How to toilet train a Chihuahua

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 22 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
How to easily potty train Chihuahua puppy? Effective potty training tips
Video: How to easily potty train Chihuahua puppy? Effective potty training tips


Chihuahuas are notorious for having difficulty toilet training. Follow the steps below to train your dog to be clean.


  1. 1 Start teaching Chihuahuas at an early age. You should and can start training your dog at 8 weeks of age. Learning takes time, so move slowly and have patience. Note that the older the Chihuahua is, the more difficult it is to train it. After two years, these dogs are almost impossible to retrain.
  2. 2 Use imprisonment. This means that until the dog is toilet trained, it will not be allowed to move freely around the house.
  3. 3 Take your Chihuahua outside regularly (every couple of hours).
  4. 4 Observe the Chihuahua's behavior to understand when she wants to use the toilet. This way you will be able to send the dog outside in a timely manner.
  5. 5 Give the Chihuahua a treat when she goes to the toilet where she should.
  6. 6 If you find an oversight on the floor, point to this place to the dog, strictly say "Phew!"and send her outside. Update This is not true. So you will not teach the dog not to go to the toilet at home, the dog will simply understand that the poop on the floor makes you very angry, and not that it is bad. Never clean up after a dog in front of her. Take her outside after any activity. This includes games, feeding, time in a cage. Remember to praise your dog for going to the bathroom outside (and not just sniffing everything there) and give him a little treat as soon as you are done. Some even give a treat before everything is done, which is also good. Finally, always aim your puppy for success. This means that you must not lose sight of him, you must constantly monitor his behavior. If the puppy begins to sniff and sit down, then this is a clear sign that he wants to go to the toilet.
  7. 7 Be patient. Chihuahua toilet training takes time.
  8. 8 If you are having trouble training your dog, try contacting a training instructor. Find a training program that works for you and your dog. In such a situation, the best way out is to get professional help. Just be careful when choosing an instructor, so you will not waste your money, and your dog will receive the professional training it needs!


  • Patience! Have patience!
  • If your dog does something wrong, be firm but courteous.
  • Be delicate
  • Learn to share your dog's feelings and not get angry if he can't do everything right away.
  • Don't be violent or yell at Chihuahuas. Be a loving host.


  • You can get angry with a Chihuahua, but it's best not to!