How to travel a long distance alone

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 26 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Travel Solo: Must Know Tips Before Traveling Alone
Video: How to Travel Solo: Must Know Tips Before Traveling Alone


Have you always loved to drive, but there was no one to keep you company? Or have you always enjoyed being alone, but never knew how to enjoy such a trip? Or is it that you find it hard to stay awake on long journeys? Our tips will help you solve all this!


  1. 1 Sit in the car, being aware of your presence, respecting yourself and having a good mood throughout the trip.
  2. 2 Make sure you have a good audio system in your car. Even if it's not a stereo system or tape recorder, a regular MP3 player or iPod with built-in speakers will solve the problem.
  3. 3 Bring plenty of water, juices and light snacks with you to grab a bite to eat during your trip. Don't take salty snacks. Give preference to fruit. They will not only give you energy, but they can also just be a snack between meals.
  4. 4 Check to see if you have enough oil, water, and other necessary machinery. Even having little things like a rag or first aid kit can play an important role.
  5. 5 Drive at a moderate speed - not too fast, not too slow. There is no need to rush. This will only make you more tired, and it will be harder for you to endure a long trip.
  6. 6 Listen to soothing music while you ride. On a long journey, the last thing you want to listen to is rock or metal. This will only increase your fatigue, and at the critical moment, you will start to get bored. Soul or instrumental music works best in such cases.
  7. 7 Don't eat too much. Eat light meals, but regularly. You don't want to ride on an empty stomach. This would be a disaster as driving is energy intensive. The best solution in this situation is to drink as much liquid as possible.
  8. 8 Try to navigate the MOST popular roads. While this goes against the most common principles, do not drive on new and dangerous roads, even if your car is designed to do so. Adverse weather combined with rocky roads is a deadly combination.
  9. 9 You do not need to constantly control the time and look at the clock. It will only throw you off balance. Spend as much time as necessary for each kilometer. Some sections of the path take longer, and some fly so fast that you do not have time to look back.
  10. 10 Regardless of whether it is hot or cold outside - periodically open the window. Fresh air will help you to cheer up a little and be more attentive.
  11. 11 While some may reject this recommendation, use cruise control when driving on open tracks to avoid speeding tickets. When you are driving on open, flat roads, it is very easy to drive at too high a speed.
  12. 12 Enjoy your ride! Long distance travel is the best way to relax and be alone with yourself! You get to know yourself much better!


  • Plan the entire route initially and know exactly where you are going. This will make you feel much more confident.
  • Always wear your seat belts.
  • Before starting your trip, make sure you have everything you need: driver's license, keys, money, water, juices, snacks, food, and so on.
  • Stick to the rules and be careful on the road.
  • Keep the interior cool enough to stay awake.
  • If you have nothing to do with yourself, you can sing a song or listen to music.
  • Stop driving if bad weather, such as heavy rain, bothers you.
  • Stick to less congested roads.
  • Drink coffee from time to time to stay awake.
  • Use navigation or road maps to get an idea of ​​how to get to a particular place in advance.
  • Make sure you're comfortable with slippers or a blanket.
  • Listen to an audiobook.
  • Always wear your seat belt
  • Try not to use a mobile phone. No wonder that in many countries the use of mobile phones while driving is prohibited! Sending text messages requires letting go of the steering wheel, which is a very dangerous thing in normal driving, and mobile phone conversations are distracting. If you need to use a mobile phone, park in a safe place. If you don't, your journey may end much earlier!


  • Fasten your seat belts
  • Do not go too fast, otherwise you may be stopped by the traffic police.
  • Don't be distracted from the road!
  • Do not correspond with your friends, but talk on the phone. Conversations are safer than correspondence.
  • Don't be bored!

What do you need

  • Food
  • The drinks
  • Slippers
  • Blanket
  • Pillow
  • iPod
  • Telephone
  • Car
  • Music