How to attract people

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 23 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
6 Ways To Attract Someone Without Saying ANYTHING
Video: 6 Ways To Attract Someone Without Saying ANYTHING


Have you ever wondered why guys and girls who are somewhat inferior to you (say, not as good looking or as erudite as you) are more successful in relationships with the opposite sex, while you, in spite of all your wonderful qualities, no one likes you? If this has ever happened to you, you will naturally ask yourself, “What's wrong with me? What do others have that I do not have? " After reading the article, you will learn what you need to do to make people interested in you and fall in love with you too.


Method 1 of 3: For girls

  1. 1 Make sure you look attractive. If you're not used to taking care of yourself, it's time to start improving. Above all, try to look neat and tidy - a lot of guys don't like disheveled and casually dressed girls (although maybe the guy you are interested in doesn't mind at all). Ditch old, shabby jeans and oversized T-shirts in favor of something that suits you. Wear items that you feel confident in.
    • Develop a sense of style and taste. You may not be one of those girls who groom and cherish themselves all day, but do not be afraid to take risks. Do you like bright colors? Great, start wearing them! Express your personality with accessories, be it earrings, scarves, or anything that makes you feel beautiful. Don't try to look like everyone else; set your own tone!
    • Don't overdo it with sexy clothes. Show your guy your beauty without flaunting too much. Sexuality is good, vulgarity is doubtful.
  2. 2 Be nice with boys. Everyone loves girls who act like “their boyfriend,” but don't let guys forget that you are also a pretty girl. Say nice things to your guy, laugh at his jokes, make him feel special. This is a surefire way to get him to ask for your number.
    • Don't try to impress a guy by swearing like a shoemaker. Act like a lady.
    • Speak in a softer tone - it's more feminine.
    • Compliment your guys. A sincere compliment makes a strong impression. If you sympathize with someone, compliment the personality you like. Don't overdo it: excessive praise is annoying.
    • Be romantic and sensitive. Make it clear to the guys that you need love and attention. Sometimes, if you don't tell them directly about it, they may forget that you also have feelings. Don't be afraid to speak up!
  3. 3 Spend time with other girls periodically. Even if guys often don't understand female friendships, they will respect you for having your own social circle. Don't be afraid to show your social independence.
  4. 4 Be mysterious. Little secrets of women fascinate guys. Don't give out too much information about yourself, and the guy will want to know more!
  5. 5 Don't say or do nasty things. Bad girls can be popular, but they often end up alone. Believe it or not, guys find skirmishes between women quite intimidating and will probably prefer to back down if they see how mean you can be at times. There is nothing wrong with being good. You can stand up for yourself without unnecessary anger.

Method 2 of 3: For Guys

  1. 1 Be yourself. When a young man, trying to impress a new acquaintance, begins to pretend to be something of himself, he most often looks like a pretentious fool. It's much wiser to be yourself. Moreover, it will be much easier to find a common language with the girls who really like you, because they share your true interests, and not the ones you invent to impress. Plus, a lot of girls like awkward shy guys who they find very nice.
  2. 2 Be athletic. Not only will this impress the girls, but it will also help to strengthen your muscles, thereby improving your appearance and creating a more masculine look.
  3. 3 Be fun and witty. Everyone likes funny guys; a good sense of humor is highly valued. Even if you couldn't tell a joke even at gunpoint, the girls will appreciate your efforts.
  4. 4 Show the sensitive side of yourself. For guys, this is perhaps the most difficult thing: many would rather bite their tongues and remain silent than talk about their feelings. However, girls are pleased to find that guys still have there is feelings. Showing that your feelings may be hurt, or that you care, does not mean showing weakness. On the contrary, it means that you have enough strength to overcome your fear of appearing vulnerable.
    • On the other hand, don't indulge in self-pity. Be a man when you need it; fear of everything and everyone will not lead you anywhere. If you run into problems, face them and try to solve them instead of denying their existence.
  5. 5 Don't look down on girls. Men and women are equal - it’s not the fifties. Chivalrous behavior and patronizing are not the same thing.
  6. 6 Behave like an adult. Show your girlfriend that you can have smart conversations. Competitions "who burps louder" and toilet humor can be funny, but consider who is in front of you. Many girls see this as a sign of immaturity.

