How to deal with bullies

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 19 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Stop A Bully
Video: How to Stop A Bully


Bullying can be of many different types, and most of us have to deal with them in our daily life, especially children. A person can be attacked at work, school, in the army, on the playground, and even in a nursing home. Such cases must be carefully analyzed and such practices must be suppressed.


Part 1 of 3: Defense Mechanisms Against Attack

  1. 1 Do not react to attacks on you. Don't show the bullies that they offend you; just walk away. These people are deeply gratified when they bully other people, so reacting to their attacks will only spur them on. Bullying needs to get attention, so if you show that they offend you, they will enjoy the process even more.
    • This tactic can lead to unforeseen actions on the part of the abuser, so study the situation carefully. Some bullies will feel safe torturing you (as long as they enjoy it) if they see that you are not suffering in any way from their actions.
    • You cannot really talk to such a person. Leave with dignity by saying that you have something to do. If this continues, then stand up for yourself. Moreover, be prepared to stand up for another person who is being attacked.
  2. 2 Feel your inner strength. Every person has that kind of strength; many bullies believe that you have no inner strength, so they try to humiliate you. Do not give in to conscious attempts to assure you that you have no inner strength and that you are a weak person.
    • Don't think that bully can overwhelm you as a person. In fact, you are much stronger than bully, since they are weak people trying to assert themselves at the expense of other people. Badass will be weaklings all their lives.
  3. 3 Try to avoid bullying in school and in your daily life. If they are on the same road with you, just change your route; if they can't see you, they won't be able to mock you. Try your best to avoid them, but don't let them know that you are avoiding them. They will understand that you are afraid and will accept it as their success, which will lead to even more attacks.
    • Always go with a friend; the more you are, the safer. Remember that bullies are cowards who like to attack in the company of their own kind. If you are not alone, then they will not mess with you (bullies are cowardly, which means they like to be safe).
  4. 4 Try not to joke with yourself to show that the bullying attacks do not hurt you in the least. This will only amuse the bullies and encourage them to let go of their own ridicule and bullying in order to lower your self-esteem.
    • There is nothing funny about bullying (either you or another person); agreeing with the bully will only make the problem worse. If you think that with a joke you can relieve the tension of the current situation, then you are greatly mistaken - you will only add fuel to the fire.
  5. 5 Instead, answer the offender with the same coin - play a trick on him. If you do it in public, you will make the people around you laugh. This is a nightmare that a bully will experience as you shake his hold on you and other people. Do not pay attention to bullies, as they will think they can enjoy attacking other people as well.
    • Do not respond to bullies who used methods of physical pressure on their victims, as this will provoke a conflict in which you cannot win. Just walk away without escalating the situation. Tell your teacher, police officer, or parent if you think you are in danger.
  6. 6 Be smarter than them. Usually bullies are not very smart, so you can take advantage of it.
    • Laugh at what they tell you, and the more they try to hurt you, the harder you should laugh. No pretense! Think of something really funny and laugh.This is unacceptable for a bully, because initially he wants to make you cry, not laugh.
    • Shout a random phrase right in their face. You should only do this if they are following on your heels, or are just doing something wildly annoying. There are many things that you could say, for example, a nursery rhyme about an animal, or come up with something of your own: "If I had a hundred, I would buy a huge fish!". In this case, spontaneity will be the key to your salvation. The bully will be dumbfounded, or even laugh, and you will get the time it takes to escape. If they think you are crazy, that’s good too!

Part 2 of 3: Stand Up for Yourself

  1. 1 Enroll in a martial arts school. Consider practicing karate, kung fu, taekwondo, or similar martial arts. It will give you confidence, improve your fitness, and you will know that you can stand up for yourself. Hooligans are cowardly and do not like to associate with those who are stronger than them; when they find out that you are engaged in martial arts, they will bypass you.
    • You don't have to look like athletes, but show everyone around you that you are a person with whom it is better not to mess with you. Better to be ready for a fight and be able to stand up for yourself.
  2. 2 Try to anticipate everything in advance. Explore the surroundings for possible escape routes, hooligan gatherings, dangerous and safe zones, territorial boundaries. Calculate the bully's habits and companions, since they each have their own company (remember that bullies are cowardly and only attack in a group).
    • Show self-confidence as you walk. Walk purposefully and with the air of someone you shouldn't mess with. Walk forward with your head held high, looking straight ahead, and use your peripheral vision to know about the people around you. It doesn't matter if that helps, but stand up straight and be calm.
  3. 3 Learn a few self-defense techniques. This is very important if you have to fight. You don't need a black belt, but just a few self-defense techniques. In blows, invest not only strength, but also all your desire to respond to the offender.
    • A quick kick to the groin will stun your opponent; he will crumple, and you can run away.
    • If a kick to the groin didn't work, try hitting the solar plexus (just below the ribs, in the center) or hitting under the kneecap to make the attacker fall.
    • If a bully grabs or pushes you, then you are actually taking advantage. Try to maintain balance, grab the offender's hand with your left hand, and strike with your right hand under the elbow. Or you can hit the bully's ears with a biting and hard blow with the back of your hands (it will hurt him very much).
    • As soon as the opportunity presents itself, run away, hide in a safe place and call for help.
  4. 4 Learn to understand yourself. Decide on your goals and find out your strengths and weaknesses. Know what you want and what you are capable of. Self-confidence will help you with attacks from bullies who like to humiliate people with words. Such bullies need listeners, and their words are not based on reliable facts, but on something that can offend you the most.
    • Try to defeat the gossip: tell everyone that this is not true and that the bully just needs attention to his own person. Let people think badly not of you, but of the gossip. Point out to people that the bully is trying to humiliate you, and that in fact this is a very weak person who is trying to assert himself at someone else's expense.
    • The bully's attacks on you are not your problem, but the bully's own problem. This is how bullies demonstrate their lack of self-confidence and weakness. If they lag behind you, they will most likely switch to another person.
  5. 5 Do not bully other people so as not to sink to the level of a bully. You can point out why bullies are bullying you (because they are weak) and find weaknesses in their reasoning, but never, never, never copy their behavior. By making you look like them, they will win and you will lose.
    • If you do act like bullies, you will get in trouble with them. Believe that law enforcement agencies will not figure out who is really a bully and who is just imitating them.

