How to pretend to be sober

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 5 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Fake Being Sober
Video: How to Fake Being Sober


Attention:this article is intended for people over 18 years of age.

Acting like a sober person can be easy or difficult. It all depends on how much you drink and what you do. The most important thing is to know your norm. If you do not monitor the amount you drink, at some point you will not be able to restrain yourself, no matter how well you are able to control your behavior. However, keeping an eye on how much you drink can give the impression that you are sober. It is important to understand on what grounds people understand that a person is drunk. Don't show them what they expect to see, and you will be able to mislead many, if not all.


Method 1 of 4: How to hide obvious signs

  1. 1 Make sure your eyes are always open and clear. Drunk people often have their eyes closed or watery. Try to keep your eyes open and don't let them close. Blink quickly and often. If you drink, you may develop eye irritation. Fight redness with eye drops.
  2. 2 Find a place, sit down and don't get up. If you walk, you will draw attention to yourself, stumble, and maybe even fall. People will understand that you are drunk because of the lack of coordination of movements. If you need to go some distance, do it quickly. If you pick up speed, you won't stumble. Hold onto stationary objects (handrails, tables, chair backs) so your brain can compensate for your lack of balance.
  3. 3 be careful. Drunk people often distance themselves. They are immersed in their own thoughts and do not notice what is happening around. Stay involved in what is happening. Listen to conversations, observe what is happening around, react if someone tries to get your attention.
  4. 4 Try to say little. Slurred speech, bragging, repetition, and inappropriate remarks are signs of alcohol intoxication. Alcohol does not allow you to appreciate how normal you are, so you will not understand that you are talking like a drunk person. Don't let speech give it away. Limit your conversations to short answers.
  5. 5 Talk about simple topics. Difficult thoughts become more difficult to express under the influence of alcohol. If you decide to try to explain what you mean, it might give you away. Try to suppress the urge to share with people the awesome thoughts that have visited you: a business idea, a desire to marry a woman you met 15 minutes ago, and so on. All of this may sound good now, but in reality it may not be like that at all.
  6. 6 Say that you are sick or tired. Natural fatigue often resembles drunkenness. If anyone asks if you are drunk, come up with a plausible explanation. Most likely, people will decide to believe you.
  7. 7 Eat something that smells strong. Oranges, potato chips, curries, garlic, and mints can mask the smell of alcohol (and tobacco). These products have strong and not always pleasant smells, but they are quite common, so people are unlikely to suspect that you are trying to hide the smell of alcohol behind them.
  8. 8 Use eau de toilette or scented deodorant. When a person is drunk, his whole body, not just his breath, smells of alcohol. Until the liver has finished breaking down alcohol, the body will exude a sweetish, easily recognizable smell of alcohol.Mask that smell with a strong deodorant like Old Spice.
  9. 9 Brush your teeth. Alcohol dries out the oral cavity and enhances the growth of bacteria. Bad breath is often associated with the smell of alcohol. If you can't mask the smell of alcohol from your mouth with food, try brushing your teeth, rinsing your mouth with mouthwash, and drinking plenty of water to rehydrate your body.

Method 2 of 4: How to proceed

  1. 1 Assess your basic instincts when you are not suppressing them. Alcohol allows a person to get rid of some artificial self-restraints. If you usually worry about what people think of you, alcohol can help you relax and stop worrying. It also means that you can show some of your instincts. If you usually hold back so as not to start a fight, alcohol can break you down. If you know that you have similar problems, you should not only learn to manage yourself, but also work on your qualities.
    • If you get angry while under the influence of alcohol, you may also feel angry throughout the day. In this case, if you want to act like a sober person, you might want to go for an anger management class. There you will be able to master a number of techniques that will allow you not to lose your temper in any state.
  2. 2 Ask your friends what they see when you are drunk. If you yourself cannot soberly assess the situation because of alcohol, your sober friends will be able to assess your condition by external signs. Ask them to list the changes in your behavior and give examples. You will need to learn how to hide these changes in order to appear sober.
    • Ask your friends what kind of person you become when you drink. Even if your friends are unable to provide specific examples of strange behavior, they will clearly feel who you are becoming. Some people become very cheerful under the influence of alcohol. Others become angry and aggressive. There are other types, but you can start by discussing these two.
  3. 3 Record yourself on video or tape recorder when drunk. You probably know how you behave when sober. If you record yourself drunk, you may be able to spot more differences than your friends can. If you think your friends' observations are wrong, you can check it yourself. It also gives you clear evidence of your drunken behavior. With the help of the recording, you can identify signs by which you can tell that you are drunk.
    • You don't have to do it yourself and record large chunks. Ask a friend to put you on the phone until you see. Try recording your voice later to understand how you speak when you are sober.
  4. 4 Make a list of signs by which you can determine that you have drunk. If you want to prevent people from realizing that you are drunk, you need to try to behave normally. Drunk people are easily recognizable by their behavior patterns. If you ask your friends to describe you drunk, as well as make video and audio recordings, you will have certain information. It is important to identify specific signs and write them down. Then you can work on them.
  5. 5 Know what you can and cannot do. Some signs can be learned to hide with practice. However, you will need to be not too drunk while doing this. When you've made your list of signs, have a drink. When drunk, try to behave as normal as possible. Re-read the list of personal signs of drunkenness and try not to do anything that is indicated there. If it's too difficult, chances are that you are too drunk. Next time, try drinking less and acting like a sober person with that amount of alcohol.
    • Remember, the more you drink, the more difficult it will be for you to hide your drunkenness.If you keep drinking, at some point you will no longer be able to control yourself.
    • Not all signs can be hidden. Don't let people notice these signs. For example, if you know you smell like alcohol, don't get too close to people.

