How to speak Klingon

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 18 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Learn how to speak Klingon
Video: Learn how to speak Klingon


If you want to impress your friends, fans of Star Trek, or if you yourself want to dive deeper into the universe of this series, then learn the Klingon language. It is not a real language, of course, but it is very similar to real in the sense that it has its own grammar and structure. In our article, we will teach you how to speak a few basic phrases in this language. True, knowledge of English phonetics is required from you.


Method 1 of 2: Basic Phrases

  1. 1 You must pronounce the sounds correctly in Klingon. It is dominated by explosive (occlusive) and guttural sounds. Each sound has its own specific way of pronouncing, and you must learn how to pronounce them correctly before you start speaking the words.
    • Sounds written in lowercase "b", "ch", "j", "l", "m", "n", "p", "t", "v" and "w" are pronounced the same in Klingon, like in english.
    • The lowercase letter "a" reads like the English "ah", or like the "a" in "father".
    • The lowercase "e" is read as the short "e" in the English words "led" or "bed".
    • The capital letter “I” reads like the short “i” sound in the English words “hit” or “bit”.
    • The lowercase letter "o" is read as "ou", for example, as in the words "note" or "wrote".
    • The lowercase "u" is pronounced like the long "u" sound in the English words "prune" or "you".
    • The capital letter "D" reads the same as the English "d", but when pronouncing this sound, you must touch the tip of your tongue to the highest point in the mouth, and not near the teeth, as in English.
    • The capital letter "H" is pronounced harshly and is similar to the German "h" as in the word "Bach". It is a dull sound. The sound "gh" is written in one letter in Klingon. It is pronounced in the back of the palate, as if you were gargling, but with a sound.
    • The "ng" sound is also spelled as a single letter in Klingon, but is pronounced the same as the "ng" sound in English.
    • The lowercase "q" is similar to the English "k" sound, but pronounced further down the throat. Your tongue should actually be touching the uvula. An uppercase "Q" is read the same as a lowercase "q", but must be followed immediately by an "H" sound.
    • The lowercase "r" is similar to the English "r" sound, but pronounced a little more rolling.
    • The capital "S" is similar to the English "sh" sound, but keep your tongue at the top of the palate and not next to your teeth.
    • The sound "tlh" is considered one letter in the Klingon language. Start with a "t" sound, but then put your tongue aside and hiss an "l" sound.
    • The lowercase "y" reads like the English "y" at the beginning of the words "you" or "yet".
    • The apostrophe (') is considered a letter in the Klingon language. This is the same sound that words like "uh" or "ah" begin with in English. It is essentially a soft pause in the throat. In Klingon, it can be pronounced in the middle of a word.
  2. 2 Greet the fans of the series with a heartfelt "nuqneH". This word can be translated as "Hello", but more correctly it translates as "What do you want?"
  3. 3 Answer questions by saying "Hija", "HISlaH", or "ghobe". The first two words translate as "Yes" and the last one means "No".
  4. 4 Underline the understanding of the other person with the word "jIyaj". Roughly translated, this word means "I understand." Accordingly, "jIyajbe" means "I don't understand."
  5. 5 When approving something, say "maj" or "majQa". The first word means "Good!" And the second word means "Well done!"
  6. 6 If you want to know if the other person speaks Klingon, then say the following: "tlhIngan Hol Dajatlh'a '. It literally means" Do you speak Klingon? " can't speak Klingon).
  7. 7 Show your courage by proudly saying "Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam". This phrase translates to "Today is a good day to die" - a highly respected phrase in Klingon culture.
  8. 8 Show that you are one of the Klingons incendiary "tlhIngan maH!“The phrase translates to“ We are Klingons! ”Or you can say“ tlhIngan jIH ”(I am a Klingon).
  9. 9 To find out where the toilet is, say "nuqDaq’ oH puchpa e ’". Everyone needs to go to the bathroom every now and then, and the Klingons are no exception. So if you happen to find yourself at a fan convention and can't find a toilet, then feel free to say this phrase, which translates as "Where is the toilet?"
  10. 10 To find out the time, say “’ arlogh Qoylu’pu ’”. Roughly translated, it means “What time is it now?” The literal translation would be “How many times was this heard?”
  11. 11 Insult your enemies with the phrase "Hab SoSlI 'Quch!"This translates to 'Your mother has a smooth forehead!' As you know, the Klingons' foreheads are not smooth at all, so such a phrase is considered a very strong insult.
  12. 12 Prepare to attack enemies with a shout of "cha yIbaH qara'DI". Translated into Russian, this phrase means "Torpedo fire!"
  13. 13 For where to eat, ask "nuqDaq 'oH Qe' QaQ'e '". The phrase translates as "Where is the good restaurant here?"
  14. 14 If you want to know if a seat is available, say "quSDaq ba'lu'a" , which translates as "Is this seat taken?
  15. 15 Another insult would be the word "petaQ". It can also be pronounced p’tahk, pahtk, pahtak, or p’tak. The word is not translated directly into Russian, but it roughly means "fool", "coward" or "dishonest person." Use this word to those who lack the "Warrior Spirit".

Method 2 of 2: Additional language learning

  1. 1 Join a Klingon language group. The most famous of these groups is The Klingon Language Institute, although other groups can be found online. Read about these groups to see if you are really interested in learning a language. Some of these groups offer official memberships, which will give you greater access to additional information and activities.
  2. 2 Listen to the language. Once you have learned the alphabet and a few phrases, start watching videos on the Internet or buy instructional audio or DVDs. You need to hear and see how to pronounce Klingon words correctly.
  3. 3 Buy a Klingon language dictionary. You can buy it or download it for free online. Such a dictionary will not differ much from a regular dictionary. Most likely it will be an "English-Klingon dictionary" or "Klingon-English". In any case, working with a dictionary is not difficult.
  4. 4 Download the Klingon font. When you learn how to pronounce and read Klingon words using the standard Latin alphabet, you can start learning the Klingon alphabet. Read books and watch movies where the "Klingonica" is used. Then download the font and use it in your correspondence.
  5. 5 Read works written in the Klingon language. The best way to practice any language is to read it. You can download or buy books, magazines, poems and stories written in the Klingon language, such as plays by Shakespeare.


  • Explore Klingon culture. On the Internet, you can find information about Klingon history, religion, food, and more. Since culture and language are closely intertwined with each other, knowledge of Klingon culture will help you to better master the language.

You will need

  • Klingon Dictionary