How to annoy people

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 17 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
John Cleese - How To Irritate People (1968) - VHS
Video: John Cleese - How To Irritate People (1968) - VHS


There are countless ways to annoy people, and there are many different ways - even your little brother, even the teacher at school! If you're willing to deal with the consequences of your own behavior, you can come up with many resourceful, quirky, and extremely funny ways to drive people crazy. Sometimes it is enough to just chat continuously or not switch the phone to silent mode, and sometimes more detailed actions are required. And you will learn about all this from our article!


Part 1 of 4: Annoying Strangers

  1. 1 Speak loudly in crowded places. Speaking too loud is a time-tested and versatile way to annoy others. Speak loudly on the bus, on the plane, or in the coffee shop, where some, by the way, are also trying to work. The effect will be especially powerful if you speak loudly on the phone, as if no one else is around! If you share something very personal or allow yourself offensive comments, you are 100% guaranteed to get on people's nerves.
    • If someone asks you to be quiet, nod and apologize vigorously, then keep up the good work!
  2. 2 Let your phone start making annoying sounds. Oh, those phones! There is hardly a more annoying thing at your disposal! It doesn't matter where you are - an annoying song played on a ringtone will inevitably be remembered by people. Put on the call exactly those songs that people mostly don't like. You can even set the same melody on your alarm clock to make it seem like you're getting a call (when no one is calling). You get bonus points if every time the phone starts to ring, you search for it for half an hour so that the people around you can enjoy the song to the fullest.
    • The vibration alert, however, is not much better. Maybe it seems to you that it differs little from the silent mode, but who among us does not hear the phone buzzing like a hybrid of a refrigerator and a lawn mower ?! And if you are also in a relatively quiet place ... However, the vibration alert is best suited for a long conversation via SMS or messenger, then your phone will beep every few seconds.
  3. 3 Try to strike up a conversation with someone who is busy. Of course, you shouldn't pester those who might get angry and use their fists or cause you any other kind of trouble. Do something simpler - the main thing is to keep the person busy. Very busy. Do you see someone who is buried in a synopsis, is absorbed in reading, or has gone headlong into work? Great goals! Be simple, like you’re just looking for someone to chat with. Of course, they will answer in monosyllables, but don’t let the conversation end!
    • You can ask something like, “What are you reading? I heard that the book is not very good! " - to make another unpleasant comment about a person's occupation.
    • Talking about yourself and making eye contact can help a busy person feel uncomfortable not saying anything.
  4. 4 Scatter and drop your belongings everywhere and everywhere. Another way to piss everyone off, and a pretty reliable one. Drop your books, spill your coffee, and just act like an absent-minded person unable to keep track of their belongings. The more clutter you have, the better. Your goal is to get people to quit their business and start helping you. By the way, if you suddenly drop or spill something of your own on top of something alien, it will be even ... ahem ... more fun.
    • And if you also refuse to apologize, then you will piss people off even more.However, you can start apologizing - much more actively than you should, almost breaking your forehead in bows to the ground.
    • Do not go too far and do not spoil other people's property.
  5. 5 Stare at people. Do you want to piss off a person? Stare at him. Just pick anyone from the crowd and stare at them for a long time. If you want, you can even open your mouth and not close it. When your gaze is noticed, keep your eyes on, scratch your head and keep staring. Behave as if you are a semi-finalist of the peepers competition, try not to blink as long as possible. However, do not forget about caution: you need to stare at a nice person who is unlikely strongly embittered by your actions. Your goal is to make the person nervous, not infuriate him.
  6. 6 Show more curiosity. Poke your nose into other people's business! For example, standing in line and out of the corner of your ear hearing a conversation between two women about something personal (say, about a divorce), immediately get into the conversation with the phrase "Oh, sorry, I just heard and thought ..." starting to tell your opinion about a situation about which, in general, you do not know anything. If you want bonus points for harm, you can even strike up an argument.
    • Behave as if you are not prying your nose into other people's business, but behaving absolutely appropriately. This is terribly infuriating.
    • You can also ask strangers unceremonious questions, something like "Do you know if a good gynecologist accepts somewhere here?" or "Oh, where did you get those unfashionable shoes?"
  7. 7 Delight in every device that catches your eye. Act as if you were just brought in by a time machine from the beginning of the last century. Anything more or less technological should cause you a storm of delight. Do you see the phone? Say something like: “Mother of God and holy saints, is this a telephone ?! And what, you can speak on it ?! Amazing, just amazing! " And yes, the storm of enthusiasm about, say, a laptop simply has to be even stronger!
    • The main thing in this business is not to overact. If you see a smile on your face, people will be angry. If you read a sincere and genuine delight on your face, then people may think that you are crazy.

