How to impress your date

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 8 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to impress your date | Dating Hutiyapa | BB Ki Vines
Video: How to impress your date | Dating Hutiyapa | BB Ki Vines


We all get nervous at times on the first date, but it doesn't have to be that way! Don't worry about embarrassment or anxiety, as your partner most likely feels the same way. All you have to do to impress is to look your best, be gracious and charming, and respect the person’s personal boundaries.


Part 1 of 3: Prepare for a Date

  1. 1 Wash yourself well. Your date will start off on the wrong note if you smell bad! Wash the area behind the ears, between the toes and private parts of the body.
    • The man should shave thoroughly or trim his beard and mustache (if any).
  2. 2 Style your hair according to your current haircut. Long hair will look beautiful with curls or braids. If you have short hair, use hair gel to style unruly strands. Be sure to wash your hair and comb your hair thoroughly. Use scissors to carefully trim the protruding hairs in your nose or ears, and use tweezers to remove excess hairs between your eyebrows.
    • Don't use too much hair gel. If after styling your hair becomes stiff or shiny, then you have used too much product! The hair should look natural and not sticky.
  3. 3 Don't overdo your makeup. Even if you want to hide redness on your skin or emphasize the expressiveness of your eyes, the abundance of cosmetics will give you an unnatural look. To look pretty, all you need to do is line up your eyes a little with eyeliner and use a transparent lip gloss.
    • If you want to apply makeup, but are not very experienced in this business, go to the Golden Apple, Letual, Rive Gauche or another major cosmetics store in your city and ask the consultants for advice. The specialist will tell you how to highlight beautiful facial features.
  4. 4 Trim your nails. Scrub the skin at the tips of your nails to remove any dirt. Nails can be sharp right after trimming, so use a nail file to smooth the edges: run it along the top edge of the nail several times in the same direction.Don't forget to iron out the corners!
    • If you're wearing sandals or sandals, make sure your toenails are trimmed and neat too!
  5. 5 Apply a small amount of perfume or cologne to your chest or neck area. If you don't want to buy an entire bottle of perfume or cologne for a date, go to the mall right before your appointment and use the tester from the perfume department. You should not resort to this trick too often - it is better to buy a small bottle of the eau de toilette you like, especially if your partner likes the smell.
    • Do not use multiple fragrances, as the scents can mix and become too heavy.
  6. 6 Wear clean clothes that fit and are appropriate for the date. If you're heading to a coffee shop in the afternoon, a casual outfit consisting of jeans and a T-shirt is perfect. If you're heading to an expensive restaurant in the evening, a stand-up collar shirt, sporty blazer, and tailored trousers are great choices if you're a guy and a pretty dress will suit a girl. Match your shoes to your clothes and make sure they are comfortable if you are going to walk a lot.
    • Do not wear offensive or sarcastic shirts. You will look more attractive if you demonstrate a benevolent attitude towards the world.
  7. 7 Maintain good posture throughout the date. Keep your shoulders back, even when sitting, and stand upright. This will demonstrate your confidence and respect from your partner.
    • Even if you don't have very high self-esteem, pretend until it really improves. Keeping your back straight and smiling will create the illusion of self-confidence, even if you don't experience it!

Part 2 of 3: Have Nice Conversations

  1. 1 Put your phone aside. By constantly checking your gadget, you will give the impression that you would rather be elsewhere. It's okay to reach out to your phone to show the person something to do with the conversation, but don't be on the screen if you have nothing to talk about.
  2. 2 Give sincere and sweet compliments. Remember that a person's appearance is not the only appropriate subject for praise, as many people value compliments related to personality, intelligence, and sense of humor. Don't compliment your partner's sexy body parts on the first date, or they'll think you only have one thing on your mind.
    • Don't give “negative” compliments. Ambiguous remarks in the style: "You are very similar to my younger sister, she is in seventh grade!" - or: "You are, of course, a bore, but at least cute!" - will hurt a person's feelings and push him away from you.
    • Don't overdo it with genuine compliments. Two or three nice words for the whole date will be enough, otherwise the person may think that you are asking for reciprocal praise.
  3. 3 Look the person in the eye, especially when they are talking. If you stare into his eyes and nod during his speech, you will come across as a good listener. However, do not constantly look at the interlocutor; be sure to look away from time to time.
  4. 4 Ask questions about him. Ask your partner about their job or hobby to start a conversation, and then ask questions about things that you find interesting. For example, if a person says he studied to be a psychologist, ask what subject he liked the most. If you only use banal phrases like "oh cool", the conversation will quickly fade.
    • Don't talk about yourself all the time - it may seem arrogant or self-centered.
    • Don't ask about your previous relationship, or it will feel like you are comparing yourself to this person's past partner. The person you are talking to may think you are unsure of yourself or feel annoyed. Don't talk about your ex or the person might start comparing themselves to people they don't even know!

