How to keep going forward and not giving up

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 19 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Keep Moving Forward (even when you don’t want to)
Video: How To Keep Moving Forward (even when you don’t want to)


Unfortunately, our life sometimes presents us with a whole series of troubles and problems. We are in a constant state of stress. We have to do our best to look great. In addition, we are in constant pursuit of material goods. We also strive to love and be loved. Therefore, it is not surprising that at times we can feel depressed. However, don't give up! If you are struggling to keep your footing, try redirecting your energy in the right direction, looking at things more broadly, and replenishing your psychic energy. Thanks to this, very soon you will feel “afloat”.


Method 1 of 3: Stay focused

  1. 1 Motivate yourself. Our desires very often do not align with what is expected of us at work. This can make us feel depressed. It becomes more and more difficult for us to carry out our daily tasks. However, during these challenging times in our lives, it is important to stay motivated. Do your best to stay focused on the task at hand.
    • Set long-term goals for yourself. If you are disappointed, take a step back and look at things wider. What do you do? Why are you doing it? Remind yourself how hard you have to work. Do not be lazy, then it will be difficult to catch up.
    • Remember your past victories. Try to recall events when you managed to do something worthwhile, for example, thanks to hard work, you received the title of "Best Employee of the Year" and were financially rewarded for your efforts. Or, you may have received approval from others for doing volunteer work. Such pleasant memories will help you to feel the ground under your feet again.
    • Also, think about your strengths. List your abilities and talents on a piece of paper. Self-esteem is the best source of motivation.
    • Reflect on what you have achieved during the day. In the evening, reflect on your day. Take a few minutes to do this. Make a list. You will probably be surprised how many items will be on your list.
    • If you are completely exhausted, consider taking a day off and rest. Alternatively, you can set aside one weekend day entirely for yourself. Rest and concentration will help you regain your strength.
  2. 2 Be flexible. Life is unpredictable and things don't always go as planned. When faced with unexpected problems at work, family, or financial difficulties, try to adapt to new circumstances. Be prepared for change and sometimes, unfortunately, even painful decisions. Without flexibility, you are unlikely to be able to take advantage of the opportunities that come your way.
    • One way to be flexible is to prepare for the opportunities that may unfold before you in the not too distant future. Think about what might happen in the future, and also imagine different scenarios for the development of events. In other words, try to see the big picture.
    • Get ready to learn new skills or guidelines to help you accomplish your goals. For example, instead of beating yourself up for missing out on a good job, look for ways to improve your efficiency and productivity.
    • Take risks. Success, as a rule, does not fall on us from the sky. Therefore, if you see an opportunity opening up before you, go to the meeting, even if you have to take risks to do so. Even if you fail, you will gain valuable experience and be successful in the future.
    • Don't keep your feelings to yourself. By being flexible, we have to go beyond what we're used to. This is associated with discomfort. Therefore, you may experience negative emotions. However, do not keep everything to yourself, from time to time let your feelings out.
  3. 3 Reduce the pace. As you strive to achieve your goal, you need to know when to stop to catch your breath. Thanks to this, you will be able to improve your physical and mental health, replenish your energy supply in order to continue on the path to your goal.
    • Select the pace you want. By alternating between work and rest, you will avoid fatigue. Also, change tasks as often as possible so you don't get overwhelmed by repetitive work.
    • Listen to your body. If you are chronically tired, you need rest. You can't be productive if you don't have enough energy. If you can afford it, set aside some time at lunchtime for a walk.
    • Get enough sleep to regain strength and wasted energy. As a rule, for adults, on average, 8 hours of sleep is sufficient. Good sleep has a beneficial effect on brain function. Not getting enough sleep makes a person irritable and tired. He also finds it difficult to concentrate.
    • Enjoy life. Music, books and films add variety to our lives. In addition, we enjoy pleasant communication with friends and family. An active social life helps you stay afloat.
  4. 4 Use your time wisely. Perfectionists find it difficult to prioritize their lives. For them, every task, no matter how big or small, is of great importance, so they do everything possible to complete it perfectly. However, perfectionism generates stress. Constant stress does not lead to anything good. Psychologists recommend learning to distinguish important tasks from urgent ones. They advise asking yourself the question: "What needs to be done now?" This question will help you understand what is really important at the moment. Thanks to this, you will be able to correctly prioritize your life.
    • Pay attention to situations where you are not making good use of your time. Be prepared to make adjustments as needed.
    • Try to list the tasks in order of importance and importance. Some tasks need to be completed first, so they will rank first on your list. Further on your list will be less significant tasks.
    • Complete the assigned tasks immediately, taking about 90 minutes to complete them. Then, in the evening, set aside about 10-15 minutes to think about what you want to achieve tomorrow. Create a new list if necessary.

