you feel about your liking when you flirt.
  3. 3 Keep calm. You can never give this relationship a chance if you constantly fear and panic. Sometimes our consciousness tends to exaggerate events and turn everything into a huge catastrophe, and it's just our imagination that haunts us! If it seems to you that your passion shows more signs of attention to another person, it's okay! Keep working on winning the heart of whoever you like, but don't go overboard!
  4. 4 Keep your mouth shut about your feelings. The last thing you need is school gossip about your hobbies! Trust this secret only to your closest friends whom you trust, or better yet, keep it to yourself.
    • Sometimes it is helpful to tell one or two close friends about your feelings, because they can give advice or even help win the heart of your chosen one. However, you should know for sure that they will not tell your crush that you sympathize with her / him! Not only will this shed light on the mystery, but this person may get scared and stop communicating with you.
  5. 5 Rate the details. Make friends with this other applicant. If the two of you get close enough, he / she can tell you about his feelings for your crush. However, don't ruin this friendship as soon as you get the information you need. Instead, use it against them. Imperceptibly and slowly change his / her opinion about your passion. If you do everything perfectly, your "rival" will forget his feelings for your liking!
    • Continue to be friends with this other applicant. Do not give up the venture as soon as you have completed your mission. So you will not only make an enemy for yourself, but also jeopardize the opinion of your passion about you!
  6. 6 Be brave! After the two of you get a little closer, ask your crush on a date. If you haven't yet mustered up the courage to take this step, it's a good idea to share your feelings with someone you like. If you don’t tell, then you won’t know for sure if your feelings are mutual! Here are a few ways to express your sympathy:
    • Write a note and don't forget to sign it! Personal betray her - never ask a friend to do it for you - or put a note in that person's locker. But make sure your love message doesn't fall into the wrong hands.
    • Make a beautiful paper heart (you can even make it out of origami), and give it to your passion. To clear up any misunderstandings, it is suggested to write "I like you" on the heart so that your thought is crystal clear.
    • Or, if you want to make things simpler, just take a moment alone with your sympathy and say that you like him / her! However, make sure you are in a secluded area where no one can overhear your conversation. If you try to talk about your feelings in a crowd of people, chances are that you will just scare the person. And never bring friends when talking about your feelings. Do it in private - tete-a-tete.


  • Make sure you interpret your passion's feelings for yourself correctly. Sometimes it turns out that everything happened only in your imagination. However, it doesn't hurt to find out the truth!
  • Maintain a positive attitude. More often than not, bad things happen to those who are most afraid of it.
  • Make sure you are close enough with your sympathy before talking about your feelings, or it might end up in an awkward moment!
  • Remember that rejection is a normal thing that can happen to anyone.
  • Keep in mind that you are risking everything you've already achieved if you ask your crush on a date. before thatas you say about your feelings.