How to be happy with what you have

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 24 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Be Happy Every Day: It Will Change the World | Jacqueline Way | TEDxStanleyPark
Video: How to Be Happy Every Day: It Will Change the World | Jacqueline Way | TEDxStanleyPark


Happiness is everyone's personal choice ... well, to a certain extent. Yes, it is impossible to control everything that happens to you, but you can control your thoughts and actions. Essentially, being happy with what you have is a matter of focusing on all the good things in your life, letting go of unrealistic expectations and striving to feel good “here and now” by all means.


Method 1 of 2: Changing Your Mental Attitude

  1. 1 Take a moment to think about how lucky you are in life. Think about all the good things in your life, not about the things you don’t have. Thinking good things can be difficult when you feel sad, so start with whatever you take for granted. The questions below will help you with this - and if you answer yes to at least one of them, then you have every reason to open champagne (after all, not everyone is as lucky as you)!
    • Do you have a place to live?
    • Do you have a job?
    • Do you have an education?
    • Is there a person who is important to you, someone who loves you?
    • Do you have a family member with whom you maintain a good relationship?
    • Do you have free time for personal affairs (at least sometimes)?
    • Do you have a pet?
    • Is there a scenic area near where you live?
    • Is this enough for life?
    • What else do you want? Is it obligatory?
  2. 2 Think about how it could have been much worse. Indeed, think about anything that could be bad right now. Now try to understand why this did not happen. And then everything is simple: everything bad that has not happened to you is already something good! Below - again questions, but this time you need to answer "no" to at least one of them, in order to have all the reasons to enjoy life!
    • Are you dead?
    • Are you in jail?
    • Are you very sick?
    • Are you completely alone with no chance of meeting new people?
    • Are you doing absolutely, absolutely bad?
  3. 3 Let go of the past. It cannot be changed, so there is not the slightest reason to worry about the affairs of bygone days. Don't waste a second thinking about what might have happened - it didn't happen, it doesn't. Focus better on what is and what you can change. Below we have provided examples of things that you should not grieve about at all:
    • Romantic hobbies that have led nowhere.
    • Career mistakes.
    • Adventures that have bypassed you.
    • Awkward situations with your participation.
  4. 4 Stop comparing yourself to others. Envy is a poison that poisons happiness, and it will be difficult for you to stay happy, constantly thinking about those who seem to be better than you. If someone has something that you would like for yourself (a car, a job, something valuable, or even a fun vacation), then you shouldn't be upset that you don't have it. Better be happy for the other person and focus on becoming happier yourself.
    • Remember that people only brag about what they are proud of. All the bad things in their lives usually remain hidden from others.
  5. 5 Less money-grubbing! In the long run, your possessions are unlikely to make you happy. The pleasure from acts of consumption dissipates pretty quickly, and soon everything new that you have will become familiar, ceasing to make you happier. Money, houses, cars are, of course, good, but they are not the root cause of happiness. Accordingly, limiting yourself to such material dreams, you do not let yourself go to happiness!
  6. 6 Focus on your happiest memories. You should not worry about past events, since you cannot change them, but still you should not sweep away the whole past so quickly - take good moments from it! The very fact that you were happy in the past is already worth gratitude. No one else in the world has your happy memories, you are unique in that sense! Here are some things to remember in this regard:
    • Happy childhood memories
    • Your achievements
    • Family gatherings and gatherings you enjoyed
    • Time with friends
    • The professional goals you have achieved

Method 2 of 2: Changing Actions

  1. 1 Spend time with people you truly value. As the saying goes, “tell me who your friend is, and I will tell you who you are” - and this saying is relevant to this day. Over time, the emotions, actions and opinions of your environment will, as it were, “polish” you, leave their imprint on you. To be as happy as possible, be sure to spend more time with the people who are important to you, those who make you happiest. These can be friends, relatives, colleagues, people who are important to you, or even casual acquaintances. Only you know with whom you are happiest, and only you can make this choice.
  2. 2 Thank others for how they affect your life. Remember to pay tribute to the people who bring happiness to your life! By making yourself the habit of saying “thank you” to people, you can understand how full of happiness your life is. In addition, thanks to the people who are important to you, you can also share your happiness with them! But being happy alone is not even nearly as pleasant as being happy in a company!
    • It is not at all necessary to give thanks with a half-hour solemn speech. Acknowledgments can be as simple as "Thanks for your help, it means a lot to me." Sincerity is important here, not words.
  3. 3 Set exciting new goals for yourself. The joy of achievement and the associated success, alas, are fleeting. Here, as with shopping - the sharpness is quickly lost, the sensations are smoothed out, everything returns to normal. However, the “working towards a goal” state can itself be a source of joy. There will be a goal - there will be a reason to live, there will be a reason to be active, there will be a chance to feel your significance and need. Figuratively speaking, goals are fuel for life, warming us with the warmth of happiness.
    • Every intermediate achievement on your way to your goal is a reason to rejoice. Having reached the goal, rejoice, but remember that joy here is only temporary, so you will save yourself from disappointment. To plunge into the ocean of joy and happiness again, set new goals for yourself!
  4. 4 Surround yourself with what makes you happier. Happiness even depends on where you are. Do you like flowers? Place them around the house or at your workplace. Crazy about cars? Leave an hour or two on your schedule for fiddling around in the garage. Spending time (even the smallest) on what you like is a sure way to improve your mood. It also reminds yourself of how much it costs you to be grateful for.
  5. 5 Live an active, open life. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of leaving home - it is better to discover something new outside the home than to stay on your own couch. Take a walk, get out to the park, chat with people, ride a bike, go to a museum - in general, don't sit at home, and your mood will improve (and your appearance, by the way, too!).
    • Yes, watching TV or reading on the internet is a great way to relax. But don't do it all your free time! Moderation is the key to everything, you need to maintain a balance between momentary urges and the knowledge that we live only once, and time, alas, cannot be turned around and returned.
  6. 6 Have fun! Under the pressure of daily stress, it is easy to forget about the need to sometimes spend time with pleasure. How? Oh, there are a lot of ways, but only you know what exactly is right for you! Someone likes clubs or parties, someone likes to read on the beach, someone likes to go to the movies. Whatever is for you, do it regularly and remember - there is no point in hiding from the fun.
    • Things can be even more fun in a company, so feel free to call friends, family, or people who are important to you. But don't let yourself be left without fun moments just because you have no one to share with.Believe in yourself and go yourself - you can find new friends, and even if you don't, you will still have a great time!


  • Try to mentally stay in the present. Do not live in the past, do not torment yourself with these terrible "ah, if only." You can only change the present, and this is the only thing that matters.
  • Remember, no one will live a perfect life. Things can go wrong one day (and will). Work on fixing the issues, but don't let them get underneath you! Know that mistakes and misfortunes are inevitable, but not permanent.
  • Make lists of your likes and dislikes and your goals. And what? This is a great way to put your thoughts in order! In addition, it is very pleasant to mark the achieved goals on the list.