How to impress a girl in class without talking to her

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 25 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Best FIRST IMPRESSION Secrets | How To IMPRESS A GIRL Without Talking To Her | Mayuri Pandey
Video: Best FIRST IMPRESSION Secrets | How To IMPRESS A GIRL Without Talking To Her | Mayuri Pandey


Not everyone is ready to approach a girl and talk to her. You may not know what to say and how to say it, so you start to worry even more. Fortunately, there are a number of simpler ways to impress your classmate without words. Study well, be polite to others, show interest in the girl with non-verbal cues, and just become the best version of yourself. Such actions will help you to like the girl without further ado.


Part 1 of 3: How to behave correctly

  1. 1 Become the center of attention. Attracting a girl's attention and making an impression is much easier if you are surrounded by people. If she notices that you are the center of attention, then curiosity can take over and she will want to know what others find in you. Try to surround yourself with friends and get along well with people - this will help get her attention.
    • Try to chat with friends before or immediately after the start of the lesson. Sit in such a place in the classroom so that she can see you and your active communication with friends.
    • Try telling an interesting story as you walk into class with your friends.
  2. 2 Be polite to those around you. If you want to make a good impression, then it never hurts to treat people well. If a girl likes you, then she will probably want to understand how you relate to others in order to suggest a possible attitude towards yourself. You should be polite and supportive to show your best qualities.
    • Praise classmates when they come up with great ideas.
    • Don't speak badly about people or be sarcastic.
    • Thank others for their help during the lesson.
    • Always show support and be kind to others.
  3. 3 Participate actively in the activities. If you want to get the girl's attention, then you need to stand out during the lesson. If you sit quietly and take notes, you are unlikely to be noticed. It is very important to answer the teacher's questions and ask interesting questions in order to stand out.
    • You don't need to constantly draw attention to yourself. If you answer too many questions, you can make a negative impression.
    • Ask questions that allow you to develop the topic of the lesson.
    • Avoid inappropriate jokes in class.
  4. 4 Take up space. Women are usually attracted to men who look confident and powerful. To show your confidence, try to take up space and don't act stiff when you are around a girl. This behavior will help you get her attention.
    • When you are sitting, try to relax and take up the required space.
    • For example, you might place your hand on the back of an empty chair next to you.
    • Keep your hands loose and do not press against your body.
    • However, it is important not to act too aggressively and impolitely. Make yourself comfortable, but don't inconvenience other people.
  5. 5 Have fun. Few can match the attractiveness of a contented and joyful person who is having fun. Do not hide your good mood when you are with a girl with your friends. Anyone will be pleased to share the joy and fun with the person. Enjoy life, it’s the easiest way to make a positive impression.
    • Talk to a friend about an exciting idea or project you are working on. Be open about your enthusiasm - this will help grab the girl's attention.
    • Tell your friends a joke before class. Speak loudly enough for the girl to hear you.
    • Talk to friends about exciting plans like going to the beach or going to a concert.
  6. 6 Think about what the girl might like. Even if you haven't spoken yet, you probably know some of her interests. This information will help direct your conversations and actions in the right direction to impress the girl.
    • Perhaps during recess she reads a book about the artist. You can ask a question about this artist in a drawing lesson to show your interest.
    • If a girl has a band on her backpack, try discussing the band's genre in music class.
    • Talk to your friends about topics that your girl might be interested in.

Part 2 of 3: How to Show Your Interest

  1. 1 Maintain eye contact. Look a girl in the eye to show your interest and gauge her interest. In any suitable situation, strive to meet the eyes of the girl for a couple of moments. You don't need to stare at her for a long time, or she may feel uncomfortable. Look the girl in the eye, and after a few moments look away.
    • When doing this, try to smile and look friendly.
    • You don't need to look away sharply, or it may seem like you're worried or unsure of yourself.
  2. 2 Get the girl's attention with a funny gesture. Use a playful gesture if you notice that the girl is looking at you. So, you can make a funny face or show your tongue. This will show her your interest and confidence.
  3. 3 Smile. It is very important to give the impression of a friendly, open-minded person who makes contact easily. Be happy with yourself, show confidence and kindness. Smile to break the ice and make a good impression.
    • The smile should not be forced. Show genuine joy.
    • You don't need to bite your teeth or smile for too long, or it will look weird and insincere.

Part 3 of 3: How to be the best version of yourself

  1. 1 Dress well. Everyone pays attention to your appearance, and pretty girls are no exception. You don't have to wear a suit to impress, but clothes should be clean and appropriate. Think about what your clothes have to say about you to figure out what impression you make.
    • Always wear only clean clothes.
    • Things should fit well to the figure. Clothes of the wrong size can give the wrong impression.
    • Clothing should match the image that you think is appropriate.
  2. 2 Maintain your hygiene. Personal hygiene is important when trying to impress a girl. If you do not take care of yourself, then there is a risk of impressing the girl from the best side. Follow these basic tips to make a good impression:
    • take a shower every day;
    • use deodorant;
    • brush your teeth at least once a day;
    • do not forget to take care of your nails.
  3. 3 Control your body language. Body language can tell a lot about a person without further ado. Pay attention to your body language when you are around a girl. Be aware of the following to help you engage with correct body language:
    • Do not drop your shoulders down or push forward. Take them back to their natural position.
    • Always stand upright and keep your head straight.
    • Monitor your posture while seated.
  4. 4 Don't shut yourself up. If you are anxious or wary in the presence of a girl, body language can betray these feelings. The person will not want to come up to you if they see “closed” body language. Open and relaxed postures speak of confidence and show the girl that you are open to communication. The following tips will help you engage with open body language.
    • Stand with your body facing the girl.
    • Lower your arms along your body.
    • Don't cross your arms or legs.


  • Don't use closed body language.
  • Smile and make eye contact to show your interest.
  • Try to be the center of attention to show your personality.
  • Maintain good hygiene and wear clean clothes.
  • Enjoy life. Nobody wants to communicate with a closed or angry person.
  • Strive to show yourself as a strong, attractive, and friendly guy.