How to pass a polygraph test

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 22 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Polygraph Expert Shows How to Beat a Lie Detector Test
Video: Polygraph Expert Shows How to Beat a Lie Detector Test


The infamous polygraph test, also known as the "lie detector", is often viewed as a cause of anxiety and fear, even among people who have not committed any offenses and who must take the test without cheating or manipulating the results. Anyway, you have come to the right place if you need advice on taking a lie detector test


Method 1 of 4: Before checking

  1. 1 Understand how a polygraph works. The polygraph is not able to detect lies as such, but it tracks the physiological changes that occur in the body when a person lies (blood pressure, pulse, breathing, sweating).
    • Familiarize yourself with the equipment and test procedure when you arrive at the designated location. It doesn't hurt to learn the basics yourself, but stay away from the “lie detector” scary stories that are usually posted on the Internet and make people even more nervous.
  2. 2 Try not to think about the test in advance. You run the risk of distorting your test results if you spend too much time worrying and unnecessary self-condemnation before taking a polygraph test.
    • In order to avoid unnecessary worries, do not ask those who have passed the "lie detector" about the process itself, do not waste time on introspection and do not try to predict the questions that will be asked to you.
    • Try not to spend too much time browsing anti-print sites, as they often mix reality with false "facts" and can lead to unnecessary panic.
  3. 3 Take care of your body the day before the check-up. You must feel comfortable while testing to ensure accurate physiological responses. To do this, make sure you are well rested and physically comfortable.
    • Follow your routine as closely as possible. Even if it includes caffeinated coffee or jogging in the morning, which tend to affect your heart rate. It is necessary to adhere to the daily routine, as your body is used to working in these physiological conditions.
    • Try to set aside seven or eight hours of sleep the night before testing.
    • Make sure you are not hungry and that your clothes are loose and comfortable.
  4. 4 Fill out all the information you need in the form. Depending on the reason you are taking a polygraph test, you may be provided with forms to fill out, such as a Personal Information Clearance Form or a regular form that requires your permission. Take your time filling out the forms. Read them carefully and sign your name only when you are ready.
  5. 5 Tell the expert about any medical conditions or drugs you are taking. If you are currently sick, the examiner can change the test date. Some medications, such as blood pressure medications, can interfere with the lie detector results. So it is your responsibility to notify the expert if they are available.
    • If you have a disease, you will feel uncomfortable, which will lead to distorted results.
    • If you are using prescription drugs, continue to take them as directed by your doctor until the trial begins.
    • Contrary to popular belief, most antidepressants cannot alter typing results and allow you to "not mention their use." Regardless, you need to inform the expert about their use (if so), as antidepressants can lead to abnormal results.
  6. 6 Review the questions and take as much time as possible to understand them. In some cases, polygraph examiners will provide questions in advance. As you study them, take your time and also feel free to ask an expert to clarify vague or confusing issues.
    • You need to ask the expert to clarify all the questions immediately prior to testing.Your answers will be limited to "yes" and "no", and therefore any discussion during testing is prohibited, so all questions must be asked before the test begins.
  7. 7 Know what questions will be used. The tests use the following types of questions: neutral, significant and control.
    • Neutral questions are not intended to provoke any reaction. As a rule, they are used to understand how attentive the examinee is. It doesn't matter how you react to them - these results will not be counted. Examples of questions: "Is your name Igor?", "Do you live in Russia?"
    • The purpose of the relevant questions is to identify possible wrongdoing. It is assumed that a person who has committed an illegal act will be significantly nervous, which will be displayed on the readings of the device. Otherwise, all indicators should not deviate from the norm. Of course, the reactions to these questions will be taken into account in the debriefing.
    • Test questions do not indicate any illegal action, but are more general in nature. Their purpose is to induce nervous excitement in the tested person. During testing, the polygraph examiner will assess your physiological reactions to questions that, according to the expert, you have definitely lied.

