Keep a cat off the dining table

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 8 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Get Off The Furniture: Can you set limits with your cat?
Video: Get Off The Furniture: Can you set limits with your cat?


Cats naturally have the instinct to climb onto something and get a good view of the surroundings. Unfortunately, this tendency sometimes takes them to places where they shouldn't be, such as the kitchen table. If your cat has climbed onto your kitchen table and you can't stop it, there are a few methods you can try to discourage it.

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Method 1 of 2: Provide alternatives

  1. Place cat furniture indoors. Since cats naturally like to climb, you shouldn't try to keep your cat off it completely. Instead, give him alternatives to climbing on your table and counter. A good alternative is "tree" -like indoor cat furniture. These usually have perches and platforms for your cat to jump on, satisfying its natural tendency to climb. As an added bonus, they are usually covered with carpet to make them a comfortable place for your cat to lie down.
  2. Make an alternative place attractive for your cat. Your cat may lean towards the kitchen table because it likes it a comfortable place. Counter this by making another place more attractive. In addition to buying specialist cat furniture, you can take a few steps to make another space your cat's favorite.
    • Rub catnip on a specific area to lure your cat there.
    • Place your cat's food where you want it to go.
    • Play with your cat in the new place. Stroke and compliment him so he learns to associate the new area with good feelings.
  3. Give your cat more to eat. Cats often roam in search of food, which can lead them to kitchen counters and counters. If your cat keeps sitting on the kitchen table, it may be looking for food. You can counteract this instinct by using a few different techniques to feed your cat.
    • Try to split your cat's meals into multiple eating times during the day. The continuous supply of food will help satisfy your cat's hunger and it will not wander around looking for food.
    • You can also try feeding your cat freely. With this method, you fill your cat's food bowl at the start of the day and let it eat whenever it wants. This can also help keep him happy so he doesn't start wandering. Be careful with your cat's weight, as free access to food can make it too heavy.

Method 2 of 2: Keep the cat out

  1. Avoid leaving food around. An easy preventative measure to keep the cat off the table is to take away its reason for going on it. If your cat is roaming the kitchen because he is hungry, finding food on the table or counter will reinforce his reason for going upstairs. Do not leave food. That way he learns that there is nothing to eat up there and can gradually stop the habit of climbing on it. EXPERT TIP

    Place lightweight cookie sheets on the edge of the table. Punishing the cat himself when he climbs onto the table is unlikely to get the desired result - he will probably only get scared of you and not the table. Instead, let the environment punish him so that he finds the area undesirable. One way to do this is with lightweight cookie sheets.

    • Place the cookie sheets along the edge of the table. That way, if the cat jumps on the table, it will knock them over. The resulting loud noise will startle your cat and he will learn not to jump on the table.
  2. Place carpet pads on the table. These usually have plastic bumps on the bottom to hold carpet in place. Turn the runner upside down so that these bumps are facing up. Your cat will not like the sensation of walking on this and will gradually stop jumping on the table.
  3. Use double-sided tape on the table top. Cats also don't like sticky sensations on their paws. A product like Sticky Paws is intended for this. It's sticky enough to stay in place and get your cat's attention, but not so sticky that it will damage furniture or your cat's paws. Place this on your table to discourage your cat from venturing up there.
    • Keep in mind that if you are not using a special pet product, the tape may be too sticky and you could injure your cat and damage your furniture. Always test the tape before using it to make sure it is not too sticky.
  4. Investigate other commercially available deterrents. There are a few specialty deterrents available at pet stores. In addition to these DIY methods, you can also look at a number of devices to keep your cat off the table. Remember to use all applications as intended and ask your veterinarian or a pet store representative if you need any suggestions.
    • The Snappy Trainer works like a reverse mousetrap, but is much weaker and won't hurt your cat. Every touch causes the device to shoot into the air, startling your cat and staying off the table.
    • The SSSCAT is a motion detection device that emits a burst of compressed air when an alarm is triggered. This blast of air will scare your cat off the table or anywhere else you don't want him to go.
    • The ScanMat is a plastic sheet that retains a static charge. When your cat steps on the tray, he won't like the sensation of the electricity at his feet.


  • If your cat is on the table or anywhere else it shouldn't be, don't scare it away or push it off. Instead, pick it up gently and put it where it is allowed to be.


  • Never hit or punish your cat in any way. Nothing good will come of that. Not only will you hurt your cat, but it won't even correct its behavior - instead of learning what not to do, the cat will just learn to fear you.