Part 2 of 4: Annoying Friends

  1. 1 Copy all the gestures and repeat all the words of your friends. It will turn out very efficiently! If you want to bore your surroundings, then start copying and repeating all their actions. You can act openly, repeating words, you can - a little more discreetly, repeating gestures. The first method is more annoying and faster, the second is a little longer.
    • Act like a mirror. Copy everything after your friend, but ... vice versa. And when asked to stop, pretend to be puzzled!
  2. 2 Complain constantly. Complain about everything, everyone, always. Nobody likes whiners - isn't that what you want? The best thing is to complain about something that there is no point in complaining about - say, about the weather or about something seen on TV. And if you complain about the same thing as an instinct, then a rare patience will withstand you.
    • It's best if you start complaining in an annoying, aching voice and with an irritated look. This will make your society as unpleasant as possible.
  3. 3 Talk about yourself incessantly. For some reason, narcissists or simply self-centered people are unpleasant to everyone else, and therefore, when you spend time with friends, try to make the word "I" sound out of your mouth as often as possible. Have any of your friends decided to talk about themselves? Transfer the conversation to yourself urgently! It annoys everyone.
    • Not everyone can tolerate this for a long time. But what is really there, almost anyone! Soon your friends will run away from you!
    • The most effective technique is to tell long boring stories without letting anyone interrupt you. It is especially good if all your friends already know these stories by heart!
  4. 4 Become the person you can't count on. Start letting your friends down on serious and not very reasons, the result will not be long in coming. It is best to act in this case as if sincerely - as if you would definitely go to the movies with them or come to a party. Then, accordingly, at the very last moment, find the stupidest excuse and do not do what you promised.
    • And if you want to make everything even more annoying, then just "disappear from the radar" so that everyone would guess where you are and what you are, and then, after a few hours, give a stupid excuse ("I decided to review the first season of Friends" ).
  5. 5 Go where you were not invited. It will be annoying just infinitely, believe me - people wanted to spend time without you, and you are right there! If you suddenly hear how two of your acquaintances agree in a meeting, immediately ask at what time you should come. And if one of your friends has mentioned that he wants to be alone for some time, then ask if you can stay with him for a week or two.
    • If friends are talking about something clearly serious in muted tones, then go right up to them and ask: "What are you whispering about?"
  6. 6 Take things from friends to use, but do not return. This habit infuriates people terribly. Ask a friend for a moment for her favorite sweater, book, or piece of jewelry that will go so well with the dress in which you go on a date. Promise to give ... and don't give. Friends will not say thank you, especially if you, in the end, also lose what you borrowed.
    • If the thing you took was of special value to a friend (for example, pleasant memories were associated with it), then its loss will be even more annoying.
  7. 7 Speak secrets that a friend has entrusted to you. There is hardly anything that can anger your friend more than your long tongue, which has not kept a secret. So, if you have been entrusted with a secret, then do not keep it, but devote as many people as possible to it! Of course, you should not completely turn off your head - if you have been initiated into something truly personal and serious, then keep a secret, but if the secret is connected with something simpler, then you can blabber both in front of your friends and on a social network ...
    • Bonus points - for bewildered behavior in response to all the reproaches from a friend, they say, "I thought everyone already knew everything!" or "Come on, make such a fuss over trifles!"

Part 3 of 4: Annoying Siblings

  1. 1 Use other people's things without permission. This is a surefire way to whip up a brother or sister. Let's say you have an older sister. Take her things and jewelry! Especially, by the way, it will be fun if you go to school without telling her anything. You have a brother? Play his video games under his saves, ride his bike, give his bike to your friend! Well, when evil reproaches fall on you, behave as if nothing had happened - they say, you did not know that it was not yours.
    • Bonus Points: Has a brother or sister brought home a treat that they adore to the point of unconsciousness? Eat as much as possible!
    • Let's go to the shower? Use only brother or sister shampoo.
    • Also, comb them with combs, while leaving as much hair on them as possible.
  2. 2 Get on your brother or sister, especially when their friends are around. Few things will piss them off more than your pestering in front of your friends. Let's say your sister has invited her friends for a sleepover. Your task is not to leave your sister's room until the very end, make stupid comments and try to get into their games in every possible way. If you are told in plain text to get out of sight, look for all sorts of excuses to stay - for example, suddenly deciding that you have lost a button from your shirt in your sister's room (and loudly comment on every action you take to find her).
    • You can also embarrass a relative with phrases like "Where is your dental plate?" or "How glad I am that you finally have friends!"
  3. 3 Tell your parents about every step of the brother or sister. Yes, this is a classic, but the classic is eternal! Just let your parents know about every mistake or misconduct (for example, the brother said he would wash the dishes, but did not). Prove as often as possible so that your brother or sister constantly feels your inquisitive gaze on them. By the way, this will also annoy the parents!
    • It will be especially annoying to persuade a brother or sister to do something bad (or even do something together), and then declare that it was their idea!
  4. 4 Leave as much clutter as possible. Living with pigs ... with sloppy people, no one likes, even if these people are linked by family ties. Accordingly, if you are fortunate enough to share a room with your brother or sister, then become a genius of disorder! Throw things around, store dishes here and there, scatter crumbs, stain things with toothpaste, in general - bring chaos into everyday life.
    • Of course, there is every chance that very soon parents will demand to put things in order. However, order is temporary.
  5. 5 Whine until everything is your way. Whining and childish behavior annoys people terribly. Want to drive your brother or sister crazy? Then remember: the next time you want something (a slice of pizza from your brother, to sit at your sister's computer) - whine, whine, complain, cry ... and so on until it is your way!
    • There is no age limit here. Trust me, a 16 year old whimpering forehead can be very annoying.
  6. 6 Comment on the relationship of your brother or sister. Disrespect for personal life, to be sure, is very annoying, but you need to demonstrate this very disrespect as clearly as possible. Let's say your brother brings a girl home. What do you need to do? To be close and loudly, annoyingly comment on the situation: “Oh, what a fine fellow you are that you have found a girl for yourself! And then everything sat like an owl and whined that you would not find anyone! Do you remember, do you remember? "
    • You can even chant loudly "tili-tili-dough" or shout "bitter!", Seeing that your relative and his or her passion are about to kiss. Especially, by the way, it will infuriate if they have not yet kissed.

