How to trick a lie detector

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 26 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Pass a Lie Detector Test and Prepare for It
Video: How to Pass a Lie Detector Test and Prepare for It


There are many situations in which you can be subjected to a lie detector test. Such tests often make us a lot of anxiety, even if we have absolutely nothing to hide. A lie detector test is, by and large, an interrogation, that is, a rather stressful situation.Oftentimes, innocent people are poorly tested for various reasons, which can lead to tragic consequences. It is quite easy to get well tested on a lie detector. In this article, we'll show you how to keep yourself under control during interrogation.


Method 1 of 4: Prepare in advance

  1. 1 Learn more about how lie detectors work. If your career or criminal case is completely dependent on the results of such a test, you will have to do everything possible to pass it successfully. First, read about how a lie detector works. It is important to remember that a lie detector is often wrong.
  2. 2 Think about what questions the investigator is interested in. Usually a lie detector helps to find answers to important questions - are you a spy, do you use drugs? Chances are, you should know (or try to find out) which topic is of interest to the person who asks you the questions.
  3. 3 Practice before taking a lie detector test. If you practice to follow all the instructions in this article (and do them correctly!), Then you will certainly succeed!
  4. 4 Prepare for a lie detector test as an important job interview. Dress modestly and formally and try to make a good impression. Do not be late or postpone testing for another day.
    • Remember that your behavior is likely to be monitored from the moment you arrive at the test site. There may be surveillance cameras in the room; well-hidden surveillance cameras can also be in the hallway or closet. There may also be a camera behind the mirror in the interrogation room. Testing actually starts the moment you enter the room and ends only when you leave it.

Method 2 of 4: Be on the lookout

  1. 1 Remember that the person asking you questions is not your friend. He may speak to you in a relatively friendly way, convince you that he is on your side, and that he will only help you if you tell the truth. This is a lie - do not believe such words.
  2. 2 Beware of the tricks that polygraph operators often use before testing. Polygraph operators may try to intimidate you by saying that this lie detector is very accurate and never wrong. The more fearful you are, the more "liar symptoms" you will exhibit during interrogation. Don't believe what you are told. The operator may also ask you to wash your hands for more accurate results. Hidden cameras are often placed in the toilet, therefore, when an interrogated person goes to the toilet and does not wash his hands, this arouses suspicion.

Method 3 of 4: Analyze Questions

  1. 1 Analyze the questions that are being asked to you. When testing on a lie detector, three types of questions are usually asked: essential, insignificant and control. Non-essential questions: "What is your name?", "Have you ever eaten potatoes?" Essential questions: "Did you convey important information to journalists?", "Have you ever stolen money from your employer?", "Do you use drugs?" Security questions are questions that people are usually embarrassed to answer. For example: "Have you ever played dishonestly?" or "Have you ever committed petty theft?"
  2. 2 Don't pretend you know anything about lie detectors. The operator may ask you if you were interested in the principles of lie detectors and if you did any research on this topic. Do not tell the operator that you were interested in this topic. Act like you don’t know anything about lie detectors and how they work. Pretend that you believe that a lie detector is never wrong. The operator may try to catch you in a lie, saying, for example, that the test result is ONZ. Do not pretend that you know the meaning of the term DHS (Deception Not Seen). If the operator notices that you know too much about the operation of the lie detector, it will make him suspicious.

Method 4 of 4: How to trick a lie detector

  1. 1 Only say what is necessary. Answer the questions directly, using only the words "Yes" and "No". Never make excuses or explain your answers. Please refrain from any comments. Be willing to cooperate with the operator, but do not say more than what you are asked about.
  2. 2 No hasty confessions need to be made. You do not need to look at the lines that the polygraph draws on paper - do not worry in vain. Do not listen to the operator if he tells you that you are lying. Continue to stand your ground - test results are always mixed. When asked security questions, be honest. No need to shy away from the answer or worry.
    • Remember, test results are not that important. The main job of the operator is to get your admission of guilt. The operator will manipulate you in the hope that you will reveal to him / her some new important information or make a confession.
  3. 3 Answer confidently, seriously, and without hesitation. No need to joke or change the subject, no need to be silent. Behave yourself and be willing to cooperate with operators.
  4. 4 Breathe normally. During your test questions, take no more than 15-30 breaths per minute. Don't breathe too deeply.
  5. 5 Change your breathing during the test questions. The operator will compare all of your physiological responses when answering control questions with physiological responses when answering essential questions. If the difference between the normal reaction and the reaction when answering the control question is greater than the difference between the normal reaction and the reaction when answering an essential question, then everything is in order and the polygraph will not detect deception. Otherwise, the operator will think you are lying.
    • Change your breathing rate when you are asked control questions. Breathe in more slowly or faster, hold your breath for a few seconds after exhaling, or breathe more frequently. Do this for 5-15 seconds and then move to normal breathing before answering the next question.
  6. 6 Answer the security questions evasively. For example, if you are asked what year it is, you might answer that it is "the year of the snake." Your goal is to trick the operator into determining what a "normal" answer means in your case.
  7. 7 When answering security questions, think about a difficult problem. In this way, you can change the test results so that your "normal" answers do not differ from the answers when you are anxious (tense). For example, try calculating. Mentally count backwards from one hundred, or divide or multiply. This will help you to normalize your heart rate and blood pressure.
  8. 8 After testing is over, behave as usual. At the end of the test, the operator can leave the room and ask you to wait. Also, the operator can say that he knows that you gave a false answer to one of the questions. This is a trick. Do not believe such statements. Remain calm and state that you did not lie during the test. Don't change your answers or make excuses.


  • During the test, think about something soothing or something that you have never done.
  • There are several types of lie detector testing. Read about each of them to prepare yourself well for an interview or interrogation.
  • The easiest way to not get a lie detector test is to give it up. If you are asked to take a polygraph test at an interview, your refusal will mean a refusal of the interview. Remember that you always have the right to refuse a lie detector test.
    • Refusal from a polygraph may not be a reason for your dismissal from work. Refusal to test on a lie detector is not admissible as evidence in a lawsuit; this also applies to test results.
  • If you were released on parole, be careful. If you are caught lying or trying to trick a lie detector, you may be sent back to prison.


  • Do not resort to several countermeasures at the same time, otherwise it will be too noticeable from the outside.
  • Try biting your tongue to help you control yourself. Use this method if you need to answer yes or no.
  • Remember that you may not be able to fool the lie detector even if you follow all the above instructions correctly.
  • Be careful. If someone notices that you are trying to manipulate events and use various tricks, you will be excluded from the list of candidates for the job (if you are interviewing). If you were released early on parole and you are caught trying to trick the lie detector, you could be jailed again.