Method 2 of 4: Taking a standard polygraph test

  1. 1 Allow yourself to be nervous. During a polygraph test, no one remains calm, even if the person in question is innocent and has nothing to hide. By allowing yourself to be nervous, you will give the polygraph examiner the ability to determine accurate physiological statistics at the time when you tell the truth or lies.
    • The lines on the polygraph screen will never be straight and smooth, even if you tell the truth all the time.
    • Oddly enough, the results of the one who is nervous about each answer will be the most correct.
  2. 2 Speak the truth. Answer the truth to every question you ask if you don't have anything you want to hide or are ashamed of. As a rule, people most often lie when answering security questions. The more often you tell the truth, the more accurate the results will be, which will help determine your innocence.
    • People are often afraid of trap questions, but experts in many countries now tend to use more direct questions.
    • Listen carefully to the entire question and answer it as accurately as possible. Do not answer after listening to only half of the question, and also learn to understand what in fact they ask you.
  3. 3 Do not hurry. Depending on who is testing you, you can ask the examiner to repeat the question two to six times. Before starting the test, find out how often the question can be repeated. Take your time answering questions, as feeling rushed can skew your test results.
    • Typically, a survey takes five to ten minutes, but depending on how often you are asked questions, how long you make a decision, and the nature and reason for testing, it may take longer.

Method 3 of 4: Manipulate Test Results

  1. 1 Create stress on yourself by answering security questions. If, when answering the security question, it becomes necessary to deceive the polygraph, most people recommend themselves to induce mental or physical stress. Your baseline will go up, so when you lie, the polygraph line will be less than the line from the control test.
    • Think about something scary or exciting when you realize you've been asked a security question.
    • You can also speed up your heart rate and increase sweating by trying to solve a difficult math problem in your head. Try dividing 563654 by 42 or something.
  2. 2 Remain calm while answering meaningful questions. Remain calm when asked questions about the case.By staying as calm as possible, you can prevent large spikes in your physiological response.
    • In fact, a "lie" is defined only when it generates a large physiological response. As long as your physiological response to an answer or question is less noticeable than the response displayed when answering security questions, you are telling the truth.
    • Breathe normally and remember that the polygraph can be wrong and that you are in control of your own physiological response.
    • Think of something soothing, such as spending a cool night under a warm blanket and a cup of hot chocolate, or taking a relaxing shower or bath.
  3. 3 Don't use tricks that are easy to spot. If you are caught, testing may be postponed, or the expert will take countermeasures against further acts of manipulation. Moreover, attempts to distort the results can lead to the fact that at the end of testing the expert will judge your results more harshly.
    • For example, do not put the button in your shoes and do not try to press on it sharply, thereby pricking yourself during control and significant questions. Very often, experts ask you to take off your shoes to avoid such tricks.
    • While physical pain can be easily inflicted by injecting yourself, it is easier to notice than psychological stress. An experienced polygraph examiner can easily spot any attempts to bite your tongue, clench muscles, or similar tactics.

Method 4 of 4: After the polygraph test

  1. 1 Talk to a reviewer after testing. After you pass the lie detector, the reviewer will review your results and determine if there is any reason for doubt.
    • Most likely, the reviewer will ask you about these answers only if the results are inconclusive or he suspects you are lying.
    • During the analysis of the results, the reviewer and examiner will consider your emotional, medical and physical conditions, as well as the factual details of the case or circumstances that warrant testing.
  2. 2 Wait for the official results and further instructions. Your results will need to be professionally and formally reviewed before any judicial intervention. If you suspect lies or inconclusive results, you may be asked to take another polygraph test.
    • Ask the polygraph examiner how the results can be collected and whether it is possible. If results are not automatically returned to you within a week or two, contact an expert to request results.


  • Plan your time appropriately. Typically, polygraph testing takes between 90 minutes and 3 hours.


  • Avoid manipulation. When testing, it is best to be honest when answering questions, especially if you are innocent and have nothing to hide.
  • Identify cases in which you should not be tested. Do not pass the "lie detector" if:
    • You are forced to do it
    • You have a serious heart condition
    • You were declared insane
    • You are pregnant
    • You have a respiratory illness (a disease of the respiratory system)
    • You have central nervous system damage, paralysis, or a stroke
    • Does it hurt
    • You are epileptic