Part 4 of 4: Annoying Teachers

  1. 1 Be late for class. For another teacher, even the loss of his favorite football team annoys less than a student who is 1–2 minutes late. It will be especially annoying if you are late if you apologize with a stupid grin on your face, or even walk in without an apology, as if neither the teacher nor the lesson really matters to you.
    • By the way, try to come with a call so that the teacher at that very moment could not tell you anything because of, in fact, the trill of the call.
    • Are you late? Walk around the classroom, say hello, and then start fiddling around with a lot of noise to get things out.
    • Until you reach your place, try to exchange a word with everyone you pass by.
  2. 2 Ask obvious questions. If the question is so obvious that it is not even clear to the smartest that you have not listened to the teacher, then the latter will be annoyed with such an attitude. Sitting on algebra? And ask, what is "x"! In general, let the teacher know that your attention is occupied by something else.
    • You can even wait for the moment when the teacher begins to explain the material in more detail, and sit absently, and then, almost at the very end of the lesson, ask about something obvious. You can even add something like, "Sorry, I got completely distracted."
    • However, you can just ask stupid questions like: "What color was Peter the Great's hair?"
  3. 3 Behave like a know-it-all. Some teachers, which is typical, do not tolerate them. Let's be objective, there is every chance that the teacher knows the subject much better than you. If you act like the teacher is wrong, demand confirmation of what he said, and even search the Internet for facts that make the teacher a fool, you are guaranteed to drive him to white heat.
    • Also, by the way, it really pisses me off when they quote other teachers or parents in order to prove the teacher's mistake.
  4. 4 Sleep in class. A sleeping student is a bad student, this is an axiom of pedagogy.Accordingly, if you want to be remembered as the most annoying student of the decade, then sleep in the classroom. You can even snore to make your classmates laugh. Sleeping in the classroom, however, will not benefit the grades, but it will definitely make the teachers angry. Sleep is especially effective when it is long and strong enough for you to wake up asking obvious questions.
  5. 5 Distract other students. It's one thing if you yourself are distracted. It is completely different when you also prevent others from learning. No teacher will tolerate this. Pass notes to others, joke stupidly, just chat. Behave in a way that draws the attention of your classmates from the teacher to yourself. It just can't help but be annoying, especially if your class is usually disciplined.
    • Show other students the YouTube video and keep it quiet. Until your phone is taken away from you, it will be both fun and annoying.
    • Roll up a blank piece of paper as if it were a note and engage your classmates in the pass it on game. If the teacher intercepts your "message", he will be even more annoyed when he sees that there is nothing in it!
  6. 6 Write tests and quizzes faster than anyone. The earlier you passed the test, the more insecure other students will feel. The main thing is not to take the test immediately after the start, so that it does not seem that you put down the answers at random. When finished, say "done!" or "lightness!", put the piece of paper with the completed assignment on the edge of the table, put the pen down loudly, sit back in your chair and stretch. Distract and annoy other students as much as possible!
    • This is bound to anger the teacher, especially if the teacher has spent a lot of time preparing students for the test.


  • Do not go too far so as not to face serious problems.
  • You can pinch or poke your friend or classmate with your finger over and over. He will definitely be very annoyed.
  • Innocently ask personal questions like "Who are you writing to?" or "Where did you come from so late yesterday?" Pretend to be holy simplicity, as if you cannot even imagine that you are asking about something personal.
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