How to be likable

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 14 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 Science Based Hacks To Likability
Video: 5 Science Based Hacks To Likability


Sometimes it's not easy to be lovable, right? Everyday life has enough work to worry about, let alone try to smile at strangers and say "please" or "thank you". But why should we do that? Because it makes people comfortable and opens the way to good relationships! If that is not enough for you, think that it will help you get what you want. People are more likely to be more willing to help if you are sympathetic towards them. Read on to learn how to be lovable!


Part 1 of 3: Adorable in everyday manners

  1. Hi everyone. When you pass someone, even if you are just a stranger, show that you recognize their presence with a simple "hello!" or "hello!". Even a small gesture like a wave or a nod is enough to let everyone know that you see them. Saying hello is an act of affection; Everyone will be happy to feel they are noticed.
    • Of course, it will be difficult to greet everyone on a busy street, but at least you should be friendly to people sitting next to the bus or plane, or to people who accidentally bump into right me.
    • Say hello to classmates and teachers when you go to school or to colleagues when you arrive in the morning, and soon you will be known for being likable.

  2. Listenable. Listen when others talk to you. You will not create sympathy if you ignore the opinions and stories of others. Let the other person speak, just as you would like them to let you speak when the two of you switch positions.
    • Even if the other person starts to be rude or boastful, never be offensive or act vulgar. Please politely wait for them to finish talking and change the topic after they have made their point.
    • Being nice doesn't mean you have to tolerate others. If someone makes you uncomfortable talking, you can ask for permission to leave.

  3. Be courteous, courteous, and willing to help others. Always be polite and say social words "please" or "thank you". Be patient, considerate, attentive and considerate. Be respectful towards people, even people you don't really want to meet. Offer to help and support those in need.
    • Always say "Sorry" instead of "GET OUT!" when someone is standing in your way. Human beings are not inanimate objects; they are emotional creatures like you. If you respect people, they will respect you too.
    • When you're on public transport and see an elderly person, disabled person, or pregnant woman step on, make room for them. This is a kind act (and in some regions it's the law!)
    • When you see someone who needs help with small things, like picking up a dropped item or picking up something on a high shelf, help them out.

  4. Smile. A smile will let everyone know that you are an easygoing person. Make eye contact with the person and smile or smile - whatever. Smiling creates a happy atmosphere when the two of you meet and often encourages the other to smile again. It also helps people feel comfortable around you. If they don't return your smile, they may be in a bad mood that day. No problem; The friendly attitude doesn't always get positive feedback, but often it's helpful.
    • Smile when you pass someone on the street, buy something from a shopkeeper, go to school in the morning or meet someone's eyes by accident.
    • Smile even when you're sad. You can still be likable even when you're in a bad mood. What good does it do to pass your negative energy to others?
    • If you're not in the mood to listen to other people talking, try listening to music, drawing great or doing something you enjoy. This will help you avoid being hostile or irritable to people (even if you didn't mean to).
  5. Practice empathy. Empathy means being able to put yourself in other people's shoes. This quality is not available from the moment of human birth, but it takes practice. Just try to stop your own thoughts and ask yourself, "How does this make them feel?" The goal here is not to find the "right answer", but to think of others before thinking about yourself, and this will help you become deeper, more caring and kind. .
    • No discrimination. Treat everyone equally. Even if you are friendly with your friends and teachers, but not being kind to other normal people, you don't seem as likable as you are. Don't judge people based on their skin color, age, gender, sexual orientation or religion.
  6. Never say bad things behind someone else's back. In general, you shouldn't criticize people, but of course there are times when you absolutely have the right to talk about someone's wrongdoing, just that you should never say it when that person is not present. When you say bad things about others behind them, people will think that you are disrespectful and behave differently in front of them. Good people know that speaking behind others is never commendable, and it is possible that people will see you as gossip.
    • If you have a problem or suspect someone, ask them. Conflicts will be resolved much more easily and smoothly if they are discussed frankly.
  7. Take care of everyone, not just those close to you. Keeping a friend's door open is a polite gesture, but a likable person is also someone who is willing to help and be kind to everyone. Reach out your hand to someone staggering on the sidewalk, helping classmates or colleagues when they drop materials in the hallway. You can also join hands to celebrate someone's birthday, or bring sweets to everyone on weekends just for fun. Be likable just because you're likable.
    • Interested in asking everyone. Take the time to ask questions about other people's lives without being nosy. If the person doesn't seem like you want to talk, don't force them to say more than they want.

Part 2 of 3: Adorable to people you know

  1. Be optimistic. When friends come to you for advice or are interested in talking, don't be negative or critical. Focus on the positives of the situation and cheer the person up. Every situation has two sides: the positive and the negative. The likeable people always help others to see the bright side of matters.
    • Celebrate your friends' achievements. When your friends score high on exams or win prizes, congratulate them!
    • Praise your friends. If a friend doesn't like their hair, tell them you find it beautiful, or you can compliment them with a beautiful smile. Although what you say is not entirely true, you are showing that you are likable.
      • If it's a close friend, you can say something like "Your hair looks fine, but why don't you try it ..." and offer suggestions that you think might help you. me.
    • Sometimes people just want to talk to relieve their frustrations. Keep a positive and understanding attitude when they talk. You don't have to be overly optimistic; Pay attention to keep your voice consistent with what the other person is telling.
  2. Be humble. Do you tend to look down on "weird" or different from you? The thought that you are better than others is not at all likable. Everyone has their problems, and being kind to each other makes everyone's life better. We are all equal, and when you brag about how great you are, you are making others feel less valuable.
    • Don't show off or show pride. If you achieve a great achievement, it is certainly something to be proud of; But you need to identify people who are always there to help you on your way to success.
    • Don't judge others without knowing them well. Don't judge people based on their looks or words. First impressions are not always true, as an adage tells us: don't look at it.

