How to recognize trichomoniasis in men

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 10 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
What is Trichomoniasis? Signs, Symptoms & Getting Tested
Video: What is Trichomoniasis? Signs, Symptoms & Getting Tested


Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted disease. The main habitat of trichomoniasis in the male body is the urethra, in the female - the vagina. Despite the fact that both men and women can get sick with trichomoniasis, this disease manifests itself most clearly in the female body. Trichomoniasis is the most common curable sexually transmitted disease. If a man suspects that he has contracted trichomoniasis, then first of all he should turn his attention to the following signs.


  1. 1 You are most likely infected if you have had sex with a woman infected with trichomoniasis. Give preference to safer sex and always practice good personal hygiene.
  2. 2 Remember that in the male body, trichomoniasis can be asymptomatic.
  3. 3 Among the most common symptoms are the following:
    • Discharge from the urethra.
    • Unpleasant fishy smell of semen.
    • Pain during urination and ejaculation.
    • Penis irritation.
    • Less commonly, pain and swelling in the scrotum.


  • Outwardly, it is very difficult to recognize trichomoniasis in men, but the infection is easily determined with the help of an appropriate laboratory test. If you suspect that you have contracted trichomoniasis, be sure to seek the advice of your doctor.
  • Trichomoniasis is curable, consult a doctor, only a specialist can choose the right treatment for you. Most likely, these will be prescription drugs.
  • If you find out that your partner is infected with trichomoniasis, be sure to get treatment, regardless of whether you have symptoms of infection or not.
  • Discard a large number of sexual partners.
  • Use the following precautions to avoid contracting trichomoniasis:
    • Stop having sex.
    • Have one uninfected partner.
    • Use condoms.
    • Refrain from having sex if your partner has an incomprehensible vaginal discharge.
    • Wash before and after intercourse.
  • It may happen that after a few weeks all the symptoms will disappear on their own, but you should still understand that the risk of re-infecting your partner still exists.


  • If a woman is simultaneously infected with HIV and trichomoniasis, then your risk of contracting HIV becomes even higher.
  • Trichomoniasis can eventually affect the urinary tract and reproductive system if you do not receive treatment.