How to tell your parents you want to be an actor

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 27 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
When I Told My Parents that I Want to Be an Actor
Video: When I Told My Parents that I Want to Be an Actor


Acting, along with many other fields of art, is very difficult to get into and even more difficult to succeed. The choice to be an actor cannot go unnoticed at any age. Parents who care about your success understandably may be concerned about your choices. Their reactions may vary, but most of them will be concerned about your ultimate happiness in an area where few people are happy. In this article, we'll look at a few things you can do to help your parents make your decision more calmly.


Method 1 of 5: be aware of your decision

  1. 1 Ask yourself why you want to be an actor. Ponder your answers, in other words, write down whatever comes to mind, it's only for your own good.
  2. 2 Analyze the list for good reasons, such as "I'm good at this" or "My friends tell me I should try."
  3. 3 Be specific. Things like that, it's great to have things like “it makes me happy” on your list of reasons, but try asking yourself why it makes you happy. Write it down.
  4. 4 Change your list on a new piece of paper. Some reasons that are important to you, such as “I have a deep psychological need to qualify and appear on stage” may be great excuses, but probably not the best choice for communicating with your ancestors.

Method 2 of 5: Think about what kind of actor you would like to be

  1. 1 It's easy to want to be around Tom Cruise, films are full of young actors trying to do just that. Few of them will be able to do this. There are many different ways to make a living as an actor, besides being in films. For example:
    1. Playing on stage. Promises a humble life full of fun.
    2. A characteristic game.
    3. Advertising.
    4. Acting teacher.
    5. Acting as a path to producing or writing.
  2. 2 Show your ancestors that the desire to become an actor is not your usual teenage impulse and instead you are considering your career realistically and will carefully go a long way towards taking your choice seriously.

Method 3 of 5: Get Started with Acting

  1. 1 If you are not already involved in acting, then it's time to start. Let your parents know how serious you are about your study choices. The main way to convince your parents is to show them that you are passionate and your ambitions are realistic. Here are some ideas:
    1. Take acting lessons.
    2. Join the tragedies.
    3. Try your hand at a school play.
    4. Read the plays and discuss them.
    5. Go to plays, not movies.
    6. Samples. If you already have experience in a semi-professional or professional production that's great, but if they hear you just failed auditioning, they'll feel better about your understanding of the industry.

Method 4 of 5: Developing a Mature Plan

  1. 1 Parents would like to see young people approach their life choices in a mature way, and there is nothing better than doing their homework.
  2. 2 Think of another career you can pursue alongside acting if you can't become the actor you would like to be. For example, selling, advertising, and marketing often requires the same types of skills. Show your parents that you have a backup plan if things don't go as planned. This should impress them with your mature, intelligent nature.
  3. 3 Understand what you will need to do to achieve your goal. For example:
    1. Search for acting schools and find out the tuition fees. Each school has its own style and, more importantly, its own placement rates in different acting areas. Find and choose what is right for you.
    2. Be honest about your talent and find something worth working on. Maybe you should better dance or sing, or better joke. If these skills are part of your plan, figure out how you can learn them.

Method 5 of 5: Talking to Ancestors

  1. 1 Pick a time when they are in a good, receptive mood. Make sure nothing will distract them. Parents are usually busy all the time, although this may not seem so. Weekends are the perfect time to be in their best spirits.
  2. 2 Consider bringing up the topic in a public place. After all, you will have a tense private conversation, but first bring up the topic in a public place, such as a coffee shop. This can give you an idea of ​​their initial reaction and what you might have to face.
  3. 3 Show them your passion and excitement about your choice.
  4. 4 Calmly tell them about your plans, your reasons why this is the best choice for you and your goals.
  5. 5 Listen carefully to what they tell you.
  6. 6 Don't argue with them at this stage, just listen. They are your parents, they can probably say smart things.
  7. 7 Try to compromise or find common ground. For example, you might suggest finding a part-time job, just in case, while working as an actor at the same time.
  8. 8 Ask for their help in making the decision. Perhaps you need some financial help to pay for acting lessons? Help them understand if this is right for you in your personal time. Remember, you've been thinking about this for a while, but it's new to them.


  • Regardless of how your parents react to such news, try to remain calm, rational, and mature in your mind. By being upset, you will only convince them of your immaturity to make this choice.


  • Explain to them the reasons for this choice.
  • Do not give up
  • Do not be angry
  • Both parents must be at home