Method 3 of 4: How to behave

  1. 1 Practice dealing with the signs of drunkenness. Try to make an effort on yourself. If you are too drunk to hide the signs of drunkenness, try to overcome them. Ask a sober friend to rate your progress. Try to act like a sober person until you start to seem sober to your sober friend.
  2. 2 Remember the circumstances. Circumstances will not be favorable in all situations. Being sober in a bar is not the same as trying to appear sober at a bus stop or in front of angry parents. Even if you make an effort on yourself, you will not be able to pretend sober with the same success in all situations. If you know you are facing a new situation, wait until you sober up a bit and try to play sober again.
  3. 3 Try taking sobriety tests. If a traffic police officer stops you and does not have a breathalyzer with him, he may ask you to take a sobriety test. Many of the test elements are designed to be more difficult to complete as the degree of intoxication increases. If you've never taken one of these tests before, you may be too nervous to act soberly because you are unfamiliar with these tests.
    • Ask a sober friend to rate your progress on assignments. Let him analyze your actions the way a police officer would. This will let you know what you are doing wrong.
  4. 4 Avoid situations in which you cannot pretend to be sober. Some actions can give you away anyway, as they cannot be avoided. Even if you learn to control yourself enough to seem sober, your body can give you away. A breathalyzer may show that your body has not broken down alcohol as quickly as you hoped. The vocal cords, eye muscles, and legs may not behave the way you would like. If your physical condition does not allow you to hide your drunkenness, avoid situations in which you have to pretend to be sober.
    • If you are stopped by a traffic police officer, follow all his instructions. If you refuse to take a sobriety test or breathe in a breathalyzer, this decision can have negative consequences. By obtaining a driver's license, you agree to all terms, including checks. If you refuse to follow police orders, you may be charged.

Method 4 of 4: How to Control Your Drunkenness

  1. 1 Eat before you drink. This will create a barrier in the stomach so that alcohol does not enter the bloodstream too quickly. The rapid penetration of alcohol into the bloodstream can cause severe intoxication. Because of this, you may temporarily lose the ability to behave like a sober person. It is important not to lead to this state. In order to behave like a sober person, it is important to be able to control yourself.
  2. 2 Keep track of how many drinks you drink. This will keep you from drinking too much and acting like a sober person. Know your rate. When you start drinking, mark the time to yourself. Then count how many drinks you have been drinking since now. If you know that you will not be able to behave like a sober person, remember how many drinks you drank, and try not to go beyond that value the next time.
    • How your body interacts with alcohol depends on the amount of drinks, the time, your weight, and your biological gender. The body assimilates alcohol constantly, but at a certain rate. If you keep track of how much you drank, you can calculate your blood alcohol content.This will allow you to determine after which value you cannot behave soberly. Do not go beyond this value.
    • A glass, a glass, or a shot of alcohol causes intoxication at about the same rate. A can of beer contains about the same amount of alcohol as a glass of wine or a shot of spirits. If you drink beer at a party, keep bottle caps or aluminum openers to remember how much you drank. If you're at a bar, ask the bartender how many drinks you drank.
  3. 3 Alternate between alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. Not only will this keep you from drinking more, but it will also ease the symptoms of your hangover. Dilute blood alcohol by drinking other liquids. Alcohol dehydrates the body, so drinking other beverages can help rehydrate your body.
  4. 4 Get the support of a sober friend. Keeping someone sober can help you avoid unwanted behavior. With a sober friend with you, you won't get lost trying to find your car. There are mobile apps that can help you in these situations. However, a sober friend will also be able to tell you that you have had enough to drink. The person will see that you can no longer behave with dignity. Ask a friend to watch you so that you stop in time. Thanks to this, you will not drink more than you should.
  5. 5 Reduce your susceptibility to alcohol in a safe way. The human body has a certain sensitivity to alcohol, which can decrease over time. If you haven't been drinking for a while, you will notice that a couple of drinks are enough for you to feel the effects of alcohol. Regular alcohol consumption lowers your susceptibility to alcohol, so you can drink more and behave like a sober person.
    • Of course, you shouldn't drink just to reduce your susceptibility. Doctors recommend that men consume no more than two servings of alcoholic beverages a day, and women - no more than one.


  • Even if it seems to you that you are sober, in no case get behind the wheel. Do not drive or do anything that could endanger you or others.
  • Call an ambulance for a person who has stopped responding to external influences after drinking alcohol. Alcohol poisoning can lead to death.
  • Excessive alcohol consumption can damage the brain, liver, and memory loss.