Method 3 of 3: For both sexes

  1. 1 Dispose to communication. You may think that acting cold and cold is cool, but people are repelled by it. If you do not show that you are open to communication, even the guy or girl you are already like it, they will not dare to speak to you. If you are reserved and not sincere enough, the girls / guys who like you will not have the slightest desire to communicate with you. The Titanic is a vivid example of the fact that no one likes icebergs, and in our case, a cold, introverted person.
  2. 2 Flirt. The first step to starting a relationship with a boyfriend or girlfriend is to show interest in them. Don't be afraid to be rejected; comfort yourself with the thought that you at least tried. Over time, as you improve your flirting skills, it will increase your chances of someone liking you.
  3. 3 Show your affection. If you like someone, hint or tell them directly. The more love you give, the more you receive. Gently touch the person, play with their hair - these little gestures express affection and bring you closer. Help the person when they need it and show understanding when they talk about their problems. In general, show the person that they are important to you.
  4. 4 Demonstrate Confidence. Confidence is the key to success; this is what often decides between yes and no. A confident person can seem completely irresistible, even if in fact he is not quite like that. Confidence is a way to show people what a wonderful person you are. If you don't see your own good qualities, how can you expect others to do so? Determine what traits you like about yourself and draw the attention of the opposite sex to them. Emphasize all the best in yourself - not only in appearance, but also in your personality.
  5. 5 Try to earn a good reputation. You don't have to be popular to be liked by the opposite sex (although that would help, too), but a bad reputation lowers your chances of getting into a serious relationship. If you have a reputation as a womanizer or a hunter for men, a person with a big hello, an intolerable bore, an inveterate gossip, an amateur to do dirty tricks, and so on, those around you will be opposed to you in advance and will be reluctant to make contact.
  6. 6 Know how to take the first step. It often happens that the person you like cannot take the first step. You have two options: either wait until he starts flirting (which may never happen), or initiate the relationship yourself. It's not just guys. Traditionally, it is believed that it is the guy who should take the first step, but if the girl takes the initiative, there is nothing wrong with that. On the contrary, it is even recommended: the guy will admire your courage.
  7. 7 Do not be nervous. If you dwell on how scared you are, then you will be tormenting yourself in vain. Whatever you do, do it with confidence. When talking to someone you like, stay calm and try not to blush or get nervous. There is nothing to be afraid of: most likely, the guy or girl standing in front of you is as nervous as you are.
  8. 8 Make a good first impression. This may not be fair, but first impressions are long-lasting in a person’s memory and affect their opinion of you the most - even if the impression is false.
  9. 9 Take care of your appearance. This applies to both girls and boys; not only girls should look good in front of the opposite sex.
    • Maintaining good hygiene is the smallest thing anyone can do to improve their appearance. You should smell good; take a shower, use deodorant and, if desired, perfume. Keep your hair and teeth clean and free from bad breath. Clean and trim your nails, don't let them grow too long, especially if you're a guy. Wear clean, ironed clothing.
    • Dress well. Clothes do not have to be expensive, but they must be clean, fit and fit. Dressing tastefully is very important. If you are not an expert on how to choose and combine clothes correctly, ask someone who understands this to help you. It is imperative not to look like your blind grandmother is dressing you.
  10. 10 Smile. When a person smiles, he looks more cute, charming and attractive. A sincere smile can brighten someone's day. This is the best way to express interest in a person, and you definitely won't look stupid.
  11. 11 Don't annoy people. You might find annoying people funny, but people don't think so. Sometimes teasing or pranking a person is completely permissible and even welcome, but if you constantly bore a guy or a girl, this is a surefire way to push them away.
  12. 12 Be friendly. If for no reason you treat people badly or do not value them, many will put you on the list of “those I hate”. Nobody likes wicked, unfriendly people.
  13. 13 And of course, be yourself. On your way there will be many people who will like you for who you are, not how you look. There are people who will love you for your character, and not just for your appearance. If they fall in love with you just because you play on a football team or participate in KVN, but no one knows about your passion for singing or karate, what's the point?


  • There are self-evident things that you know about without our articles - do not burp, do not fart, do not pick your nose.
  • Wear sexy perfume. When you are close to a person, the pleasant scent is very attractive. The main thing is not to overdo it.
  • Wear clothing that makes you feel calm and confident.For example, if you like short skirts, but of a certain length, choose this length, and if you like long skirts, wear them. This applies to any other clothing, makeup and hairstyle.
  • Don't do anything strange or unreasonable. People may think that you don't have every home.
  • One of the traits that most people look for in the opposite sex is intelligence. Do not play the fool just so that you are not called a "nerd"; moreover, one should not deliberately answer the questions incorrectly for the same purpose. All that you will get as a result is a bad grade and laughter from your classmates at your ridiculous answer.
  • Teasing someone in a friendly way is a way of expressing interest in them.
  • Stop thinking that you should only be carried away by people of the same subculture as you. We are all human; we weren't born mods / skaters / hooligans / artites / punks / em / whatever. The labels were invented for cans, not people. Try to ignore the unwritten rules set by a small group of classmates and be friends with everyone. You will find yourself surrounded by wonderful people, as well as attractive guys or girls that you have not noticed until now.
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle. Take care of your body. The first step to being loved is to love yourself, and the best way to do this is to eat right, get enough rest and exercise.
  • Be patient. Regardless of who you are and what you are, the time will come and someone will love you too. You just need to wait for that very person.


  • Remember, being physically attractive is not enough to please people. You need more than looks and flirting skills. Surely you want to hear from others not “he / she is a very hot thing, it would be great to sleep with him / her”, but “he / she is just a miracle, I think I fell in love / fell in love”. Do you feel the difference?