Method 2 of 3: Take a Bigger View

  1. 1 Control everything you can control. It is very easy to focus on what you cannot change. For example, you may think that you have lost a good job or that you have not received a call after your interview. In addition, your employer may require you to work on tight deadlines. Take a breath. Unfortunately, you cannot influence the course of these events. So does it make sense to focus on this? Instead, it's best to give due consideration to what you can control.
    • As you know, there are both internal and external sources of stress that we can control. Instead of worrying about not getting a call back after your interview, think about where you went wrong. Then try to fix it.
    • Instead of complaining about tight deadlines, try organizing your time to increase productivity. This allows you to get the job done on a tight schedule.
    • Have you ever heard the phrase "being stoic"? Stoics are ancient philosophers who argued that no external benefits have value in terms of a happy life, human happiness depends only on an internal state. To be happy, we must focus on what we can control, namely our thoughts, behavior, and desires. When you are under stress, try to follow the guiding principle of stoicism.
  2. 2 Celebrate your victories, even small ones. Reward yourself for them. After all, little success is better than nothing at all. The reward will be a good reminder of your successes and victories. In addition, it will be an incentive to move on.
    • Don't throw a party every time you succeed. Treat yourself to something. For example, you can devote an evening to reading your favorite book, go to a cafe and enjoy delicious ice cream, or have champagne with your spouse.
    • Rewards can work wonders. Thanks to them, you will improve your self-esteem and motivation. Even the usual words of approval can cheer you up.
  3. 3 Take a broader view of things. Remember that every day and every challenge you face is only a small part of your life. You may feel depressed or discouraged, but at such moments, reflect on your place in this life, as well as how much effort you had to put in to achieve what you have at the moment. You haven't achieved much yet? Take a broader view of things. This will help you improve your state of mind.
    • Think about your past accomplishments. Do you feel that you are not working at your full capacity? Think back to the time when you became the best employee of the year and received an award. Think about how you manage to balance your professional life with parenting. Thanks to this, you will have a desire not to be satisfied with what has already been achieved.
    • You may not make as much as you would like and do not own an expensive car. However, think about what you have. Make a list of “blessings” you can be grateful for. Focus on what you have, not what you would like to have. You may be surprised at the size of this list.

Method 3 of 3: Improve Mental Health

  1. 1 Get support. Having people in your life that you can reach out to when faced with an unpleasant situation or simply when you need support, it will be easier for you to deal with stress. You don't have to have many friends. In fact, you can enlist the support of your family members, friends, or people close to you. The main thing is that you should feel support from them.
    • You don't need to have many friends to support you. The person who will support you does not have to become your "shoulder" in all areas of your life. For example, you can talk to a work colleague about problems related to your professional activities, or you can trust a close friend with more personal secrets and fears that bother you.
    • Seek help when you need it. If you are experiencing stress and your support group is unable to help you deal with it, find people who have faced the same problems as you and get their support.
    • Be proactive. Spend time with friends and family. Take time to chat with them.
  2. 2 Lead a healthy lifestyle. Physical health is closely related to mental health. For example, exercise and a healthy diet can dramatically improve your mental health and reduce stress levels. If you are feeling overwhelmed, consider whether you are neglecting the advice to lead a healthy lifestyle.
    • Exercise has a positive effect on mood, relieves muscle tension, improves blood circulation, and promotes the production of chemicals needed to maintain a good mood. Aim for at least 150 minutes per week to moderate physical activity, such as walking, swimming, or light aerobics.
    • A well-chosen diet is an important component of physical and mental health. Be sure to eat breakfast. Don't skip this important meal. Include the following foods in your diet: vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. This will give you enough energy to carry out your daily tasks throughout the day.
    • Be careful when taking natural psychotropic substances. Caffeine, found in coffee, tea, and energy drinks, gives a temporary feeling of increased energy, but after a while, you will experience feelings of anxiety, irritability, or anxiety.
  3. 3 Practice mindfulness. It is a Buddhist method that develops when we notice and acknowledge the present. Instead of dividing events into good and bad, try to evaluate them through the prism of emotions. The goal is to overcome suffering without trying to change yourself and the situation, but by focusing on what you are experiencing at the moment. Live in the moment.
    • Some people work on mindfulness through meditation. However, you do not need to meditate to practice mindfulness.
  4. 4 Consult with a psychotherapist. We all experience a decline in emotional strength from time to time. However, if you have been depressed or depressed for more than two weeks, consult a therapist. Appropriate treatment will improve your mood and help you stay motivated and focused.
    • Study the symptoms of depression. Are you tired most of the day? Have you lost interest in your favorite activities? Do you have no desire to communicate with friends? Do you find it difficult to focus on your daily tasks? Are you easily annoyed? These are all signs of depression.
    • Depression results from a variety of factors. Sometimes depression is the result of a physical illness. In other cases, it may be due to genetic inheritance and chemical imbalances in the brain, or it may be related to the stresses that fill our lives. If you think you are experiencing depression, then be sure to consult with a psychotherapist.


  • Remember that in the life of every person there are times when it seems that there is no more strength.
  • If you find it difficult to deal with problems, consult a therapist who can help you overcome what you are struggling with so persistently.