    Lisa shield

    Dating Coach Lisa Shield is a Los Angeles-based dating and relationship specialist. He holds an MA in Spiritual Psychology and is a Certified Relationship and Lifestyle Coach with over 17 years of experience. Has published in The Huffington Post, Buzzfeed, LA Times and Cosmopolitan.

    Lisa shield
    Dating coach

    Try to focus on one topic to get to know the person better.Love and Relationship Consultant Lisa Shield says, “If you want to have a truly engaging conversation, don't jump from topic to topic. If you ask a lot of different questions in a row, your date will be like a job interview.... Instead, pick one topic and ask deeper questions about it. For example, if a person tells where he grew up, you can ask: "Tell me how your childhood was?", Or: "What interesting things could you do there?"

  5. 5 Avoid sensitive topics such as family issues, religion, and politics. If a person experiences discomfort, he often lowers his eyes, presses his hands to the body, touches his face and neck, or fidgets in his chair. If during a conversation you feel that the other person is feeling uncomfortable, you should change the topic to something more positive, for example, talk about music, movies, or hobbies.
    • Breaking news can be a great conversation starter, but you won't be impressed by speaking negatively or trying to show a comprehensive understanding of events. When discussing news, talk about inspiring stories, beginning like this: "Have you heard of ...?"
  6. 6 Listen carefully when the other person is speaking. Only after he finishes his speech, tell your story related to the topic under discussion. Interrupting to tell your own story will seem like an attempt to surpass your partner. Most likely, he will feel humiliated and think that his stories are worthless.
    • If you can remember something the person said a long time ago and insert it into the conversation, it will make an impression. For example, if he mentioned that he loves hockey, and you are trying to figure out what to do, offer to go to a match.

Part 3 of 3: Be Nice and Follow Up

  1. 1 Keep touching to a minimum until your partner gets more initiative. If the date is going well and you want to make physical contact, touch the person's arm, shoulder, hair, or back. Movements should be light and fleeting. Follow the example of the other person and do not insist on more if the person deviates. When in doubt, ask permission before touching your partner.
    • Don't touch intimate parts of your body until you get clear, verbal consent. “No” means “no,” even if your partner drank or flirted with you earlier during the date. A paid restaurant bill is not a bedroom ticket.
    • If a person says, “No,” this is not the end of the world - don't try to touch him in the same manner (or otherwise). Respect that he is in control of his own body.
  2. 2 Kiss him if the situation allows. If the person stares at you and your lips and approaches you without turning away their shoulders, you can slowly and gently stretch out for a kiss. Don't use language. Let your partner choose the depth of the kiss. If he interrupts the kiss by stepping back, do not grab him and do not try to continue the process. Stop immediately.
    • Keep mints and a toothpick in your pocket in case things get hotter.
    • Don't try to force your partner into a kiss at the end of a date if it didn't go well. In this case, it is more appropriate to hug or lightly kiss him on the cheek goodbye.
  3. 3 Gently refuse if you don't feel attracted. If a spark does not run between you, it's okay! Dating is created so that we can find out what we want and do not want to see in a partner. Don't be rude or tell the person that they are too boring, scary, or noisy. Be honest but tactful: "You are a wonderful person, but I just don't feel the chemistry between us." Offer to be friends if you really want to. However, a person may refuse companionship if you have given up on a romantic relationship.
  4. 4 Call the person back if you promise to do this. Perhaps the fire that you felt did not awaken in his soul, and he may refuse a second date. This is fine. At least you kept your promise and called back.


  • Be yourself! If you have a unique hobby, this is a great topic of conversation. If you are in a band, invite the person to listen to the music you are playing. Don't be afraid to open up, but avoid talking about past traumas.
  • Don't go to the bar on your first date. Perhaps the person will be uncomfortable talking in such an environment, or he does not like alcohol. Better sit in a coffee shop! This will give both of you the opportunity to talk and get to know each other better. Plus, it's easier to leave a date when you don't have to wait for a check.
  • Dinner at a restaurant is a traditional date option, but it's best to save it for a second or third meeting.
  • Going to the movies is also a great option, but there is no way to have a good conversation. Save going to the movies for a second or third date - during the movie, you can let your partner lean or move closer to you without feeling awkward.


  • Don't get drunk to the point of being loud, rude, or offensive. Sure, you can have a drink or two to relax, but don't overdo it.
  • Don't ask for a visit after a date. Wait for the person to invite you.
  • Don't go on dates if you are married or in a relationship. The person will feel deceived and guilty for the fact that it was with him that you cheated on your partner. In addition, it is cruel to your current soul mate.