How to get a job interview with a hangover

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 10 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Ed Helms Feels Bad For His Character in The Hangover 3 | Full Interview | Alan Carr: Chatty Man
Video: Ed Helms Feels Bad For His Character in The Hangover 3 | Full Interview | Alan Carr: Chatty Man


What a shame! Yesterday you forgot about the fact that today you have to go to a job interview, and not so weakly pawed by the collar? What, and your head is splitting? And the stomach itself is not your own? And the eyes are like the fires of hell? And it's better not to remember the freshness of breath, right? If you still need a job, then you need to do something about it, and on a strong five. Passing an interview with a hangover is a quest, but still, they are real if you know what to do.


Method 1 of 2: Before the interview

  1. 1 Drink an electrolyte drink as soon as possible. This will help ease the symptoms of dehydration that often accompany hangovers.
    • During the breakdown of alcohol, the body produces the so-called. lactic acid and other substances that interfere with the absorption of sugar (glucose) and electrolytes. Sports drinks will come in handy.
    • Coffee, of course, will invigorate you, but dehydration will only worsen, and the stomach can upset. Try to avoid coffee.
  2. 2 Take a pill. Let's say an over-the-counter pain reliever without acetaminophen, such as aspirin or ibuprofen. And take a couple of pills with you - just in case the interview drags on.
    • Alcohol interferes with the breakdown of acetaminophen by the liver, so taking it with a hangover can be fraught with liver problems.
  3. 3 Eat an anti-hangover breakfast. A bacon sandwich (with toasted toast) and a bowl of broth will work.
    • Toast is an increase in blood sugar, the carbon (in the burnt part) will help filter out everything in your stomach - like activated charcoal. It is because of this feature of it that the stomachs of the victims of alcohol poisoning are washed with a solution of coal.
    • The protein from the bacon will be broken down into amino acids, which will help replenish the balance of neurotransmitters affected by drinking.
    • The broth will restore the balance of salt and potassium.
  4. 4 Apply drops of redness in the eyes. A couple of drops of the solution will do. Follow the instructions and note that the drops will begin to take effect in about half an hour.
  5. 5 Get yourself in order. Wash, comb your hair, because your appearance (and smell) should be on top! Wash yourself well to wash off the smells of that bar where you went on a spree yesterday.
  6. 6 Cover bags under the eyes with concealer. In such a situation, cosmetics are suitable even for men, hiding bags under the eyes.
  7. 7 Check everything before leaving. Have a friend or spouse give you one more gaze before you leave. Ask what you look like and have an honest answer. If you hear that you look unprofessional or unkempt, take action.
  8. 8 Practice how you will answer the questions. Your brain may not be working at full capacity yet, so try to answer and comment clearly enough, and even more so do not mumble to cover up a headache from yesterday.
  9. 9 Be punctual. Whether you're hungover or not, being punctual in your job interview is ... a good start. If you are late, you will not only form a bad first impression of yourself, but also give the interviewer a reason to evaluate you more closely. You understand, it will be quite natural to be interested, but what made you late ...
  10. 10 Know when to reschedule your interview. You may not want to, but it may very well be that you will ruin everything completely irreparably if you come for an interview. It will be especially sad if you are going to get a new position in a company where you already work, and where I know you as flaky. Here's what should lead you to think about the need to reschedule your interview:
    • Feeling that you are about to vomit. Well, think for yourself - here you shook hands with your potential future boss, and then you vomited right on his desk. If your stomach hints that it may not hold out, it is better not to risk it.
    • Yesterday has not passed without a trace in the physical plane. Traces of fights, falls and just bruises that cannot be disguised are not something to come to an interview with.
    • You are still drunk. You can't come to an interview under the fly, you can't, you can't! They will not find anything funny in this, they will pay attention to it. It doesn't matter, even if you are the only person on Earth who is suitable for that position - do not come to an interview drunk!
  11. 11 Bring water with you. Drink plenty of water in advance, and bring a bottle of water with you. There is nothing reprehensible in this, you will want to drink this way and that, and if you were not offered drinks, then the water in the bottle will serve you faithfully.
    • If that sounds unprofessional, don't hesitate to ask for a glass of water when you're interviewing - you are unlikely to be turned down.

Method 2 of 2: During the interview

  1. 1 Mint freshness. Before you start your interview, chew something that will give your breath a minty freshness. There may still be a smell of alcohol in your lungs, which is important to get rid of.
    • Don't chew during the interview! Take advantage of something that dissolves quickly and quickly has the desired effect.
  2. 2 Accept that your concentration will now be below average. Accordingly, do your best to stay focused and truly listen to the questions.
    • If you need a break to collect your thoughts, take a break. This is much better than carrying on all sorts of nonsense to fill an awkward silence. People like pensive pauses, and people who allow them are taken more seriously (which is what you want).
  3. 3 Stay focused. Look somewhere behind the person's head where you can focus your attention.
    • Even if everything is a little blurry, this will be a kind of safe zone for you - you will seem to be focused on the interviewee, although you do not have to maintain constant eye contact with him.
  4. 4 Do your best not to fuss. Nerves, boredom, the desire to be distracted - all this is the road to hectic. If you are hungover, then all this trinity will be in your head, and you will have a desire, almost a temptation - to fuss in order not to fall asleep.
    • Do something to stay focused - pinch your hand or gently, almost imperceptibly, knees against each other. The main thing is to do it all so that the interviewee has no doubts about your sanity.
  5. 5 Breathe deeply. Not only will this relax you during the interview, but it will also provide enough oxygen to keep you going. Sit up straight and try not to sigh as you exhale.


  • If this problem occurs frequently, then perhaps you have a problem with alcohol ...
  • Consider wearing something that will attract attention - a scarf, tie, or jewelry, for example. This will help distract attention from your red eyes and prevent suspicions that you are slightly out of shape. But don't overdo it, especially if you don't have any experience with it. A pink elephant tie is unlikely to help you.
  • If you still need to reschedule your interview, contact the interviewee as early as possible and say that you are sick (technically, this will not be a lie). Ask if you can postpone the interview a couple of days in advance. Find out if there is a phone interview available. If this is still a phase 1 interview, then you can even put the question like this: "What is the best - to quickly interview me on the phone or to interview me in person and get a full office of flu patients?" Most importantly, try not to run into a video interview.
  • Learn from your own mistakes. Perhaps yesterday evening was not in your plans, but still - try to draw conclusions based on your own well-being now and the importance of the upcoming event, so that next time you refuse to drink before the interview.
  • If you've been drinking with coworkers or getting drunk at a work lunch with a client, you need to be extremely careful when coming to an interview, and especially when it comes to explaining your current state. Have the same version for everyone and keep in mind that colleagues have seen everything!
  • In the morning before the interview, yoga or other similar exercises can help you. They will calm and relax you ... more or less.


  • Remember that a hangover will hit your ability to think, think quickly, not to mention your ability to perform well in an interview. You should be very much afraid of this scenario when you are asked to “contact later”. However, it will be even worse if rumors spread about you ...
  • Wear the shoes you're used to. Morning with a hangover is not at all the right time for new and not very comfortable shoes. The pain will be felt even more acutely, believe me. Choose good old shoes, which are more comfortable for you - the main thing is, do not forget to clean them.
  • Remember, the best way to avoid a hangover is not to drink. Learn to refuse!

What do you need

  • Pain relievers.
  • More knowledge on how to deal with a hangover.
  • Neat appearance and comfortable footwear.
  • All necessary papers - resumes, reports, documents, certificates, diplomas, etc. Don't forget anything!
  • Water (lots) and a bottle of water.
  • Notes, if necessary.