Thinking logical

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 6 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Logical Thinking Process explained
Video: The Logical Thinking Process explained


Do you wish you had the ability to solve problems efficiently and easily? If so, you might want to improve your thinking patterns to think more logically. It's important to keep your brain sharp because throughout your life your brain has the ability to rewire itself, in a process called neuroplasticity. From mental exercises, recognizing irrational thoughts to changing your lifestyle, there are many ways to work on your logic.

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Method 1 of 3: Exercise your mind

  1. Test your memory. You can improve your brain, just like any other part of the body, with exercise. A good way to train your brain is to test your memory. During the day, see how many details of a particular moment, list or task you can remember.
    • Try to remember little things every day. Make a shopping list and memorize it. Learn a small passage from a poem or book. Wait an hour and see how much you can remember of what you have recorded in your memory.
    • Draw a card by heart. Sketch a road map from your home to work, a store, a friend, or any other place you visit often.
    • Pay attention to the small details. Make a conscious effort to notice seemingly insignificant things as this can be a great tool for making more logical thinking. Did you notice the new cut on your friend's hand? Do you count the number of steps in your school or college? Are you looking for spelling mistakes in texts? If the answer is "no," now is a good time to start. The more you exercise, the healthier your mind will become. Over time, you will become a critical thinker.
  2. Crosswords. The positive effect of crossword puzzles on the mind is well documented. Crosswords force your brain to exert itself, which promotes the growth of brain neurons. This increases your overall brain power and can promote more common sense and logical thinking. Choose a crossword book from the bookstore or do the crossword puzzle from the newspaper every morning.
  3. Discover a new talent. Learning new skills requires a lot of logical thinking. To devise strategies to help you learn challenging tasks, use logic and strategies to acquire new skills. To boost your logical thinking, try some of the following activities:
    • Learn to play an instrument
    • Learn to draw or paint
    • Learn a foreign language
    • Learn to cook
  4. Learn to socialize. Learning from others is a form of mental exercise. Social relationships and friendships nourish the brain and force people to better understand themselves and the world around them. Spend time with friends and family members on a regular basis. Go to social events and consider them an opportunity to meet new people. This can be difficult if you are a shy or introverted person, but forcing yourself to take social risks can improve your ability to think logically.
  5. Change your routine. Novelty helps the brain to stay sharp and improves your memory. Always try to take a different route to work or make a different dish than you are used to. Experiencing new things helps the brain to be active, which can help it become a logical thinker.

Method 2 of 3: Recognize irrational thinking

  1. Recognize your doom-thinking tendency. Many people have a tendency to go to hell, especially when there are many tensions. That is, they assume the worst possible outcome for a particular event. Try to recognize when you are thinking doom about a situation.
    • Doomsday thinking takes many forms. For example, suppose your boss has sent you an email telling you to contribute more during meetings. If you are prone to doom-thinking you might assume that this means your job is in danger, your boss thinks you are a bad employee, that you will be fired, will not be hired again, and that you friends and family members will think less of you. If you find yourself worrying this way, take a deep breath and try to think logically. In this example, you might think to yourself, "My boss's job is to give me constructive feedback." She just wants to encourage me to perform at my best, and everyone gets criticized from time to time. It's a normal part of life. "
    • Minimizing is a form of doom thinking in which you ignore your successes and good qualities and do not see the negative things in other people's lives. You may think that some people have it all, are flawless and successful, and then when you realize they have flaws too, you write them off. You can do this for yourself too - you may think you are the most successful person in the world, and after a little setback you see yourself as a huge failure. Try to recognize these thinking patterns as false and recognize the fact that everyone has both good and bad qualities.
  2. Don't make yourself bigger than you are. An unrealistic sense of self-importance is just as bad as doom thinking. If you consider yourself the most important person in the office or the most talented student in the class, then you are probably not thinking clearly.
    • Everyone has an important role within a company, school, organization and field. A sense of grandeur is not only discouraging, but it can actually lead to setbacks at work and in your life. A sense of self-awareness is important to regulate your communication with others. Try to counteract feelings of grandeur by reminding yourself that while it is important to feel good about yourself, you need to recognize that the hard work and contributions of others are just as important.
    • Personalization is a form of self-aggrandizement where you think that events that have little to do with you are somehow caused by your presence. This can be something positive or negative. If an employee is talking to an attractive person in the office, you may assume that he or she is trying to make you jealous. If the same employee can't attend your birthday party, you may assume that he or she holds a grudge against you, when in reality that person was just too busy. If you find yourself involving everything in yourself, try to remember that other people's lives can be just as hectic as yours. They probably have little time to make decisions that affect you.
  3. Think magical. Magical thinking is not reserved for children. Adults also indulge in superstitious thought patterns, especially in response to a traumatic event. People often believe that a particular ritual, such as wishes or having positive thoughts, can affect a situation. Try to remember that while painful to acknowledge, there are many situations over which we have little or no control.
    • This kind of thinking often causes people to take no responsibility for their actions. If you have a problem, make sure you acknowledge and accept it, then find a way to do something about it.
  4. Watch for logical jumps. Logical jumps are jumps in an assessment where your assumptions about people or situations are not based on reality. People are constantly making logical jumps without realizing it.
    • For example, if a cashier is rude to you, you may assume she doesn't like you because of your appearance, weight, clothes, etc., when in reality you have no idea what another person is thinking.
    • People also tend to assume that someone knows what they are thinking, which can lead to confusion. For example, you might assume that your roommate knows that you want him to walk the dog because you're coming home late, but if you don't make this clear, he may not realize it. Try to be aware of logical leaps in your daily life and catch yourself making them.
  5. Recognize an "all or nothing" way of thinking. Black and white thinking is a common form of irrational thought patterns. People no longer see the gray areas in situations and regard situations, people and results as entirely positive or very negative.
    • For example, you can feel like a complete failure if you misspell one word in an email message, without acknowledging that your message was successfully transferred and no one responded to the mistake. Do your best to accept that most things in life are neither entirely positive or negative.

