How to relax before a thrilling event

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 26 June 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
My Summer Vacation
Video: My Summer Vacation


If you're so anxious about an upcoming event that you can't even sit still or breathe calmly, here are some tips on how to cope with stress.


  1. 1 Start by breathing deeply. Breathe as if you are trying to fill the whole body with air, to the tips of your toes. This breathing will help you calm down. Keep up the good work until the start of the event.
  2. 2 Take care of the cleaning. Collect all dirty socks, wash the refrigerator, fold all the clothes on the shelves neatly, dust off, clean up all cupboards, etc. Get busy and your anxiety will diminish.
  3. 3 Chat on the phone. Talking on the phone for a short time can distract you from your excitement. Do not talk too long, however, or it will be difficult for you to stay calm.
  4. 4 Take a shower or bath. Warm water is soothing, you can relax. Use a soothing bath oil such as lavender or chamomile. Or, if possible, go for a swim and the excitement will go away.
  5. 5 Read a book. Plan to finish the book or read to a specific page before the exciting event occurs.
  6. 6 Get exercise. You can take a walk or jog, etc. Take your dog for a walk, if you don't have a dog, take your neighbor's dog for a walk.
  7. 7 Keep yourself busy with something that will help you distract yourself: play video games, go shopping, cook lunch, visit a museum exhibition.
  8. 8 Use aromatic oils (aromatherapy). Some scents are calming, such as lavender and chamomile.
  9. 9 Drink herbal tea. Brew a tea with a calming effect. Among these herbs are mint, chamomile, vanilla.
  10. 10 Take a nap. This is a good way to calm down. In addition, time will pass faster. You will be rested for the long awaited event! Set your alarm to avoid accidentally oversleeping, however.
  11. 11 Help WikiHow. Take a few minutes to edit the article, it will be a huge help for us!
  12. 12 Listen to soothing music. Music can help you calm down and relax, especially if it is calm music. Make sure you feel calm when listening to music!
  13. 13 Try something new. Do things that you haven't done before, like cook a new dish, visit a place you've never been before, do a new style. New experiences can help you cope with the excitement.
  14. 14 Go into an empty, quiet room, close the door and turn off the lights. Sit down, relax, breathe deeply, and think of something pleasant. Meditate.


  • Think of something calm.
  • If you are waiting for good news from a loved one who is in the hospital (for example, the birth of a child) and you cannot return home, use the methods mentioned here that are possible in your circumstances (for example, breathe, drink water, maybe even take a nap). You can also walk around the hospital (with a mobile phone in hand), watch TV with people, or use a mobile phone to play games or write messages to loved ones.If you love writing, you could pour out your feelings on paper, in a diary.
  • If you can't handle your emotions, try doing crossword puzzles or watching TV to calm yourself down.
  • Stay focused on your breathing, especially if you are short of breath.
  • Do stretching exercises.
  • Drink water or tea (iced or hot). This will help you calm down.
  • If your heart is jumping out of your chest, you can go for a swim or take a walk if possible.
  • If you have a public appearance ahead of you, don't be nervous! Just imagine that you are one of the audience members, like everyone else.


  • Don't annoy other people by endlessly asking questions about how much time is left; or by other actions.
  • Try to stay calm, because if you get too worried for a long time, you will be considered strange.
  • Try not to express your excitement in front of strangers. Your behavior can annoy others.
  • Don't eat too much in anticipation of the long-awaited event - you will feel tired and less likely to want to go to the event you've been waiting for. Drink water and eat carrot sticks / celery if you feel hungry.
  • Do not bite your nails or suck your fingers.