How to attract good luck

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 4 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
How To Attract GOOD LUCK
Video: How To Attract GOOD LUCK


Even if you think that this is impossible, you have every chance of attracting good luck to yourself. Be prepared to seize opportunities when they arise - there is nothing mystical about it. Everyone knows how to manage their life - at any age and in any situation.


  1. 1 Be persistent and proactive. If you do not follow your own path, then no one can and will not do it for you. Why is it to others? You can and should change, create and do everything in your own way. A chance is a lucky chance, but by attracting luck to yourself, you will no longer wait for this pure chance.
    • Risky venture: This good fortune requires positive initiative efforts and new ideas from you. No risk - no benefit! No cost - no progress, no success! There will be no "get up and do" - and there will be no events, there will be no good luck.
    • Avoid unnecessary mindless risk... You cannot control the likelihood of an event, but you can do anything to improve the situation. Believe that everything happens depending on your approach to life.
  2. 2 Believe in the goal. Write it down and prepare a “detailed plan” for your luck. Use a branded napkin or a stub of paper (even with regular coffee stains) - what is now at hand. When you prepare your paper, think about the following:
    • Title your plan “Luck for _____” (one of your areas of interest). If you cannot form a thought, it's okay - you have time for this. Such ideas can be the most mundane or take time and effort; most importantly, they will apply to your "luck".
    • Make a list of ideas for your chosen goal and write down what you think about the topic. For now, don't spend too much time putting together a plan - you can polish it up a little later.
    • Copy your plan later on to a more suitable piece of paper if you used a regular napkin now.
  3. 3 Set deadlines for your goals. Timing makes daily progress more tangible. Make your own plan of action and follow it. In the process, polish your plan and try to be open to new possibilities.
    • Think about the background. This means a certain order of things, like doing 101A before doing 102B, if that matters. This may require you to place your goals in a logical sequence.
    • Make descriptions of the categories of your goals. Categories are better suited to short-term goals that have no connection whatsoever. Add small sub-points to each goal to get a clearer picture of the journey.
  4. 4 Expect great ideas to dawn on you, but don't worry if you don't get inspired right away. Carefully work through all your doubts, reflect and reflect on the questions related to your goal.
    • Get ready for new ideas. Once inspiration hits you, find a way to write down your thoughts. If you don’t write them down now, you’ll be wondering later, “And what was that thought? If you don't focus enough on your idea, don't develop and implement it, you will ruin your luck (but if you have ideas and you believe in them, you can make positive changes on many levels).
  5. 5 Raise the bar on your expectations. It doesn't matter where you are (or where you want to be), you can go beyond mere existence. Raise your goals in any way you can.
    • Realize that successful people focus on "really doing something," not just "pushing yourself."
    • Do not wait in vain for something - understand that eternal procrastination in anticipation of something good cannot be an excuse.
  6. 6 Work faster, but not harder. Use connections with other people to achieve your goals. Do your best, look for new ways to achieve what you need.
    • Find yourself a partner. Bill Gates and Steve Jobs had a technical expert and partner at the start. Partnership with a person who knows an area in which you are not a specialist will expand your opportunities, give more space and strength for your own development.
    • Never assume that you have to use your luck alone - others can help you with this activity (just make sure you do something in return - it doesn't have to be one-sided support).
    • Be ready when you see an opportunity. Here is the main secret in attracting good luck - people prepare themselves for this for too long and sit idle waiting, and after all, initially the whole process can take a long time.
  7. 7 Look for new knowledge and opportunities. When you know how to improve your life, or the lives of those around you, you make your way and charge forward. When you know which direction to go, you can find what you were looking for, chase the goals written in your plan, focus on your task and your path.
    • Build up your knowledge. For example, gain experience and knowledge through training and observation. Or, to speed up the process, find yourself a mentor to guide you along your chosen path - someone with real life experience.
    • Observe the work of others without giving them a hassle. Creative people need some freedom and time to collect their thoughts and keep working. Learn to listen, use your sense of humor, and relax together. Arguments with a person who has the same active position and the same goals as yours is inevitable, so be prepared for a discussion and never in vain rest on your point of view. Be flexible, but be sure to promote worthy innovations and improvements.
    • Be a DIY genius. For example, to play several musical instruments, you have to understand that you need to practice every day for years and never stop, this will take a thousand hours.The same goes for academic talent: devote yourself completely to this activity and remember that real results take time.
    • Learn to speak publicly. Even not performing in front of a crowd can help you become convincing and better in the areas you need.
  8. 8 Keep a positive attitude. Believe in yourself. Don't say, "I never had talent." People who think this way usually want something but don't try or quit almost immediately.
    • When choosing between joy and happiness, choose joy. Happiness can come when you motivate yourself and use your time wisely. Enjoy your work. Smile sincerely and try to avoid fake or forced smiles.
    • Learn to love "hated" things: love your job - work, study, keep a record of your business / your study notes.
  9. 9 Be persistent. Remember: some popular singers became famous with initially weak abilities, some celebrities became famous without much beauty, talent or connections because they were persistent and believed in what they were doing and went forward, forward, forward. In the end, the key to getting lucky is to finish what you started or find a new way and try again.


  • Review your goals periodically and use them as a checklist. Keeping track of your progress will help you understand the kind of luck you are creating for yourself.
  • You cannot force yourself to think creatively. If you can't think of something new, then put your notebook or paper aside.
  • Believe in your result. See further:
    • How to do well in school
    • How to get an affordable college education
    • How to improve school learning.


  • Never even allow the thought of giving up everything, even if you are old, gray-haired and weak. You can always attract good luck to yourself.