How to banish protein

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 12 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Squirrels are known for their tenacity and cunning. Most fences, repellents and traps will not be able to deal with these animals. However, you can make your yard and garden less attractive to squirrels by reducing food and shelter.


Method 1 of 3: Part One: Preventing Squirrel Invasion

  1. 1 Find burrows in the outbuildings. Old garages and sheds, especially near trees, are good places for squirrels to live. Try to close these holes as quickly as possible.
  2. 2 Ask your roofer to patch up holes in the roof and attic. If you have an old roof, and holes are starting to form on it, a squirrel may well crawl through them. In the home, squirrels are an electrical threat, as they chew through the wiring quite often.
  3. 3 Prune tree branches regularly. Prune branches so they are at least 1.8 meters from your home, roof, or garage. For large trees and heavy branches, you may need to contact a specialized tree pruning service.
    • Most squirrels prefer to live in trees rather than outbuildings.
  4. 4 Do not install bird feeders if you want to get rid of squirrels. Nuts and seeds are a favorite food of squirrels, so they will try very hard to get to food. Spend money on squirrel-proof feeders and don't hang them near a roof or tree.
    • If you don't want to put away the feeder, you can try buying a safflower mix. Most squirrels don't like these seeds. Another alternative to safflower blend is also white millet and thistle seeds.

Method 2 of 3: Part Two: Scaring Squirrels Out of Your Yard

  1. 1 Check if the squirrels have settled in your home or outbuildings. Cover holes in buildings with newspapers. If, returning to the burrow the next day, you see that the newspaper has been taken out, then someone lives there.
    • If squirrels have settled in your area, call your catcher or local pest control firm. Choose a company that catches squirrels and releases them into the wild.
    • Make sure that the caught squirrels are released at least 4 kilometers and preferably with a water barrier between you and their new home.
  2. 2 If you notice that squirrels are settling in your trees, make metal collars for the trees. Buy sheets of metal and attach them with metal springs. Collars should be at least a meter tall to scare off squirrels.
    • Small trees can be protected with a metal mesh ring.
    • If you find squirrels gnawing on the trunk of a tree, wrap metal mesh around it.
    • Be sure to wrap metal collars around every tree and pole in your yard. The squirrels will go to another yard, where it will be easier to climb trees.
  3. 3 Build a fence so you can let your dog out into the yard. Squirrels may not be afraid of dogs, but they prefer a yard without any predator than a yard with a dog. Most dogs have an instinct to chase and kill squirrels.
    • The dog can keep the squirrel in the tree, preventing it from getting close to your house or garden.
    • If you combine this method with tree pruning and metal collars, squirrels are even more likely to stay away from your yard.
  4. 4 Place heavy objects on the bulbs in the garden until the ground thaws. If you do not have an extra bucket for this purpose, you can cover the ground with a very thick layer of leaves. While this won't stop the squirrels from swarming in the leaves, most sources say they prefer not to.
    • Do your research on which types of flower bulbs attract proteins and which don't. Plant plants that don't attract protein.
    • Squirrels prefer the bulbs of crocuses, crocus, tulips and gladioli.They also like to eat corn from the vegetable garden.
    • They prefer not to eat onions, daffodils, amaryllis, Spanish hyacintoides and hyacinth.
  5. 5 Cover the wires that go into your home. Buy plastic tubing with a diameter of 5-7.6 cm and cut them vertically down the side. The tubes will spin as the squirrels try to pass the wires between the tree and the building.

Method 3 of 3: Part Three: Scare off Protein with Capsacin

  1. 1 Dissolve 0.3 liters of hot sauce in 3.8 liters of water. Apply the mixture to tree trunks and other areas that chew on proteins.
    • Experts recommend this method only as a last resort. It can harm both people and pets, and this method is no more humane than trying to make your home less hospitable.
  2. 2 Explore the flowers and plants in your garden. If they are not very sensitive, you can apply capsacin to the plants themselves to prevent the proteins from feeding on them.
  3. 3 Mix poultry food with a little cayenne pepper. This can deter the squirrels from eating the poultry feed and will not harm the birds.

What do you need

  • Tree pruning tool
  • Roofer
  • Metal sheets
  • Metal grid
  • Metal springs
  • Fence
  • Newspapers
  • Safflower seeds
  • Hot sauce
  • Water
  • Bucket
  • Cayenne pepper