How to find a good place to hide

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 18 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Hidden in Plain Sight
Video: Hidden in Plain Sight


The ability to find secluded places is a useful skill that can come in handy in many ways: for a game, a surprise, or to go unnoticed. With a little thought about choosing a location and following additional stealth tips (English stealth - hidden, invisible), you can instantly orient your inner ninja.


Method 1 of 3: Choose a secluded spot

  1. 1 Define your goal. Do you play hide and seek? Or do you want to surprise someone? Or maybe you want to completely go unnoticed? At this stage, you will be guided by the reason you are trying to hide (and any rules you may need to follow).
    • If you are required to hide in one place all the time, then you need the most secluded place that the one who is looking for you will not think about.
    • If you're trying to surprise someone, you don't have to be very good at hiding. Just hide where you won't be seen, and when the person gets close, jump out and surprise him.
    • If your goal is to remain undetected and you are allowed to move, take advantage of the range of sight and maneuverability. Maximum cover is not that important.
  2. 2 Think like the person you are hiding from. Evaluate the place in which you will be hiding from the point of view of the enemy. If he is actively looking for you, where does he think you will hide? What will enter his field of vision and what will be his priority?
    • For example, if you play hide and seek, the driver will also actively analyze secret places. For this reason, try to avoid popular hideouts such as in the closet and under the bed.
    • If you are trying to surprise someone, you need to predict where the person will go and take a spot in the blind spot that will stand in their way.
    • If you are trying to move around and remain unnoticed, consider what is entering the other person's line of sight. Ideally, you will move in and out of these areas as the person moves their gaze.
  3. 3 Find a spot quickly if necessary. Ideally, you will have time to think about different hideouts and choose the best one. But if the search engine is on your tail, or if you are playing hide and seek and the driver ends the account, you may not have the luxury of time. In this case, you will have to hurry.
    • Even if you're in a hurry, don't pick the most obvious place. If it is really that obvious, then the driver will definitely find it.
  4. 4 Find places to hide. If you have enough time, then in order to choose a place, first assess the territory from both your point of view and from the point of view of the enemy. Remember the guidelines: Well-hidden, non-obvious places are best for permanent cover. Surprising someone, however, is simply using blind spots to seize the initiative. And to avoid detection, assess visibility and cover with an emphasis on mobility.
    • Are there things like doors, furniture (like a sofa) or draperies (like curtains) that you can hide behind?
    • Are there tables, chairs, shelves you can crawl under?
    • Are there any outdoor objects that you can hide behind, such as a dog kennel, tree, or fence?
    • Are there any objects on top of which you could take refuge? For example, the top of the toilet lid in a toilet stall, or the space between the top of the cabinet and the ceiling?
    • Are there any optical illusions you can take advantage of? For example, if you hide behind hanging coats and tuck your feet into the winter boots underneath, you will get the impression that they are just stored items.
  5. 5 Consider hiding from above. Often the best spots are located there. Looking up is the least natural eye movement of the person looking for you. This is why hiding at the top is a good idea.
  6. 6 Consider hiding inside something. Laundry boxes and baskets provide excellent hiding places, provided you don't try to move or change location. This is an especially good option if the items are not very large in order to seem like an obvious place.
  7. 7 Assess hiding places. Which ones are best for your goals? If someone is looking for you, they will check obvious places, such as behind furniture or in closets, anyway.If you are trying to remain unnoticed, you need to decide how easy it is to move from one secluded place to another, since the search engine also moves. Remember your goals and priorities:
    • If you can't move around, find the most hidden and unusual place.
    • If you are trying to surprise someone, the most important thing is blind spots and the opportunity to seize the initiative for the sake of surprise.
    • If you are trying to remain unnoticed, the most important thing is to stay out of sight and move around as much as possible.

Method 2 of 3: Hide

  1. 1 Move towards your hideout. Be careful not to make noise or do anything that might give your direction, especially if you are playing hide and seek. If other players are hiding too, make sure they can't see where you are going.
    • Be careful with door hinges as they can squeak. Hold doors open or close.
  2. 2 Do not touch objects to avoid accidentally moving them. Make sure you don't leave any traces where you want to hide. Everything should remain in the same place as it was before you came.
    • Or you can deliberately disturb the situation as a trick. For example, make a mess in the back of the room, and hide behind the door yourself to leave the room when the driver is exploring your trap.
  3. 3 Climb into the shelter. Now that you have been careful and get to the place without noise and dust, climb into the shelter. You may want to position yourself in an unusual way to take on an atypical shape for you. The human eye and brain are very sensitive to shape, and changing the expected "shape" will be beneficial to avoid being detected.
    • For example, curl up in fetal position if you are hiding under a bed next to dirty laundry.
  4. 4 Increase the cover. Whenever the opportunity presents itself, try to add items to the hideout, as long as it does not violate the rules regarding the environment. You can also use ancillary items to change your shape even more.

Method 3 of 3: Continue to hide carefully

  1. 1 Keep calm. If you are nervous, your heart rate will speed up, and heavy breathing may give away your location. Moreover, you are more likely to lose your calm and do something stupid if you are nervous and panicked. Stay calm and collected.
  2. 2 Do not make noise. Try your best not to sneeze or cough, but if you can't help it, try using your sleeve or garment to muffle the sound. Do not fidget or carry your weight if that helps.
    • Don't forget to set your phone to silent mode.
  3. 3 Don't give yourself away. If you are playing hide and seek, don't give up just because you think the driver has found you. Sometimes it may seem that you have been noticed, but do not rush to reveal yourself - you may not have been seen yet. This is especially true if you have disguised yourself or changed your shape by adopting a strange posture or additional cover.
  4. 4 Stick to the plan. If you are trying to remain unnoticed, then it is a great idea to move to a location that the driver has already checked. Or, you can leave the room when your escape route is out of sight of that person. If you are trying to surprise someone, be sure to show yourself a moment before being discovered.


  • If you have to hide in a closet, always stand with your back to the door so that your eyes are not visible, and the driver thought you were a bag or a bunch of clothes.
  • If you don't have time or are desperate, hide in an obvious place. Sometimes the places are so obvious that others won't even think of looking there.
  • If you are hiding under a table, be sure to return the chair to its original position.
  • If you have time, hide in the bottom of a large laundry basket and place your clothes on top.
  • If you have to hide in a closet, sit behind your clothes or on the top shelf.
  • If you are playing a game where you are allowed to move, you can hide where someone was hiding before you, but was discovered. People often do not look where they have already looked.
  • Don't hide with another person. He can betray you.
  • People look up last. This is why hiding in higher places is a good idea.
  • Leave the doors in their original position: open or closed.
  • Hide behind the door if you want to slip past the driver. When he enters, slide out into the corridor.
  • While searching, choose your future hideaway while looking for other players.
  • DO NOT hold your breath for a long time - when you need to breathe again, you will most likely choke, and this will give you away. Just breathe slowly and calmly.
  • If you're hiding, don't give up. If they say: "I see you!" - or: “I can hear you!”, stop early. Chances are, the person is just saying this to get you to quit. Wait until he touches you or hangs over you with the words: "So you got caught." Then you were caught.
  • If you live by the forest, just put on your camouflage clothes and lie on your stomach. If you are playing in the dark, it is best to wear black or dark clothing.
  • Hide in as small a place as possible. Most people would not consider looking where it is supposedly impossible to hide.
  • If someone starts washing when you are playing hide and seek with a friend who does not often come to visit, hide under the dirty linen, having previously spread it out on the couch.