Part 3 of 3: Suppressing persistent attacks

  1. 1 Find out what kind of bully you are dealing with. Some bully people like to use physical force, others humiliate people with words, and still others affect your emotions. Many bullies use a combination of these strategies.
    • If a bully humiliates you physically, then it is an aggressive bully. They love to hit, push and pull their hair and do so without hesitation. Such a bully will never start a fight, but if you do, he will yell about the damage caused and blame everything on you.
    • If a bully insults you with words, then it's a teasing bully. They love to come up with nicknames, make jokes, tease, and the like.
    • If the bully pretends to be your friend and then suddenly makes fun of you in front of others, then this is an emotional bully. Other teasers may threaten to damage or break something you hold dear; still others do something to make others laugh at you (for example, stick a piece of paper with the words "I am an ass" on your back); fourths spread lies on your behalf so that other people will hate you. There are also bully gossips who spread rumors and simply harass the victim at the slightest opportunity.
  2. 2 Cyber ​​bumping, or virtual attacks, is as real as bullying in real life. Virtual attacks occur through instant messages, emails, and other means of electronic communication. The best way to deal with this kind of attack is to delete messages from online bullies and also not read what they write. Make sure you blacklist such a bully.
    • Cyber-bullying is the same illegal act as bullying in real life. Tell your parents, your boss, or the police about this.
  3. 3 Report bullying to your parents, or your school teacher, or your boss, or any other person who might punish the bully. It is important that you talk to someone who can solve your problem. This is a very bold step - not everyone decides to make themselves vulnerable in front of another person.
    • Don't worry about the bully taking revenge on you; hushing up the problem will only make it worse. You can also tell your friends about your problem, and they can stand up for you.
    • If you can talk to someone at school about bullying you, do it. Don't be embarrassed. You can talk to someone very experienced about your problems and this will really help. At this point, you may feel like a very insignificant person, however, this way you put yourself above the bully.
  4. 4 Help other people. Bully try to assert themselves at the expense of other people. They want to be paid attention to, and most likely have adopted the habit of bullying people from their friends or family. You have experienced bullying yourself, so you know how frustrating it can be, and you know how to help other people.
    • One of the easiest ways to help other people is to explain the situation to them. Tell them that bully people are weak and insecure people who try to control their feelings in order to become even a little happier.
    • If someone tells you they are being bullied, go with that person to report their concerns. The person may not have the heart to report their bullying, but they will feel confident with you.
  5. 5 Bullying and assault is a serious problem. It does not need to be hidden, but it is necessary to tell other people about it so that they are ready to resist bullying. Talk to school leaders about the opportunity to share with other students about what is happening in the school every day.
    • Do not think that only you are being attacked; in fact, a lot of people have gone through this, but they prefer not to advertise this fact. Start fighting bullying and you will be surprised how many people join your fight.


  • Stay calm at all times, as this will confuse bullies who are trying to provoke negative reactions.
  • Whatever you do, do not start a fight with the bully until you are really in danger.
  • Walk everywhere with friends. The more you are, the safer.
  • Ignore the bullies and just walk away from them. They just want to draw attention to themselves.
  • Tell someone that you are being bullied. If you have heard stories of people being bullied for several years, their main problem was the lack of communication and inability to stand up for themselves.
  • If someone is bullying you, don't bully them in retaliation. Don't stoop to the level of a cowardly and weak bully.
  • If a bully threatens you with physical harm, report it to the police or your parents.
  • Try to avoid meeting bullies. If you are at school, talk to the teacher or school management about it (if you are shy, do it with your friend).
  • Do not be afraid that the bully will take revenge on you for reporting attacks from him. If you allow you to be bullied now, then you will be bullied all the time.
  • If your school does not deal with bullying by some students against others, move to another school where this is practiced.


  • Always inform your teacher, police officer, parents about cases of bullying and do not stop until you are heard. Ignoring is a great trick for dealing with bullies, but if others hear you it will be much better.
  • Many children are taught that the bully will not harm them if he simply makes fun of them with hurtful words. This is often not the case at all. Be careful with bullies, try to be with other people when bullies start attacking you (after all, get away from the computer and learn a few self-defense tricks).
  • Don't take what the bullies tell you to heart. Also, don't let them fool you. If they are trying to be nice to you, give them a chance. If this all sounds like a sham, ignore them.
  • If the bully is an adult or almost an adult and at the same time threatens or hurts you, this is called an assault. Report this to the police immediately.