How to relax during illness

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 5 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Illness is always stress for the body. A stuffy nose, headaches, and anxiety not being able to do things keep you from relaxing as you try to recover from a cold or flu. A good sleep, a clear mind and the ability to relax will greatly speed up the healing process.


Method 1 of 5: How to Improve Sleep Quality

  1. 1 Always consult your doctor before taking any medication. When taking prescription drugs or combining over-the-counter cold and flu medicines, always seek the advice of your pharmacist or doctor to prevent adverse reactions.
    • For example, if you are taking antidepressants, sleeping pills, or sedatives, then you should avoid over-the-counter medications that contain antihistamines that cause drowsiness. The wrong combination of drugs can have dangerous side effects and even be fatal.
  2. 2 Be careful with over-the-counter drugs. Not all of them will improve your sleep. In addition, many sleeping pills can help you fall asleep but decrease the quality of your sleep. Try not to take cold and flu medicines that contain pseudoephedrine or ephedrine.
    • If necessary, take them 2 or 3 hours before bedtime.
    • Decongestants should be taken while awake, and pain relievers or antihistamines that increase sleepiness should be taken just before bed.
  3. 3 Choose your nasal spray carefully. The spray helps relieve nasal congestion for 8 hours or more, but it may contain stimulants that cause insomnia.
    • Choose nasal sprays that contain oxymetazoline or xylometazoline. These funds actively counteract stagnation and are not stimulants.
    • The nasal strips mechanically open the airways without stimulating the body.
  4. 4 Drink warm, soothing drinks. During illness, appetite may deteriorate, but dehydration should not be allowed. Drink plenty of fluids. High-calorie drinks like hot chocolate can help prepare your body for sleep.
    • Hot soft drinks can help fight cold and flu symptoms like sneezing and coughing, according to research.
  5. 5 The environment in the bedroom affects the quality of your sleep. Hide distractions such as TVs, computers, and other electronic devices. You also need to adjust to a comfortable temperature, as it is much healthier to sleep in a cool room.
    • Vaporizers and humidifiers can help make breathing easier and maintain conditions conducive to healthy sleep.

Method 2 of 5: How to calm the mind

  1. 1 Learn the basics of meditation. Meditation is awareness, awareness. Listen to your breathing and try not to think about anything. Many people use mantras or prayers to concentrate.
    • There are various ways of meditation, from which you can choose the one that suits you best.
  2. 2 Breathe deeply and with awareness. Breathing slowly to the full depth of your diaphragm will help you relax quickly.If you find it difficult to breathe deeply with a stuffy nose, try breathing through your mouth.
    • Place your hand on your stomach and feel it rise as you inhale deeply. After exhaling all the air from your lungs, return your stomach to its original position. Such movement should not require effort. You just need to make sure you are breathing deeply and using your diaphragm.
  3. 3 Be aware of the moment. You can look at the cat or examine your hand, while focusing on the present to relieve tension. Breathe slowly and focus on the moment, describing it in detail to yourself.
  4. 4 Imagine a peaceful place. For relaxation, you can remember a quiet place or a pleasant moment from the past. When you are transported to a deserted beach or start thinking about the road to school, try to focus on the details to calm your mind.
  5. 5 Listen to music. Music has a huge impact on mood, so choose a song that is calm, or a song that ties in with happy memories.
    • If you have a sore throat, don't make it worse by singing your favorite song loudly.

Method 3 of 5: How to create coziness

  1. 1 Put on your favorite pajamas. Choose a fabric that is comfortable and soft. It could be a cotton T-shirt or a terry cloth robe. The soft material will help the body to relax. It is also important that the fabric retains heat while allowing air to pass through to avoid overheating.
    • Fleece fabric has excellent heat retention and moisture wicking properties.
  2. 2 Stay warm. Curl up under your favorite blanket for an extra layer of warmth and comfort. Shivering and chills weaken the immune system, and limbs begin to freeze in the first place. Cover your arms and legs with your favorite blanket.
    • You can also wear terry socks, gloves and a hat, but these items may be unnecessary indoors.
  3. 3 Use multiple pillows. Pillows are great for relaxing, thanks to their softness and comfort. Use multiple pillows at once to get as comfortable and relaxed as possible. Choosing the right pillow will improve sleep quality and accelerate recovery.
    • When choosing a pillow, pay attention to the material of manufacture and the position in which you sleep.
    • You can use pillows to raise your head higher to reduce nasal congestion.

Method 4 of 5: How to Choose the Best Way to Relax

  1. 1 Don't drink alcohol. One serving may pass without a trace, but several servings can block the airway in the nose, especially at night. Read the instructions for all medications you are taking, as it is generally not recommended to drink alcohol while taking your medications.
  2. 2 Choose an activity in which you can sit or raise your head. If you lie flat, gravity will force the post-nasal leak down your throat, making it difficult to breathe.
    • For example, you can read a book, watch your favorite movies, or play with your pet.
  3. 3 Use steam. If you take a hot bath, use a humidifier, or just hold your face over a pot of hot water with a towel over your head, the moist air can help ease nasal congestion.
    • If you decide to hold your head over a pot of boiling water, be careful not to scald yourself.
  4. 4 Drink tea and water throughout the day. Drink as much water as possible to stay hydrated. During illness, you lose a lot of fluids, you have a runny nose and a stuffy nose. Fluid replenishment has a natural calming effect. You can drink chamomile tea to relax as much as possible.
    • If you add a little honey to your tea, then you will ease a sore throat.
    • Many types of herbal teas can help fight nasal congestion. For example, licorice root tea is an excellent expectorant.
  5. 5 Enjoy your time. Take the time for yourself and relax in a way that only you know about.Others should not add to your stress by constantly offering unnecessary help. Recovery takes time, so feel free to feel free.
    • Be sure to notify all clients, teachers, or others about your absence. You definitely won't be able to relax if you constantly receive letters or annoyed calls. Anyone can get sick, so take the time you need to recover.

Method 5 of 5: How to Get Help

  1. 1 It is important to understand when you are too sick to carry out your normal activities. Each person has their own threshold for activity during illness. Stop worrying too much about feeling unwell and rely on your loved ones and colleagues. If you have children or other important responsibilities that should not be left to chance, then rely on people you trust to do so.
  2. 2 Call a friend or relative. During a period of illness, we can find ourselves alone and temporarily stop our social life. Sometimes it's helpful to be alone with yourself. But you also need to understand when you need support and who is the best to turn to for it.
    • In particular, by calling your mom, you will feel the relief that only she can give. Remember how as a child, when she was sick, she fed you chicken broth?
  3. 3 Make detailed instructions. If you ask your relative to look after the children or ask a colleague to prepare a presentation, be sure to provide all the details. Write down all the information you need and ask to repeat it so you can make sure you understand it correctly.
    • Use a checklist to keep track of all the details you need.


  • You are beautiful and charming, even in spite of your illness!
  • If you have the strength, then set aside a day for home spa treatments.
  • Watch the entire season of the show! Immerse yourself in your favorite story and forget about stress.


  • Try not to overwork yourself.
  • Do not take over-the-counter pain relievers that contain caffeine, as it is a stimulant and can cause insomnia.
  • If you are already taking antihistamines for other problems, then you do not need to buy additional over-the-counter cold and flu medications to avoid overdose.
  • If you have a hypersensitivity to alcohol, then read the composition of the medicines, as they may contain small doses.