How to attract a Sagittarius man

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 15 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
Video: HOW TO ATTRACT A SAGITTARIUS MAN | Hannah’s Elsewhere


Sagittarius guys are the most exciting, adventurous, eccentric and charming men. Sagittarius or the zodiac centaur is a zodiac sign that loves freedom, adventure, and passion. To conquer the freedom-loving centaur, you will need all your acting skills. Follow the steps below to win the hearts of all Sagittarius in the world.


Part 1 of 2: Character Traits That Should Prevail

  1. 1 Get ready for change. Sagittarius guys are constantly expanding the boundaries of their horizons. They are irrepressible in pursuit of new knowledge, in search of new unexplored places and new adventures. If you are going to conquer the archer, you have to be spontaneous and easy-going.
    • There is no better way to show your flexibility than inviting Sagittarius to embark on a crazy adventure. Something like, "hey, I know a club that has a swimming pool on the roof. Would you like to sneak in and slip onto the roof? " will instantly win the undivided attention of your archer. Of course, your plan may not be as thoughtful (or risky). A simple invitation to go where you have long wanted to visit, or an offer to try a mind-blowing cocktail that the bartender makes in secret will also intrigue him.
  2. 2 Open up gradually. Be mysterious. Sagittarius guys adore young ladies who always don't talk a little about themselves. Don't spill your entire life story on a second date. On the contrary, disclose information about yourself in portions. Sagittarius is ruled by the planet Jupiter, which means they love riddles. Make him comprehend you.
    • When he asks you questions about you, answer something like, "Do you really want to know?" or "maybe I'll tell you ... on our next date."
  3. 3 Speak the truth. Being mysterious and out of reach does not mean you have to invent or pretend to appear so. Usually Sagittarius are great at defining character, which means they will feel a fake laugh from a mile away. When you are around him, always be honest and speak the truth.
    • The trust of Sagittarius guys is usually easy to win, but they will never believe again if you fool them one day.Be as truthful as possible. Because if he catches you lying, he most likely will not be able to forget it for a long time and is unlikely to call again.
  4. 4 Be optimistic. This means accepting everything with a light heart. Be fun and playful and avoid expressing negative emotions when you are together. Sagittarius are most often in a joyful mood. These are active people who like to have a good time. Try not to complain or speak negatively about other people. Relax and have fun with your Sagittarius. Smile and laugh a lot, and make fun suggestions like going out on the dance floor or doing something fun together.
  5. 5 Challenge him. Sagittarius guys breathe unevenly towards unpredictable girls who always make them guess. It is not necessary to pretend to be touchy. But make him a little nervous. Be out of reach and let him win your love. Don't show your interest. Be indifferent to him, but don't ignore him.
    • Sagittarians love to be intellectually challenged. You have to be smart to catch the centaur in your net. Discuss with him about topics that interest both of you. Play devil's advocate and take the opposite side (even if you secretly agree with him).
  6. 6 Travel a lot. Sagittarius guys never stay in one place for a long time. Therefore, you must adore travel in order to gain the attention of a Sagittarius. At the beginning of the conversation, ask him about his travels and share your experience (this can be a good opportunity to play a riddle, giving ambiguous answers about the choice of certain places).
    • Suggest anything that involves small trips. Plan a day of adventure in which you two can explore an area unknown to both of you. Take a car, get out of town and stop at every place that you find interesting (the largest corn maze? Why not! A pastry shop on a large farm, where, among other things, you will be taught how to milk cows? Great idea! ... etc.). etc.)
  7. 7 Flirt. Sagittarius guys love to flirt. Don't be afraid to just walk up to him and start a conversation with him (very flirty conversation). A Sagittarius will love your confidence and will be flattered by your attention. And with a high probability, he will respond with flirting to your flirting.
    • To get his attention before speaking to him, make eye contact? when he is on the opposite side of the room. Catch his gaze and then look away while smiling slightly. Then slowly turn your gaze back to him and do not stop looking until he stops looking back. Let your gaze be inviting.
  8. 8 Don't overdo it. The main thing is not to seem sticky. The main personality trait of Sagittarius is the love of freedom. This guy needs a girl who won't cling to him or restrict his freedom when he wants to go on a trip by car or just be alone.
    • When you and your partner begin to communicate, make it clear that you can be independent and that you do not need to serve. If you are at the bar during this time, buy yourself something to drink and suggest that he also order something for himself. This will show him that you do not expect him to be helpful.

Part 2 of 2: Getting the Right Look

  1. 1 Always look your best. No man can resist a woman who looks adorable. Why is Sagittarius worse? Sagittarians love tight-knit, well-dressed and sexy women. However, sexuality doesn't have to be obvious.
    • If you know your boyfriend is going to a party or to a bar where you are headed, then this is the time to put on a new flirty dress and those sexy stilettos. No man (including Sagittarius) can resist you.
  2. 2 Smell a stunning perfume. Sagittarius are crazy about women who smell fresh and delicious. No seriously, they adore girls who smell so delicious they want to eat them. Try aromas with hints of citrus and orange bouquet. A queue of Sagittarius is guaranteed to line up around you as soon as you enter.
    • Hint: Always carry a small bottle of perfume or deodorant with you. That way you can cool off and smell good again, even though you walked 20 blocks to get to the bar.
  3. 3 Play on merit. Do you have sky blue eyes? Are your legs exorbitant? Or maybe your main asset is your hair. Whatever it is, make him notice it. Choose clothes that showcase your dignity. Apply makeup that will make your look irresistible and style your hair for the perfect hairstyle.
  4. 4 Let your look radiate confidence and personality. Sagittarius love confident girls. Do not doubt your beauty, strength and intelligence. Show everyone that you know about it. A woman who knows that she is beautiful is much sexier than the one who constantly worries about her hair, clothes, makeup, etc.


  • Don't lose your personality in pursuit of Sagittarius. You don't have to completely change to get his attention. Stay true to yourself and attractive to him.