How to get a mouth swab test

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 15 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
COVID Oral Swab Tutorial | Fulgent Genetics
Video: COVID Oral Swab Tutorial | Fulgent Genetics


One form of drug testing is an oral swab. A mouth swab test is much easier than a urine or blood test, as this test usually cannot tell if a person has used drugs a few days ago. However, this is a modern technology that is constantly improving, so it's better to play it safe. Most of the advice that you can find on the Internet is completely useless and even dangerous, but certain steps will still help increase your chances of getting tested. In fact, in order to successfully pass the test, you just need to refrain from using drugs at least 2-3 days before taking a smear. Please note: drug use is harmful to health and is illegal in Russia, so the best way to avoid problems is not to use them at all.


Method 1 of 2: Taking the Analysis Without Preparation

  1. 1 Suck on sour candy to make your saliva more acidic. The more acidic and sweeter the saliva becomes, the more difficult it is to find drugs in it. Therefore, if you have only 5-10 minutes before you have to take the obligatory smear for drugs, put 2-3 citrus candies in your mouth.Suck on them (but don't chew) for as much citrus juice as possible!

    Note: Many studies have shown that drug smear tests give lower results if the test subjects have sucked on citrus candies immediately before.

  2. 2 Chew a couple of gum sticks or pads to increase the amount of saliva. Chewing gum stimulates the production of saliva, which will dilute the concentration of drugs in it. It will also change the chemistry of the oral fluids, which may make smear analysis less effective. If possible, go for cinnamon-flavored or strong citrus-flavored gum.
    • If you are worried about the sudden swab, carry a pack of chewing gum with you to work.
  3. 3 Rinse your mouth with hydrogen peroxide 5 minutes before taking a smear. Hydrogen peroxide is also called a "counterfeit substance". It is a chemical that interferes with the test to accurately determine the presence of drugs in saliva. Take a sip of peroxide just before testing and rinse your mouth for 30 seconds. Then spit the peroxide out into the sink. Be careful not to accidentally swallow the peroxide. Ingestion of peroxide can cause internal damage.
    • Do not use mouthwashes with alcohol, as they can give false positives for alcohol abuse.

    Advice: If you don't have peroxide, try rinsing your mouth out with a mouthwash, which is also a "counterfeit."

Method 2 of 2: Preparing for Analysis

  1. 1 Stop taking drugs 72 hours before your test. Only drugs taken in the past 48–72 hours can be reliably detected with a mouth swab. Most mouth swabs are taken to check marijuana use, as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is found in marijuana, is very easy to detect in saliva. Just in case, give up any drugs for 72 hours, especially if you use them often.
    • Also, do not take cough suppressants that contain codeine.
  2. 2 Add fatty foods to your diet 48 hours before testing. The THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) molecules in your blood and saliva bind easily to fat. And when the fat is released from the body, it also takes THC with it, making it much more difficult to identify drug use. So start eating fatty foods 2 days before your smear to help flush the THC out of your body.

    Advice: Fast food and highly processed foods are high in fat. If you are looking for a healthier meal, try tuna or salmon, avocado, eggs, nuts, and cheese.

  3. 3 Drink water throughout the day to stimulate saliva production. Theoretically, the concentration of narcotic substances in the new saliva will be lower than in the old one. Drink water, herbal tea, or fruit juice regularly to help produce more saliva. Also, avoid drinks that dehydrate your body, such as coffee, black tea, and alcohol.
    • The chemicals enter the saliva through the bloodstream, which cannot be flushed out in the same way. However, try increasing your fluid intake and saliva production 48 to 72 hours before your test.
  4. 4 Brush your teeth twice a day to remove old saliva. This is not a very effective method, but it will help slightly reduce the amount of THC (or chemicals from other drugs) in your mouth. Buy a new brush and quality toothpaste and brush your teeth for at least 2 minutes after breakfast and dinner. Be sure to brush your tongue and cheeks as well as your teeth. Finally, rinse your mouth and spit it out.
    • Brushing your teeth thoroughly and regularly won't work miracles, but it can help keep old fluids from collecting in your mouth.
  5. 5 Rinse your mouth every 15 minutes for 4-5 hours before testing. If you come to work and find out that in 4-5 hours you will need to have a mouth swab, do not panic! Go to the restroom, take a large sip of water, and rinse your mouth for 20-30 seconds. Do this every 15 minutes before testing. The rinsing process will dilute the concentration of THC (and chemicals from other drugs) in your saliva and make it harder for the test to detect.
    • The effect of this will be minor and short-lived. However, it is also one of the simplest methods to use.


  • Consuming poppy seeds can have a positive effect on heroin, but this effect usually only lasts an hour. Most people who do drug tests follow the updated guidelines to avoid false positives for poppy seeds. However, this means that your excuse that you just ate a couple of poppy seed buns is also unlikely to be accepted.
  • Being in the same room as someone who smokes marijuana will affect your saliva for no more than 30 to 45 minutes.
  • A swab from the oral mucosa will not give any results if there is not enough saliva in the mouth. Dry mouth will only take longer and more unpleasant to test.


  • Drinking and rinsing your mouth with detergents can seriously harm or even kill you. Don't trust anyone who advises this!