Method 3 of 3: Changing your lifestyle

  1. Eat brain food. What you eat can have a profound effect on your brain power. Aim for a healthy diet rich in brain nutrition. A Mediterranean diet can boost your intellect. This is a diet consisting mainly of fresh fruits and vegetables, legumes, healthy fats and fish. Healthy fats contain monounsaturated fats and can be found in foods such as fish, avocados, olive oil and canola oil. Switching to a more Mediterranean diet can increase your overall brainpower.
    • Spinach is a powerful brain food. Three or more servings of leafy green vegetables, such as kale or spinach every day, can slow mental decline and improve overall brain function.
    • Simple sugars, such as granulated sugar and brown sugar, as well as viscous sweeteners, such as corn malt syrup, can adversely affect the brain. Artificially formed trans fats, such as hydrogenated soybean oil (margarine), have a negative effect on your mental level as well as overall health. Saturated fats, such as in red meat and dairy, are important for health but should be eaten in moderation. Enriched, bleached or refined flour, such as in white bread, white rice and white pasta, also have a bad effect on the brain.
  2. Improve your sleep schedule. A solid 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night can increase brain power and promote logical thinking. To improve your sleep schedule, keep a regular bedtime and wake-up time, which you don't deviate from even on weekends. Stay away from electronic screens just before bed. Do not eat heavy meals late at night and do a relaxing activity, such as reading, an hour before going to sleep.
  3. Take a good breath. Breathing improves thinking by increasing the flow of oxygen to the brain. Do deep breathing exercises in the morning and before bed. Practice yoga, meditation, pilates, and other activities that focus on healthy breathing patterns.
  4. Exercise regularly. Exercise has a profound effect on your cognitive abilities. In addition to being great for the body, regular exercise can increase your logical thinking ability.
    • Make exercise a priority. Many people push exercise to the periphery of their lives, and don't make time to hit the gym or go for a run. If you make a schedule for yourself and stick to it, exercise will eventually become as essential a part of your routine as brushing your teeth or showering in the morning.
    • Aerobics also appears to have a particularly strong effect on cognitive abilities. Running, jogging, mountain biking, and training that puts the heart to work 4 or 5 times a week can boost your intellect.
  5. Spend time in nature. It is important that you are regularly outside in nature. Spending time outside will help clear your thoughts and ground yourself. Try to spend a few hours in nature every week. You can take a walk or hike, fish, explore the mountains or forests, swim in lakes or the ocean, or just sit under a tree.
  6. Take breaks. People often tend to think of breaks as indulgence. However, this is not the case. Taking a break now and then is essential for your brain's ability to process information. Give your brain some mental rest from time to time. Follow a soothing ritual for every day. Reserve one day a week as your "day off" and use that day as time for yourself and relaxing activities that you enjoy.