  3. Be sincere. If you act likable just for benefit, this goes against the nature of kindness. What you are doing is only false, superficial and ruthless. Be kind so that in the future you will see yourself as a good person, no matter what happens. Be likable because you really want to be likable.
    • Don't be double-faced. Do not be too showy. Don't gossip about others and don't be a backstabber. You can gain people's trust by being kind in front of them, but you will lose that trust if you speak badly behind them. Never get involved in gossip about other people or about people you dislike. By doing so, you are creating bad karma, and it can make you appear shallow and unkind at all.

  4. Do small good deeds every day. Small everyday gestures like holding the door to someone you don't know or smiling at someone who isn't always friendly can seem insignificant, but in the long run they will help you. become a much more lovable person.
  5. Learn to share. Sharing could mean just sharing your dessert in half with your sister, or giving away bigger things like time, space or advice. Sharing also includes acts of kindness or daily beautiful gestures. Generosity is also an endearing quality. Don't take more than you can, and when you can, give more than you can. advertisement

Part 3 of 3: Adorable to loved ones

  1. Willing to help everyone. If you find that your parents are busy with household chores, please help them. Think for others first when you have the energy and the time. Your precious actions will certainly pay off in the long run.
    • Don't wait to get help. Learn to recognize when others need your help.
    • Find creative ways to help people! Help her study, listen to her partner's share of a project or new ideas, make breakfast for the whole family, take the dog for a walk, take her to school. Although it may seem like small things, but your efforts will be appreciated by everyone.
  2. Show that you are trustworthy. Treating family members and loved ones well is always there when they need it. Answer emails, listen on the phone when people call, don't miss appointments and spend time talking when your loved one needs you to listen.
    • If you receive a message from a loved one, call back immediately. It's not good to let everyone wait all day.
    • Try to fulfill your promises. You will lose trust in people if you fail to make promises, and that is not the way people are lovable. Please cherish your friendship.
  3. Always ready to help people in difficult times. In times of crisis or distress, your friend probably doesn't want to cook and eat alone! Bring your friend hot food and stay with you all night. If your best friend has just gone through a painful breakup, offer to help clean up the other person's belongings so that he doesn't have to do it alone. My closest friends and dearest people don't shy away from things when things get tough; they are willing to stand up and eager to help.
  4. Be noble. Sometimes being nice is not easy when you face challenging situations. Even if your loved ones sometimes break their promises, criticize harshly, take pride in themselves, behave selfishly or violently, don't get caught up in their feelings. Don't switch from being a good person to a ruthless person just because your patience is being tested.
    • When your anger starts to rise and you feel like you are about to act badly, try to release your anger with something rather than being rough. Go outside and run around, get your pillow to hit or play a game to calm down. You must be in control of your behavior.
    • Don't forget to treat everyone the way you were treated. When you respect the dignity of others, you will naturally become likable, trustworthy and considerate in everyone's eyes. Even if you are not shared by others, you still want your views, ideas and passions to be respected; then you should also behave politely towards others.
  5. Be tolerant. Don't keep resentment in mind, don't continue to punish or get angry with people when they've apologized. Remember, forgiving is letting the bad moment pass rather than letting anger or jealousy continue to dominate your thoughts. This does not mean that you have to immediately trust them again, but that you let go of your grudge if the person has asked for forgiveness. Furthermore, this is also an important part of being kind. People will respect you when they see you are kind and generous.
    • Even if the person doesn't ask for forgiveness, try to let it go and be happy. People who often hurt you and won't apologize are not worth the trouble of anger and anxiety.


  • Treat animals well too! Be loving and kind to both domestic and wild animals.
  • Don't make fun of other people's mistakes and don't scrape away. Of course, it's okay to joke a little, but you need to consider and distinguish between laughing at people and making fun of them.
  • Even if your friends do not treat you well, do not retaliate. Sit down and ask what's wrong.
  • If someone tells you a secret, and you have promised not to disclose it, keep your word and don't tell anyone.
  • Even if you get angry from time to time, you won't turn out to be a bad person, especially if someone is mean to you. Forgive yourself and don't forget that you are just normal like everyone else. However, do not unjustly vent your anger on others.
  • Never discriminate against others because of their religion or ethnicity. Whoever that person is, you should always be kind to them.
  • Be as good as you are.Don't just act likable today and behave the opposite tomorrow; That way people will think you are just acting.
  • Being kind also means being honest - but if it hurts, say it tactfully.
  • If you are concerned that you have anger control problems, consider seeing a therapist.


  • Don't let others take advantage of your kindness and respect. This can hurt you and cause regret for the other person. Stand up and protect yourself; you can help yourself and many others in trouble.
  • Even if you want to be likable, do not be too lenient. Compromise is good, but you also need to be treated fairly. Do not hesitate to speak up for the right and do not hesitate to protect others. If you are always considerate and respectful of someone's time, but they don't take your time into account, retreat as graciously as possible and avoid it.
  • You may have heard the saying "Better wood is better than paint". Partly true, too, but you only have one chance to impress when meeting people. If you act rude the first time you meet someone, you may be judged the same. Conversely, if you act friendly from the start, people will see you as likable and sincere.
  • Be careful when smiling or greeting someone with whom you have a bad relationship. This is sometimes counterproductive; They will think you are doing something sly and may reply you with difficult words.