How to get rid of sleepiness

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 23 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Sleep Deprived and Always Tired? How to Overcome It
Video: Sleep Deprived and Always Tired? How to Overcome It


Sleepiness is a problem that plagues many people regardless of the circumstances. Chronic sleepiness and an inability to concentrate, doing daily activities is time consuming and not enjoyable. Instead of suffering from it all day, take action and improve your clarity and concentration.


Method 1 of 2: How to Change Your Lifestyle

  1. 1 Drink plenty of water. Drinking water regularly throughout the day is a classic salvation from many ailments that can instantly invigorate you. Very often, feeling tired and sleepy is nothing more than the result of dehydration. Drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up to speed up your metabolism, and keep drinking water throughout the day.
  2. 2 Have breakfast. If you can hardly get out of bed after the fifth time you put off the alarm for a couple of minutes, then most likely you will be content with a very modest breakfast or even be left without it. This will significantly slow down your metabolism, and it will be difficult for you to get down to business during the day. Force yourself to get up a little early if necessary and eat a full breakfast. The nutrients will keep you energized throughout the day, and it's worth sacrificing a few minutes of sleep for that.
  3. 3 Eat more often. Fatigue can signal not only dehydration, but also that your body is hungry and needs energy in the form of food. Instead of following socially accepted norms and eating three meals a day thoroughly, try eating small meals 5-7 times a day. This will keep your blood sugar levels from dropping and provide your body with plenty of vitamins and nutrients it needs to stay focused.
  4. 4 Exercise more often. Getting up and moving is especially difficult when you feel sleepy after lunch, but increasing your physical activity throughout the day will significantly reduce your fatigue. Exercise for at least 10 minutes a day, even if it's just a short walk outside. A breath of fresh air and a walk will make your blood circulate faster and instantly revive you.
  5. 5 Sunbathe. There is an explanation that we are more sluggish in winter: the sun's rays increase the level of vitamin D, which gives you a boost of energy. If you are lucky with the weather, go outside for a while to wake up. Kill two birds with one stone - stay in the sun and exercise!
  6. 6 Keep track of your caffeine intake. You fall off your feet from sleepiness, and your natural urge is to have another cup of coffee. But don't be in a hurry! It turns out that drinking more than 2-3 cups of coffee a day no longer gives you extra energy, and drinking coffee in the afternoon or 1 pm will impair the quality of your sleep at night. Therefore, limit the amount of coffee to three (or fewer) cups a day to recharge your batteries without unpleasant consequences. Try not to drink coffee after lunch, and the next day you will say "thank you" to yourself.
  7. 7 Try ashwagandha. Ashwagandha is a herb that can be taken as a daily supplement. It is an adaptogen and can help the body better resist everyday stress.Ashwagandha can also help you feel more alert and focused.
    • Keep in mind that this herb is recommended for a wide variety of occasions and may have a different effect on you than on someone else.
    • Talk to your doctor or pharmacist before taking ashwagandha, especially if you are taking any medication regularly.
  8. 8 Regulate your sleep. Imagine that in the evening you were at a wonderful concert, then you did not sleep until the morning, and then you slept until noon. Then you had to go to bed early to get enough sleep for your appointment at seven in the morning. With such irregular sleep patterns, it's no wonder you're exhausted. Try to go to bed and get up at about the same time each day. This will help your body form a clear idea of ​​when to sleep and reduce daytime sleepiness.

Method 2 of 2: How to Immediately Reduce Drowsiness

  1. 1 Listen to music. Music has a huge impact on mood and state of mind. She can not only change your emotional state, but also give you energy. Research shows that people who listen to music, regardless of volume and style, are more energetic than those who don't. So grab your player or turn on your favorite radio station and listen to a couple of tunes!
  2. 2 Try breathing exercises. The way we breathe depends on our mental and emotional state, even if we don't notice it. If you are tired and tense, you are most likely breathing through your chest, and chest breathing does not provide the brain with sufficient oxygen.
    • Try breathing in slowly, imagining that you are filling your stomach with air like a balloon, then exhale slowly. Do this exercise for a minute or longer to wake your mind and clear your thoughts.
  3. 3 Eat omega-3 fatty acids. These so often talked about substances can help you feel more energized, among other things. When considering a lunch or dinner menu, opt for salmon, an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. If you are not a big fish lover, replace it with daily fish oil capsules.
  4. 4 Try water therapy. Pouring a bucket of cold on a sleeping buddy is not only a great joke, but also a way to really wake him up. If you can't help your sleepiness, splash cold water in your face or take a cold shower. Cool temperatures and water will improve blood circulation and, with it, your concentration.
  5. 5 Use a foam roller to stimulate blood circulation. Using a foam roller for 5 minutes to loosen tight muscles will help improve blood circulation and may make you feel less sleepy as a result. Lie on a cushion or lean against a wall with the cushion between your back and the wall. Slowly move your body up and down the roller to loosen tight muscles in your shoulders, back, and legs.
    • Try taking a break from work and using a roller whenever you feel sleepy, and see if that helps you wake up.
  6. 6 Eat something rich in fiber. Fiber, unlike other foods we consume, takes a very long time to be absorbed. Therefore, if you eat something high in fiber, energy will be gradually released into the body throughout the day. Eat an apple with a peel, eat black beans or bran cereal, and you will forget about your tiredness.
  7. 7 Take a nap. Sleeping too long during the day can cause trouble sleeping at night, but getting some sleep during the day can refresh you. Sleeping for 20 minutes can completely reboot your body. This is just enough to get you to sleep and relieve the fatigue and tension that has accumulated in your mind.
    • Even a very short, 6-minute nap can invigorate you, so try to take a nap even if you are short on time.
  8. 8 Take magnesium supplements. Your sleepiness can also be the result of a lack of vitamins and minerals. If your diet is deficient in magnesium, take it in supplement form. These supplements are available from most pharmacies and can be taken daily.
  9. 9 Understand the stressors. Some things, like a mess on your desk, an argument with a friend, or just a blockage at work, can tire you more than usual. Whenever possible, deal with the factors you know about. Solve problems as soon as they arise and it will improve your overall well-being and help you stay focused throughout the day.
  10. 10 Change your surroundings. If you are doing your homework or working on your bed or comfy couch, you are bound to get tired. Rather than inducing sleepiness in a very comfortable place, move to a place where you are less likely to fall asleep. Sitting in a coffee shop or at your desk, you will be much less sleepy than surrounded by cozy blankets and pillows.


  • Think of things that might make you very happy, excited, or even intimidated. Anger will also do. This will help you awaken.
  • Try different ways to improve your nighttime sleep. This will make you much more alert during the day.
  • Go to bed early. If you have trouble sleeping, listen to relaxing music.
  • See your doctor to see if your sleepiness is a sign of a medical condition.
  • Sleep at least 8 hours at night.